Good counselors and lay care-givers must have "emotional intelligence."
We need more than the dry "tips" in books to convince someone we really care and understand.
It takes "guts" and being centered to offer peace and calm to someone sharing horrible pain.
We offer you several tools that will help sensitize you to those you wish to give insight and comfort:
Grief Support Multi-Media Aids Price List
You Don't Get Over It, You Get Perspective PAMPHLET 8 PANELS $15/100+$3
Ishmael's Grief AUDIO CASETTE 22:00 $10 ea.+$3
Birth of Wonder AUDIO CASETTE 13:00 $9 ea.+$3
Grief Is Wanting What You Cannot Have VHS VIDEO 43:00 $22 ea.+$3 Gettysburg Wounded It AUDIO CASETTE 40:00 $10 ea.+$3 Antietam Wounded AUDIO CASETTE 30:00 $10 ea.+$3 Price: $15 per hundred (100) plus $5 for handling and shipping. Delivery time: one week.
Price: $10 each plus $3 for handling and shipping. Add $1 for each additional unit ordered. Delivery time: one week.
Price: $9 plus $3 for handling and shipping. Add $1 for each additional unit ordered. Delivery time: one week.
Price: $22 plus $3 for handling and shipping. Add $1 for each additional unit ordered. Delivery time: one week.
Price: $10 each plus $3 for handling and shipping. Add $1 for each additional unit. Delivery time: one week.
Price: $10 each plus $3 for handling and shipping. Add $1 for each additional unit. Delivery time: one week.
Purchases may be made by check or money order to: James Surkamp Productions, P.O. Box 1035, Shepherdstown, WV 25443.
Thank you!