Here is a routine for a DOS batch file that checks tempdb. See the maintenance batch script for an example of validating command line arguments.
echo Verify tempdb size isql -U%1 -P%2 -S%3 -d%4 -i cktempdb.sql -o %5\cktempdb.out -n if NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :tempdb_checked echo: echo An error occurred while checking the size of tempdb! goto :end :tempdb_checked find "tempdb is OK" %5\cktempdb.out if NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :verified_tempdb echo: echo The tempdb database is less than 50M in size. goto :end :verified_tempdb echo hurray! :endHere is the isql script the batch file calls.
PRINT "Check the size of tempdb" SELECT getdate() GO SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @size VARCHAR(20), @message VARCHAR(50) SELECT @size = (SELECT STR(SUM(CONVERT(DEC(15),u.size))*(SELECT low FROM master.dbo.spt_values WHERE type = 'E' AND number = 1)/1048576,10,2) FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases d, master.dbo.sysusages u WHERE d.dbid = u.dbid AND = 'tempdb') SELECT @message = "tempdb is " + LTRIM(@size) + " M-bytes" PRINT @message IF CONVERT(FLOAT,@size) < 50 PRINT "tempdb is less than 50 Meg!" ELSE PRINT "tempdb is OK"?bill's home