Language: C Author: Unknown (from The Jargon File) Notes: The first several examples are variations of the standard one-liner C quines. main(){char *c="main(){char *c=%c%s%c;printf(c,34,c,34);}";printf(c,3 4,c,34);} Author: Joe Miller Notes: This causes some warnings but should compile fine. p="p=%c%s%c;main(){printf(p,34,p,34);}";main(){printf(p,34,p,34);} Author: John Burger, David Brill, Filip Machi main(){char q=34,n=10,*a="main(){char q=34,n=10,*a=%c%s%c;printf(a,q,a,q,n);}%c";printf(a,q,a,q,n);} Author: Unknown main(){char*a="main(){char*a=%c%s%c;int b='%c';printf(a,b,a,b,b);}";int b='"';printf(a,b,a,b,b);} Author: Dario Dariol main(a,b){a="main(a,b){a=%c%s%c;b='%c';printf(a,b,a,b,b);}";b='"';printf(a,b,a,b,b);} Author: Dario Dariol main(a){printf(a="main(a){printf(a=%c%s%c,34,a,34);}",34,a,34);} Author: Unknown char *p="char *p=%c%s%c;main(){printf(p,34,p,34);}";main(){printf(p,34,p,34);} Author: Dario Dariol main(a){a="main(a){a=%c%s%c;printf(a,34,a,34);}";printf(a,34,a,34);} Author: Unknown char f[] = "char f[] =%c%c%s%c;%cmain() {printf(f,10,34,f,34,10,10);}%c"; main() {printf(f,10,34,f,34,10,10);} Author: Thad Smith Notes: The author claims that this one is strict ANSI. #include main(){char*c="\\\"#include%cmain(){char*c=%c%c%c%.102s%cn%c ;printf(c+2,c[102],c[1],*c,*c,c,*c,c[1]);exit(0);}\n";printf(c+2,c[10 2],c[1],*c,*c,c,*c,c[1]);exit(0);} Author: Torben Mogensen char *a="\\\"char *a=%c%.1s%.1s%.71s%.1sn%c;main(){printf(a+2,a[1],a,a,a,a,a[1]);}\n";main(){printf(a+2,a[1],a,a,a,a,a[1]);} Author: Joe Miller #define T(a) main(){printf(a,#a);} T("#define T(a) main(){printf(a,#a);}\nT(%s)") Author: Erkki Ruohtula ( #define n(v,w) v(#w"\nn("#v","#w")");} n(main(){puts,#define n(v,w) v(#w"\nn("#v","#w")");}) Author: Paul Hsieh #define X(Y) main(){printf("#define X(Y) %s\nX(%s)\n",#Y,#Y);} X(main(){printf("#define X(Y) %s\nX(%s)\n",#Y,#Y);}) Author: James C Hu #define q(k)main(){puts(#k"\nq("#k")");} q(#define q(k)main(){puts(#k"\nq("#k")");}) Author: James C Hu #define q(k)main(){return!puts(#k"\nq("#k")");} q(#define q(k)main(){return!puts(#k"\nq("#k")");}) Author: Jeff Hollingsworth #define Z(q)q,#q main()printf(Z("#define Z(q)q,#q\nmain()printf(Z(%s));\n")); Author: unknown char *f="char *f=%c%s%c;%c#define Q '%c'%c#define N '%cn'%c#define B '%c%c'%c#include %cvoid main(){printf(f,Q,f,Q,N,Q,N,B,N,B,B,N,N,N);}%c"; #define Q '"' #define N '\n' #define B '\\' #include void main(){printf(f,Q,f,Q,N,Q,N,B,N,B,B,N,N,N);} Author: Unknown char a[] = "int main(){ printf(b,34,a,34,10,34,b,34,10,10,a,10); }"; char b[] = "char a[] = %c%s%c;%cchar b[] = %c%s%c;%c%c%s%c"; int main(){ printf(b,34,a,34,10,34,b,34,10,10,a,10); } Author: Travis Emmit char *s="rfns-.%€uwnsyk-'hmfw%/xBa'*xa'@as'1x.@|mnqj-/x.uwnsyk-'*h'1/x002:.