Alternatives to Microsoft
"...breaks the tight integration between
Windows98 and Internet Explorer"
Beware the penguin, Bill
The Best Windows File Server: Linux!
Caldera DR-DOS
The Elements Of Style: UNIX As Literature
"NT just didn't offer room to move. The one-size-fits-all,
point-and-click, we've-already-anticipated-all-your-needs world of
NT had me yearning for those obscure command-line flags and man
-k. I wanted to craft my own solutions from my own toolbox, not have
my ideas slammed into the visually homogenous, prepackaged, Soviet
world of Microsoft Foundation Classes."
Fight to the Finnish
Why Linux Quite Appropriately Scares the Bejesus Out of Microsoft
The Great Linux-vs-NT Debate
The Microsoft-Free Office
Is NT paranoid or is Unix out to get it?
Why NT's tightly coupled GUI is a bad idea
Java Break Windows? By George Gilder
"They are frankly baffled by the widespread demand for
cross-platform solutions and ascribe them to predatory schemes by
their rivals. Why not make the Internet into a LAN? Aren't the
holdouts with unpopular operating systems merely bad losers?"
J. P. Software
Home of COMMAND.COM replacements 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT, and other
fine products.
Linux as a Replacement for Windows 2000
Linux Grows Up:
Red Hat's commercial Linux beats NT at its own game
Linux Up Close: Time To Switch
Linux versus NT: Are you getting the most from your OS?
Linux Is The Web Server's Choice
Microsoft Exchange versus Sendmail: Views of Other MIS
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX
An open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework
The new Unix alters NT's orbit
The next battleground: Linux vs. Windows?
NT vs. Unix: An uphill battle
The Novell Advantage over Windows 2000
The Open Source page
Operating System Sucks-Rules-O-Meter
Providing Reliable NT Desktop Services by Avoiding NT Server
Replacing Windows NT Server with Linux
Samba 2.0: A License To Kill NT?
Sharity, an SMB/CIFS client for Unix
Software Wars
SUN Also Rises: Solaris Vs. NT
Tired of NT? Put on your Red Hat
Unix gaining in NT rivalry
The Unix vs. NT Organization
What Alternatives Are There to Microsoft?
World's Fastest Windows Server Software
See Also
Bill Gates
bad faith of Microsoft
Humor and Flamage
Microsoft information for
Support from a business perspective for your decision
to not purchase Microsoft products.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Technical shortcomings of Microsoft