method of Ohkawa |
a |
final volume of 4.0 ml, 0.2 ml of 8.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate and 1.5 ml
Statistical |
differences |
in |
AChE |
activity |
on |
aluminium |
exposure |
within |
each |
brain |
region |
are |
presented |
in |
Fig |
activity |
was |
significantly decreased (p<0.05-p<0.001) in the brain regions. Decreased |
AChE |
activity |
in |
hippocampus |
(16%) |
and |
mid |
brain |
(11%) |
were |
statistically significant. Decrease |
in |
AChE |
activity |
was |
found |
to |
highest in olfactory lobe followed by medulla oblongata, striatum