@‚"; main() { printf("char *s=\"%s\";\n",s); while(*s)printf("%c",*s++-5); } Author: Mark Wooding #include int main(void){char n='\n';char b='\\';char q='"';char*p="#include %cint main(void){char n='%cn';char b='%c%c';char q='%c';char*p=%c%s%c;printf(p,n,b,b,b,q,q,p,q,n);return 0;}%c";printf(p,n,b,b,b,q,q,p,q,n);return 0;} Author: Caucci Luca ( /* Questo programma visualizza il suo codice sorgente. Autore: Caucci Luca (e-mail: */ #include char *s = "/*%c Questo programma visualizza il suo codice sorgente.%c Autore: Caucci Luca (e-mail:*/%c#include %c%cchar *s = %c%s%c;%c%cvoid main() {%c printf(s, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 34, s, 34, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10);%c return;%c}%c"; void main() { printf(s, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 34, s, 34, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); return; } Author: Caucci Luca ( /* Questo programma visualizza il suo codice sorgente. Autore: Luca Caucci (e-mail: */ #include char NewLine = '\n', Tab = '\t', BackSlash = '\\', QuotMark = '"'; char Str[] = "/*%c%cQuesto programma visualizza il suo codice sorgente.%c%cAutore: Luca Caucci (e-mail:*/%c%c#include %c%cchar NewLine = '%cn', Tab = '%ct', BackSlash = '%c%c', QuotMark = '%c';%cchar Str[] = %c%s%c;%c%cint main() {%c%cprintf(Str, NewLine, Tab, NewLine, Tab, NewLine, NewLine, NewLine, NewLine, NewLine, BackSlash, BackSlash, BackSlash, BackSlash, QuotMark, NewLine, QuotMark, Str, QuotMark, NewLine, NewLine, NewLine, Tab, NewLine, Tab, NewLine, NewLine, NewLine);%c%creturn(0);%c}%c%c"; int main() { printf(Str, NewLine, Tab, NewLine, Tab, NewLine, NewLine, NewLine, NewLine, NewLine, BackSlash, BackSlash, BackSlash, BackSlash, QuotMark, NewLine, QuotMark, Str, QuotMark, NewLine, NewLine, NewLine, Tab, NewLine, Tab, NewLine, NewLine, NewLine); return(0); } Author: Daniel Martin #include char a[] = "\";\nmain() {char *b=a;printf(\"#include\\nchar a[] = \\\"\");\nfor(;*b;b++) {switch(*b){case '\\n': printf(\"\\\\n\"); break;\ncase '\\\\': case '\\\"': putchar('\\\\'); default: putchar(*b);}} printf(a);}\n"; main() {char *b=a;printf("#include\nchar a[] = \""); for(;*b;b++) {switch(*b){case '\n': printf("\\n"); break; case '\\': case '\"': putchar('\\'); default: putchar(*b);}} printf(a);} Author: Jan Willem #define s "#define s %c%s%c%c#include %cvoid main() { printf(%c%s%c,34,s,34,10,10,34,s,34); }" #include void main() { printf("#define s %c%s%c%c#include %cvoid main() { printf(%c%s%c,34,s,34,10,10,34,s,34); }",34,s,34,10,10,34,s,34); } Author: Unknown void p(char *s){char *t;printf("%s(\"",s);for(t=s; *t!=0; t++)switch(*t){case '\\':case '\"':case'\'':putchar('\\');default:putchar(*t);}printf("\");}");}void main(){p("void p(char *s){char *t;printf(\"%s(\\\"\",s);for(t=s; *t!=0; t++)switch(*t){case \'\\\\\':case \'\\\"\':case\'\\\'\':putchar(\'\\\\\');default:putchar(*t);}printf(\"\\\");}\");}void main(){p");} Author: Michael Mauldin char *x="\";\nmain ()\n{ char *s;\n printf (\"char *x=\\\"\");\n for(s=x;*s;s++)\n { printf (*s=='\\\\'?\"\\\\\\\\\":*s=='\\\"'?\"\\\\\\\"\":*s=='\\n'?\"\\\\n\":\"%c\", *s); }\n printf (\"%s\", x);\n}\n"; main () { char *s; printf ("char *x=\""); for(s=x;*s;s++) { printf (*s=='\\'?"