SQL Server Maintenance Script (DOS)

@echo off
rem ********************************************************
rem              Maintenance for a database
rem ********************************************************

rem Do some basic stuff to validate the command line
rem verify that two arguments are given
  if "%1" == ""  goto :badcall
  if "%3" == ""  goto :badcall
  if "%4" == ""  goto :badcall

  echo database: %4 
  echo server: %3 

rem Capture the path of the caller. Later we will send control
rem back to that directory
rem create a two line bach file that sets an environment var to 
rem the second command line arg
  echo @echo off> directory.bat
  echo set olddir=%%2>> directory.bat
rem create a one line batch file that contains 'Directory of '
  dir | find "Directory"> go.bat
rem go.bat calls Directory.bat 
  call go
rem cleanup
  if exist directory.bat del directory.bat
  if exist go.bat del go.bat

rem create a batch file to handle the outfile delete/archive
rem you can define the aging level for you maintenance output files here.
rem if you want to keep three days instead of two, add logic for .002
rem the archive.bat is recreated each time this script runs
  echo find "%%current%%.001" dir.lst> archive.bat 
  echo if errorlevel 1 goto :no_001>> archive.bat 
  echo del %%current%%.001>> archive.bat
  echo :no_001>> archive.bat  
  echo find "%%current%%.out" dir.lst>> archive.bat
  echo if errorlevel 1 goto :end>> archive.bat
  echo ren %%current%%.out %%current%%.001>> archive.bat
  echo :end>> archive.bat

rem set environment variables for the output targets
rem %~dp0 returns the drive and path from the cmd line arg 0
rem %~n0 returns the exe name from cmd line arg 0
  set outpath=%~dp0%4\
  set outdir=%~dp0%4
  set outfile=%~n0.out

rem make sure the output directory exists
  if exist %outdir% goto :dir_exists
  md %outdir%

rem point this thing at the output directory
  cd %outdir%

rem figure out what day of the week it is and stuff it in an environment variable
   date /T>currdate.txt
   set currdate=Mon
   find "%currdate%" currdate.txt>nul
   if errorlevel 1 set currdate=Tue
   find "%currdate%" currdate.txt>nul
   if errorlevel 1 set currdate=Wed
   find "%currdate%" currdate.txt>nul
   if errorlevel 1 set currdate=Thu
   find "%currdate%" currdate.txt>nul
   if errorlevel 1 set currdate=Fri
   find "%currdate%" currdate.txt>nul
   if errorlevel 1 set currdate=Sat
   find "%currdate%" currdate.txt>nul
   if errorlevel 1 set currdate=Sun

rem dump the output directory to a file for use in delete/archive
rem of the maintenance output files 

rem initialize an outfile for this run

  set current=maint
  call %olddir%\archive>nul 

  echo Daily Maintenance for database %4 on %3 started>%outfile%
  date /T>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile% 
  echo Run by %USERNAME% from %COMPUTERNAME%>>%outfile%

  if %4==master goto :master_db

rem Update statistics frequently. Less frequently, yet regularly, rebuild
rem indexes. Rebuilding indexes includes an update to the statistics page.
rem Here Friday is rebuild day, other days are update statistics days.

  if %currdate%==Fri goto :weekly 

rem see the index maintenance document at this web site for mysp_updatestats
  set current=mysp_updatestats
  echo %current% %4
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "%current%" -o %current%.out -e>>%outfile% 
  if errorlevel 1 echo A problem with stored procedure %current%. It may not exist in the database.
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%
  goto :daily


rem see the index maintenance document at this web site for mysp_reindex
  set current=mysp_reindex
  echo %current% %4
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "%current%" -o %current%.out -e>>%outfile%  
  if errorlevel 1 echo A problem with stored procedure %current%. It may not exist in the database.
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%


rem Track the growth of your database by putting this info in 
rem a spread sheet
  set current=sp_spaceused
  echo %current% %4
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "%current%" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%  
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

rem Verify the page frame integrity of the log in this database
  set current=checktable(syslogs)
  echo dbcc %current% %4
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "dbcc %current%" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%  
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

  set current=textall
rem use this only if there is text or image data types in the database
rem for faster execution, omit the report detail by running
rem dbcc textall(%4,FAST)
  echo dbcc %current%(%4)
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "dbcc %current%(%4)" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%  
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

  set current=sp_help_revdatabase 
rem This will provide an up to the minute create database command
rem should you ever need it
rem sp_help_revdatabase %4
  echo %current% %4
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "%current% %4" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%  
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%


  set current=checkdb
rem If your really desperate for maintenance time, omit dbcc checkdb and rely
rem on dbcc newalloc nightly. Run both as often as possible.
rem For faster execution, omit non-clustered index checking by using the following
rem dbcc checkdb(%4,no_index)
  echo dbcc %current%(%4)
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "dbcc %current%" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%  
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

  set current=checkcatalog
  echo dbcc %current%(%4)
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "dbcc %current%" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%  
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

  set current=newalloc
rem For faster execution, ommit non-clustered index checking by using the following
rem dbcc newalloc (%4, no_index)
  echo dbcc %current%(%4)
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "dbcc %current%" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%  
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

  set current=sp_dboption
  echo %current% %4 
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "%current% %4" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%   
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

  set current=sp_helpdb
  echo %current% %4
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "%current% %4" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

rem Get the data from master that is needed to recreate devices should the master 
rem database become unuseable. 

  if NOT %4==master goto :user_db

  set current=sysusages
  echo select * from %current%
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "select * from %current%" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%
  echo %current% select complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

  set current=sysdatabases
  echo select * from %current%
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "select * from %current%" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%
  echo %current% select complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

  set current=sysdevices
  echo select * from %current%
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "select * from %current%" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%
  echo %current% select complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

  set current=sp_configure
  echo %current%
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "%current%" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

  set current=memusage
  echo dbcc %current%
  call %olddir%\archive>nul
  isql -U %1 -P %2 -S %3 -d %4 -Q "dbcc %current%" -o %current%.out>>%outfile%
  echo %current% complete>>%outfile%
  time /T>>%outfile%

rem parse all .out files in the current directory for potential errors
  findstr "error:"  %outpath%*.out>ck%4.out
  findstr "Msg"  %outpath%*.out>>ck%4.out
  findstr "dbprocess" %outpath%*.out>>ck%4.out

  echo Review %outpath%ck%4.out 
  echo Investigate all entries in the specified file in the %4 subdirectory
  echo Maintenance of database %4 complete!

  echo Review %outpath%ck%4.out>>%outfile% 
  echo Investigate all entries in the specified file in the %4 directory>>%outfile%
  echo Maintenance of database %4 complete!>>%outfile%
  goto :end

  echo      usage:      maint [User] [Password] [Server] [Database]  
  echo                       where 
  echo                            [User] is sa
  echo                            [Password] is the sa password
  echo                            [Server] is the SQL Server to be maintained
  echo                            [Database] is the databse to be maintained

  cd %olddir% 
  del archive.bat