The Bad Faith of Microsoft
Deception, broken promises, dishonesty, cheating, vaporware. To a
ruthless extreme, Microsoft puts its own interests ahead of those of its
partners and customers. Microsoft only devotes resources to fix
problems as needed to crush the competition... otherwise problems do not
get fixed. Microsoft holds back technical secrets to give its own
application programmers a competitive edge. Microsoft introduces code
into its operating systems to create a false impression that the
products of competitors are failing due to bugs. Choosing one Microsoft
product locks you in to other Microsoft products until Microsoft owns
you. Microsoft is not worthy of your trust.
Apple: MS 'Sabotaged' QuickTime
"Microsoft created misleading error messages when people tried to
use QuickTime and introduced technical changes or bugs so that
QuickTime software sometimes didn't work properly."
Appraising Microsoft Conference
"Unsafe at any speed"
Chasing Bugs in the Electronic Village by James Gleick
Microsoft refuses to fix bugs in Word for Windows despite years
of nagging by customers.
Did Microsoft 'steal' Media Player 9 technology?
Differences Between NT Server and Workstation are Minimal
Registry Settings Used to Force Use of Microsoft Web Server
Financial Fraud
flawed Linux vs. NT shootout
Fortress Microsoft
"It is not a good sign when executives at America's largest and most
important software company begin to act like monotone-voiced
cultists. Fanaticism and business can make a potent combination,
and few countries cultivate career obsession more than the United
States. Yet there is a point beyond which commitment becomes
catastrophe -- and relentless adhesion to a corporate culture leaves
no room for the glimmering light of reality to seep in."
From Microsoft Word to Microsoft World: How Microsoft is Building
a Global Monopoly
Gates "on the warpath"
"Microsoft's chairman Bill Gates in a seething email threatened to
destroy @Home, a cable venture offering high-speed Internet access,
because of its "anti- Microsoft" stance, according to documents
released in the Microsoft antitrust trial."
The Halloween Document
Microsoft's plan to thwart the open source movement.
Will Java Break Windows? By George Gilder
"They are frankly baffled by the widespread demand for
cross-platform solutions and ascribe them to predatory schemes by
their rivals. Why not make the Internet into a LAN? Aren't the
holdouts with unpopular operating systems merely bad losers?"
Making Microsoft Safe for Capitalism by James Gleick
Microsoft Dominance Hurts Consumers
Microsoft ploy to block Sun exposed
MicroSpeak by James Gleick
The tortured rhetoric used by Microsoft when circumstances force
them to acknowledge bugs.
.Net vote rigging illustrates importance of Web services
Sun Microsystems' Reality Checks
Big Brother? Look Who's Talking.
Microsoft redefines business as usual
NT Not Ready for Prime Time, Says IT Managers and Analysts
Shades of Lady Macbeth from Microsoft
The Standish Group Responds to Microsoft Attack
"We are astonished that rather than use the results of our
independent analysis to better their product offering, Microsoft
would choose to attack The Standish Group."
"All the thirty users interviewed complained of NT availability
concerns, stating the system often crashed for no apparent reason
and required a reboot. When Standish asked Microsoft why NT had
these availability problems, they responded stating they recently
completed a new feature: the system will now reboot 50% faster."
"Our report stated what is widely known in the industry today - NT
is just not ready for mission-critical applications. "
Zero Degrees Fahrenheit
Sun: MS Aims to hijack Java
"According to internal Microsoft documents, the company views Java
as a threat to its dominance in operating systems because a computer
user running Java could run numerous applications without using
Microsoft products. Critics say Microsoft responded to the threat by
sabotaging Java's "write once, run anywhere" promise."
Take away my browser and I'll crash your system!
"Microsoft, in other words, behaved like a surly kid who, resenting
some parental order, throws a tantrum by obeying too well: "Throw
out my comic books? I'll show you!" -- and Dad finds the
encyclopedia in the trash can, too."
Taking the fifth:
Why Microsoft has more than executive image at stake with Windows NT 5.0
They know what's best for you
Trust me, I'm From Microsoft
What's Really Behind Microsoft's New Commitment to Data Security
What's wrong with Microsoft?
Why is this man laughing?
Windows 2000, Users Zilch The Y2K Disaster Parading as Microsoft's
Windows NT Marketing Plan
"...the last stable version of NT isn't Y2K-ready, the version that
is supposed to be Y2K ready isn't reliable, and Microsoft's answer
is to shift your entire system to a new OS that probably won't be
reliable, either."
See Also
Bill Gates
Alternatives to Microsoft
Humor and Flamage
Microsoft information for
Support from a business perspective for your decision
to not purchase Microsoft products.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Technical shortcomings of Microsoft