\\\\":*s=='\"'?"\\\"":*s=='\n'?"\\n":"%c", *s); } printf ("%s", x); } Author: Dave English char x[]=" main() { int i; putchar(99); putchar(104); putchar(97); putchar(114); putchar(32); putchar(120); putchar(91); putchar(93); putchar(61); putchar(34); for(i=0; i #define d "\\" #define c "\n" #define b "\"" #define a "#include %s#define d %s%s%s%s%s#define c %s%sn%s%s#define b %s%s%s%s%s#define a %s%s%s%smain(){printf(a,c,b,d,d,b,c,b,d,b,c,b,d,b,b,c,b,a,b,c,c);}%s" main(){printf(a,c,b,d,d,b,c,b,d,b,c,b,d,b,b,c,b,a,b,c,c);} Author: Kennth Almquist char*p="char*p=15415,4*x=52?33/n33/55,c,n,*q;main()33'0'&c<'6'?c<*x?n=69,'5':*(c-*x+x):c);return 0;33>4", *x="2???/n??/"",c,n,*q;main()??'0'&c<'6'?c<*x?n=69,'"':*(c-*x+x):c);return 0;??> Author: Zefram ( char *f="%c%s%c,"; #include char*x[]={ "char *f=%c%s%c;", "#include ", "char*x[]={", "},z=0;main(){int n;", "printf(*x,34,f,34);puts(&z);", "puts(x[1]);puts(x[2]);", "for(n=0;n<8;n++)printf(f,34,x[n],34),puts(&z);", "for(n=3;n<8;n++)puts(x[n]);}", },z=0;main(){int n; printf(*x,34,f,34);puts(&z); puts(x[1]);puts(x[2]); for(n=0;n<8;n++)printf(f,34,x[n],34),puts(&z); for(n=3;n<8;n++)puts(x[n]);} Author: John Burger, David Brill, Filip Machi char *text [] = { "char *text [] = {", "0 };", "main () {", " char newline = 012, quote = 042, escape = 0134, *p, **p;", " printf (\"%s%c\", *text, newline);", " for (pp = text; *pp; pp++) {", " printf (\" %c\", quote);", " for (p = *pp; *p; p++) {", " if (*p == quote)", " putchar (escape);", " putchar (*p);", " }", " printf (\"%c,%c\", quote, newline);", " }", " for (pp = text + 1; *pp; pp++);", "}", 0 }; main () { char newline = 012, quote = 042, escape = 0134, *p, **pp; printf ("%s%c", *text, newline); for (pp = text; *pp; pp++) { printf (" %c", quote); for (p = *pp; *p; p++) { if (*p == quote) putchar (escape); putchar (*p); } printf ("%c,%c", quote, newline); } for (pp = text + 1; *pp; pp++) printf ("%s%c", *pp, newline); Author: Daniel Martin #include char *a[] = {"\"};\n\n", "main() {\n", " int i=0; char *b;\n", " printf(\"#include\\nchar *a[] = {\\\"\");\n", " while(*a[i]) {\n", " for(b=a[i];*b;b++)\n", " switch(*b) {\n", " case '\\n': printf(\"\\\\n\"); break;\n", " case '\\\\': case '\\\"': putchar('\\\\'); \n", " default: putchar(*b);\n", " } \n", " printf(\"\\\",\\n\\t\\\"\"); \n", " i++;\n", " }\n", " i=0;\n", " while(*a[i]) {printf(a[i]);i++;}\n", "}\n", ""}; main() { int i=0; char *b; printf("#include\nchar *a[] = {\""); while(*a[i]) { for(b=a[i];*b;b++) switch(*b) { case '\n': printf("\\n"); break; case '\\': case '\"': putchar('\\'); default: putchar(*b); } printf("\",\n\t\""); i++; } i=0; while(*a[i]) {printf(a[i]);i++;} } Author: Unknown char s[] = "\";\n\ main ()\n\ { int i; printf (\"char s[] = \\\"\");\n\ for (i=0; s[i]; i++)\n\ { switch (s[i]) {\n\ case '\\n': printf (\"\\\\n\\\\\\n\"); break;\n\ case '\\\\': printf (\"\\\\\\\\\"); break;\n\ case '\\\"': printf (\"\\\\\\\"\"); break;\n\ default: printf (\"%c\", s[i]); break;}\n\ }\n\ printf (\"%s\",s); }\n\ "; main () { int i; printf ("char s[] = \""); for (i=0; s[i]; i++) { switch (s[i]) { case '\n': printf ("\\n\\\n"); break; case '\\': printf ("\\\\"); break; case '\"': printf ("\\\""); break; default: printf ("%c", s[i]); break;} } printf ("%s",s); } Author: (Peter Scott) #include stdio main() { int i; char *a[27]; a[0] = "#include stdio"; a[1] = ""; a[2] = "main()"; a[3] = " {"; a[4] = " int i;"; a[5] = " char *a[27];"; a[6] = " for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) printf (\"\%s\\n\", a[i]);"; a[7] = " for (i = 0; i <= 26; i++) printslash (\" a[\%d] = \\\"\%s\\\";\\ n\", i, a[i]);"; a[8] = " for (i = 6; i <= 26; i++) printf (\"\%s\\n\", a[i]);"; a[9] = " }"; a[10] = ""; a[11] = "printslash (string, a1, a2)"; a[12] = "char *string, *a2;"; a[13] = "int a1;"; a[14] = " {"; a[15] = " char b[100];"; a[16] = " int i;"; a[17] = " int j = 0;"; a[18] = " for (i = 0; i < strlen(a2); i++)"; a[19] = " {"; a[20] = " char ch = a2[i];"; a[21] = " if ((ch == '\\\\') || (ch == '\\\%') || (ch == '\\\"')) b[j++] = '\\\\';"; a[22] = " b[j++] = ch;"; a[23] = " }"; a[24] = " b[j] = '\\0';"; a[25] = " printf (string, a1, b);"; a[26] = " }"; for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) printf ("%s\n", a[i]); for (i = 0; i <= 26; i++) printslash (" a[%d] = \"%s\";\n", i, a[i]); for (i = 6; i <= 26; i++) printf ("%s\n", a[i]); } printslash (string, a1, a2) char *string, *a2; int a1; { char b[100]; int i; int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < strlen(a2); i++) { char ch = a2[i]; if ((ch == '\\') || (ch == '\%') || (ch == '\"')) b[j++] = '\\'; b[j++] = ch; } b[j] = '\0'; printf (string, a1, b); } Author: Celia La #include char* a = "; void main() { char* c; printf(\"#include \\nchar* a = \"); putchar(34); for (c = a; c[0] != 0; c++) { if (c[0] == 34) { putchar(92); putchar(34); } else if (c[0] == 92) { putchar(92); putchar(92); } else putchar(c[0]); } putchar(34); printf(\"%s\", a);} "; void main() { char* c; printf("#include \nchar* a = "); putchar(34); for (c = a; c[0] != 0; c++) { if (c[0] == 34) { putchar(92); putchar(34); } else if (c[0] == 92) { putchar(92); putchar(92); } else putchar(c[0]); } putchar(34); printf("%s", a);} Author: Joseph N. Wilson ( char *s= "char *s= \"%s\";\n\n/* Wilson's straightforward self-reproducing program */\n\nchar *q(char *s) {\n char *r = (char *) malloc (strlen(s)*4 + 1);\n int i, j = 0;\n\n for (i=0; i < strlen(s); i++) {\n switch (s[i]) {\n case '\\\\': r[j++] = '\\\\'; r[j++] = '\\\\'; break;\n case '\\\"': r[j++] = '\\\\'; r[j++] = '\\\"'; break;\n case '\\n': r[j++] = '\\\\'; r[j++] = 'n'; break;\n default: r[j++] = s[i]; break;\n }\n }\n r[j++] = '\\0';\n return r;\n}\n\nmain() {\n printf(s, q(s));\n}\n"; /* Wilson's straightforward self-reproducing program */ char *q(char *s) { char *r = (char *) malloc (strlen(s)*4 + 1); int i, j = 0; for (i=0; i < strlen(s); i++) { switch (s[i]) { case '\\': r[j++] = '\\'; r[j++] = '\\'; break; case '\"': r[j++] = '\\'; r[j++] = '\"'; break; case '\n': r[j++] = '\\'; r[j++] = 'n'; break; default: r[j++] = s[i]; break; } } r[j++] = '\0'; return r; } main() { printf(s, q(s)); } Author: Dave Jones Note: No ASCII codes used. Bootstrapped up, trying to find the bootstrapper. /* This program prints its source. */ main(argc, argv) char** argv; { char * dna = "/* This program prints its source. */\n\nmain(argc, argv)\n\ char** argv;\n{\n char * dna =\n\nZ;\n\n\n express_stri\ ng(dna);\n exit(0);\n}\n\n\n/* Express the string, substit\ uting a quotation of the string \n * for the character 'Z'.\ Breaks the literal into lines of no\n * more than 60 char\ s.\n */\nexpress_string(str)\n char* str;\n{\n char* ptr \ = str;\n char ch;\n int is_quoted = 0;\n\n while(ch = *p\ tr++)\n {\n\n if(ch == 'Z' && !is_quoted)\n\t{\n\t \ int count = 1;\n\t char* ptr = str;\n\t char ch;\n\t pu\ tchar('\"');\n\t while(ch = *ptr++)\n\t {\n\t swit\ ch(ch)\n\t {\n\t\tcase '\\n': printf(\"\\\\n\"); coun\ t +=2; break;\n\t\tcase '\\t': printf(\"\\\\t\"); count +=\ 2; break;\n\t\tcase '\\\\': printf(\"\\\\\\\\\"); count +=2\ ; break;\n\t\tcase '\"': printf(\"\\\\\\\"\"); count +=2; \ break;\n\t\tdefault: putchar(ch); count +=1; break;\n\t\ }\n\t if(count >= 59)\n\t\t{ printf(\"\\\\\\n\")\ ;\n\t\t count = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t }\n\t putchar('\"');\n\t\ }\n\n else putchar(ch);\n is_quoted = ( ch == '\\\ '');\n }\n}\n"; express_string(dna); exit(0); } /* Express the string, substituting a quotation of the string * for the character 'Z'. Breaks the literal into lines of no * more than 60 chars. */ express_string(str) char* str; { char* ptr = str; char ch; int is_quoted = 0; while(ch = *ptr++) { if(ch == 'Z' && !is_quoted) { int count = 1; char* ptr = str; char ch; putchar('"'); while(ch = *ptr++) { switch(ch) { case '\n': printf("\\n"); count +=2; break; case '\t': printf("\\t"); count +=2; break; case '\\': printf("\\\\"); count +=2; break; case '"': printf("\\\""); count +=2; break; default: putchar(ch); count +=1; break; } if(count >= 59) { printf("\\\n"); count = 0; } } putchar('"'); } else putchar(ch); is_quoted = ( ch == '\''); } } Author: Wolfgang Thumser #include void main(){ int i=0,j=0; char str[500]={"#include \n\ \n\ void main(){\n\ int i=0,j=0;\n\ char str[500]={\"y\"};\n\ \n\ while(str[i] != 0){\n\ if(str[i] == 0x79){\n\ i++;\n\ while(str[j] != 0){\n\ if(str[j] == 0x0a){\n\ putchar(0x5c);\n\ putchar(0x6e);\n\ putchar(0x5c);\n\ }\n\ if(str[j] == 0x22){\n\ putchar(0x5c);\n\ }\n\ putchar(str[j++]);\n\ }\n\ }\n\ else putchar(str[i++]);\n\ }\n\ }\n\ "}; while(str[i] != 0){ if(str[i] == 0x79){ i++; while(str[j] != 0){ if(str[j] == 0x0a){ putchar(0x5c); putchar(0x6e); putchar(0x5c); } if(str[j] == 0x22){ putchar(0x5c); } putchar(str[j++]); } } else putchar(str[i++]); } } Author: Don herbison-Evans /* itself.c A program that prints itself out Don Herbison-Evans 15 June 1995 */ #define MAXA 100 #define MAXB 47 #define CHANGE 18 #include char slosh = '\\'; main() { int i,j,k; char