administered |
at |
dose |
of |
320 |
body |
weight. |
The |
final |
administered to the rats were
constant |
at |
1.0 |
ml. |
Control |
rats |
Animals |
were |
sacrificed |
by |
decapitation. |
The |
brain |
was |
quickly |
isolated and dissected on a glass plate over ice and the brain regions
regions were weighed immediately and |
homogenized |
in |
a |
Potter-Elvehjem |
tissue homogenizer (20 mg of tissue/ml). The homogenate was centrifuged
acetylthiocholine |
iodide |
in |
0.1 |
M |
sodium |
phosphate |
buffer |
(pH |
8.0) |
according to the method of Ellman et al.,
Lipid peroxidation level of the brain regions was determined |
by |
assay of malonaldehyde in 0.25 M sucrose tissue homogenate following the |