str[MAXB][MAXA]; sprintf(str[0],"/* itself.c"); sprintf(str[1],""); sprintf(str[2]," A program that prints itself out"); sprintf(str[3]," Don Herbison-Evans 15 June 1995"); sprintf(str[4],"*/"); sprintf(str[5],""); sprintf(str[6],"#define MAXA 100"); sprintf(str[7],"#define MAXB 47"); sprintf(str[8],"#define CHANGE 18"); sprintf(str[9],"#include "); sprintf(str[10],""); sprintf(str[11],"char slosh = '\\';"); sprintf(str[12],""); sprintf(str[13],"main()"); sprintf(str[14],"{"); sprintf(str[15]," int i,j,k;"); sprintf(str[16]," char str[MAXB][MAXA];"); sprintf(str[17],""); sprintf(str[18]," for (j = 0; j < CHANGE; ++j)"); sprintf(str[19]," {"); sprintf(str[20]," pr(str[j],0);"); sprintf(str[21]," printf(\"\\n\");"); sprintf(str[22]," }"); sprintf(str[23]," for (j = 0; j < MAXB; ++j)"); sprintf(str[24]," {"); sprintf(str[25]," printf(\" sprintf(str[%%d],\\\"\",j);"); sprintf(str[26]," pr(str[j],0);"); sprintf(str[27]," printf(\"\\\");\");"); sprintf(str[28]," printf(\"\\n\");"); sprintf(str[29]," }"); sprintf(str[30]," for (j = CHANGE; j < MAXB; ++j)"); sprintf(str[31]," {"); sprintf(str[32]," pr(str[j],1);"); sprintf(str[33]," printf(\"\\n\");"); sprintf(str[34]," }"); sprintf(str[35],"}"); sprintf(str[36],"pr(str,asis)"); sprintf(str[37],"char str[MAXA];"); sprintf(str[38],"int asis;"); sprintf(str[39],"{"); sprintf(str[40]," int j;"); sprintf(str[41]," for (j = 0; (j < MAXA) && (str[j] != '\\0'); ++j)"); sprintf(str[42]," if ((asis == 0) && ((str[j] == slosh) || (str[j] == '\"')))"); sprintf(str[43]," printf(\"%%c%%c\",slosh,str[j]);"); sprintf(str[44]," else if ((asis == 0) && (str[j] == '%%')) printf(\"%%%%%%%%\");"); sprintf(str[45]," else printf(\"%%c\",str[j]);"); sprintf(str[46],"}"); for (j = 0; j < CHANGE; ++j) { pr(str[j],0); printf("\n"); } for (j = 0; j < MAXB; ++j) { printf(" sprintf(str[%d],\"",j); pr(str[j],0); printf("\");"); printf("\n"); } for (j = CHANGE; j < MAXB; ++j) { pr(str[j],1); printf("\n"); } } pr(str,asis) char str[MAXA]; int asis; { int j; for (j = 0; (j < MAXA) && (str[j] != '\0'); ++j) if ((asis == 0) && ((str[j] == slosh) || (str[j] == '"'))) printf("%c%c",slosh,str[j]); else if ((asis == 0) && (str[j] == '%')) printf("%%%%"); else printf("%c",str[j]); } Author: #include "stdio.h" char *stack[2000], buf[2000], chrtab[128][2], *defns[128]; char dna[ ]="stdio.h_X#include X\"__\n\ char 4_Cstack_Sbuf_Bchrtab[4]_Hdefns[4]_V5[4]_]5, 4_,4;_;*4_*2000_K128_L\n\ _/SK]*BK],LH2]LV*,,C;__5==4_%5=4_=dna_DD ]@\"=C;__54_.copy(4)_K\n\ _/strlen(4)_Astrcpy(54,)_E4++_^5+4_+200_X'4'_'5*^4=_Z5;/4._!for (7;6;5)4_F\n\ _/if (5) 4_G{/4/}/_}return(4);/_R(char`*)malloc(4)_M\\\\_$`\"'_Y\n\ _/5 || 4_| c*t^*c^*=Yc*%$'c*%|t$'ZG\\n.'c*%ttt\\n.\\.\"EA+=G;!}F_W\n\ _/cK*Cc*Ct*q*,CqtXcA+M==!tYZ!W!tYZ.t0Z!qR!}!__(4)_~\n\ _/construct(4)_Iarg_J4**_$int 4_Nswitch(5)4}_Odefault: 4_P5-4_-p1-~*_Q\n\ _/break_Ucase 5: 4;/U_:5<4_<5>4_>5 && 4_&4*8'<4*3'>&_?else 4_XqB=Jp=!_W\n\ _/Wtc*V=t*t^t?kpt*-3'+=~J'3') { *p++=chrtab[*c]; break; } q=buf; arg=p; for (t=defns[*c];*t;t++){ if (*t<'8' && *t>'3') { if ((k=p-*t+'3') main(){char*c="\\\"#include%cmain(){char*c=%c%c%c%.102s%cn%c;printf(c+2,c[102],c[1],*c,*c,c,*c,c[1]);exit(0);}\n";printf(c+2,c[102],c[1],*c,*c,c,*c,c[1]);exit(0);} Author: Soichiro Hidaka Note: might only compile in gcc g(char *s1,char *s2){ printf(s1); putchar(34); printf(s1); putchar(34); putchar(44); putchar(34); printf(s2); putchar(34); printf(s2); putchar(10);}main () { g("g(char *s1,char *s2){ printf(s1); putchar(34); printf(s1); putchar(34); putchar(44); putchar(34); printf(s2); putchar(34); printf(s2); putchar(10);}main () { g(",");}");} Author: Bo Lindbergh ( #define D(x) char*t=#x;x D(int main(int c,char**v){printf("#define D(x) char*t=#x;x\nD(%s)\n",t);}) Author: Charles B. Cranston ( main(){char*s="main(){char*s=%c%s%c;%cprintf(%c%s%c,34,s,34,10,34,s,34,10);}%c"; printf("main(){char*s=%c%s%c;%cprintf(%c%s%c,34,s,34,10,34,s,34,10);}%c",34,s,34,10,34,s,34,10);} Author: Craig S. Kaplan char*f="main(){putchar('c');putchar('h');putchar('a');putchar('r');putchar('*');putchar('f');putchar('=');putchar(34);printf(f);putchar(34);putchar(';');putchar(10);printf(f);putchar(10);}"; main(){putchar('c');putchar('h');putchar('a');putchar('r');putchar('*');putchar('f');putchar('=');putchar(34);printf(f);putchar(34);putchar(';');putchar(10);printf(f);putchar(10);} Author: Craig S. Kaplan char*f="char*f=;main(){f[7]=0;printf(f);putchar(34);f[7]=';';printf(f);putchar(34);f[8]=0;printf(&f[7]);f[8]='m';putchar(10);printf(&f[8]);putchar(10);}"; main(){f[7]=0;printf(f);putchar(34);f[7]=';';printf(f);putchar(34);f[8]=0;printf(&f[7]);f[8]='m';putchar(10);printf(&f[8]);putchar(10);} Author: Craig S. Kaplan char a='"';char b='\n';char c='\\'; char*f="char a='%c';char b='%cn';char c='%c%c';%cchar*f=%c%s%c;%cmain(){printf(f,a,c,c,c,b,a,f,a,b,b);}%c"; main(){printf(f,a,c,c,c,b,a,f,a,b,b);} Author: Craig S. Kaplan char*lines[]={ "char*lines[]={", "%c%s%c%c%c", "0};", "main(){", "int idx;", "puts(lines[0]);", "for(idx=0;lines[idx]!=0;idx++){", "printf(lines[1],34,lines[idx],34,',',10);", "}", "puts(lines[2]);", "for(idx=3;lines[idx]!=0;idx++){", "puts(lines[idx]);", "}", "}", 0}; main(){ int idx; puts(lines[0]); for(idx=0;lines[idx]!=0;idx++){ printf(lines[1],34,lines[idx],34,',',10); } puts(lines[2]); for(idx=3;lines[idx]!=0;idx++){ puts(lines[idx]); } } Author:Patrik Lundin ( Note: When I wrote it, the point was to try to do it without using printf, and with :s. void a(char*b,int d,int e,int f){char*c=b;for(;*c;c++){if(!d&*c==68)putchar( 92),putchar('\n');if(!d&*c==92)putchar(92);if(*c==d)a(b,0,0,0);else putchar( *c==e?34:*c==f?'\n':*c);}}main(){char p[]=/* andelion '94 */ "void a(char*b,int d,int e,int f){char*c=b;for(;*c;c++){if(!d&*c==68)putchar(\ D92),putchar('\\n');if(!d&*c==92)putchar(92);if(*c==d)a(b,0,0,0);else putchar(\ D*c==e?34:*c==f?'\\n':*c);}}main(){char p[]=/* \ Dandelion '94 */\ DCAC;a(p,65,67,68);}";a(p,65,67,68);} Author: Trent Tobler ( Notes: uses no ascii codes or printf char *instructions[] = { "#include ", "void copier( s)", "\tchar *s[];", "{", "\tchar **p, *q;", "\tfputs( \"char *instructions[] = {\\n\", stdout);", "\tfor( p = s; *p; p++)", "\t{", "\t\tfputs( \"\\t\\\"\", stdout);", "\t\tfor( q = *p; *q; q++)", "\t\t{", "\t\t\tswitch(*q)", "\t\t\t{", "\t\t\tcase '\\t':", "\t\t\t\tfputs( \"\\\\t\", stdout);", "\t\t\t\tbreak;", "\t\t\tcase '\\\\':", "\t\t\t\tfputs( \"\\\\\\\\\", stdout);", "\t\t\t\tbreak;", "\t\t\tcase '\"':", "\t\t\t\tfputs( \"\\\\\\\"\", stdout);", "\t\t\t\tbreak;", "\t\t\tcase '\\n':", "\t\t\t\tfputs( \"\\\\n\", stdout);", "\t\t\t\tbreak;", "\t\t\tdefault:", "\t\t\t\tfputc( *q, stdout);", "\t\t\t\tbreak;", "\t\t\t}", "\t\t}", "\t\tfputs( \"\\\",\\n\", stdout);", "\t}", "\tfputs( \"\\t0\\n};\\n\", stdout);", "}", "void interp( s)", "\tchar *s[];", "{", "\tchar **p = s;", "\tfor( p = s; *p; p++)", "\t{", "\t\tfputs( *p, stdout);", "\t\tfputc( '\\n', stdout);", "\t}", "}", "int main( ac, av)", "\tint ac;", "\tchar **av;", "{", "\tcopier( instructions);", "\tinterp( instructions);", "}", 0 }; #include void copier( s) char *s[]; { char **p, *q; fputs( "char *instructions[] = {\n", stdout); for( p = s; *p; p++) { fputs( "\t\"", stdout); for( q = *p; *q; q++) { switch(*q) { case '\t': fputs( "\\t", stdout); break; case '\\': fputs( "\\\\", stdout); break; case '"': fputs( "\\\"", stdout); break; case '\n': fputs( "\\n", stdout); break; default: fputc( *q, stdout); break; } } fputs( "\",\n", stdout); } fputs( "\t0\n};\n", stdout); } void interp( s) char *s[]; { char **p = s; for( p = s; *p; p++) { fputs( *p, stdout); fputc( '\n', stdout); } } int main( ac, av) int ac; char **av; { copier( instructions); interp( instructions); } Author: Teemu Suikki Note: Self-reproducing .signature main() {char *p,a;printf(p="main() {char *p,a;printf(p=%c%s%c,a='",a='"',p, a);printf(p="%c',p,%ca);printf(p=%c%s%c%c,a,10,a,p,a,10,a,%c%s%c,a,10);}%c" ,a,10,a,p,a,10,a," *** Email: xxxxxxx@xxx.xx *** IRC: Zuikkis *** ",a,10);} Author: Ashley Roll Note: another .sig #include /* Ashley Roll */ main(){char *s,*a,*t;for(t=s="7}|wzarq6*gbr}{<~,6;@6Ug~zqm6H{zz6uh{zzVsaw}g<\\\ w}b=ow~uh6@g:@u:@b/t{h>b)g)8_8/@g/g??= }t>@g))3K3=t{h>u)b\\\ /@u/u??=o@u))3JJ3+fh}|bt>8JJJJJJJ|8=0fabw~uh>@u=/i qzgq@g5)3JJ3+fabw~uh>@g9%\\\ L(%=0%/i6;@6Sh}tt}b~6A|}dqhg}bm:6Xh}gxu|q6Uagbhuz}u6@; ";*s;s++) if(*s=='_')for(a=t;*a;a++){*a=='\\'?printf("\\\\\\\n"):putchar(*a);} else*s!='\\'?putchar(*s-1^21):1;} /* Griffith University, Brisbane Australia */ Author: Larry Jones Notes: Obfuscated C entry char*a??(??)=??< "??=include", "??=include", "??=define o stdout", "??=define b break;case", "??=define s(p)fputs(p,o);", "??=define c(p)fputc(p,o);", "void t(p,f)char*p;????/")b'??(':s(??/"???/??/?(??/")b'??)'", ":s(??/"???/??/?)??/")b'??/??/??/??/':f&&s(??/"???/??/?/??/")", "s(??/"???/??/?/??/")b'??/??/n':if(f)s(??/"???/??/?/n??/")", "else case'??/"':if(f)s(??/"???/??/?/??/??/??/"??/")", "else default:c(*p)??>??>??>main()??;??/",0);for(p=a", ";*p;p++)t(*p,0);exit(!ferror(o)&&", "!fclose(o)?EXIT_SUCCESS", ":EXIT_FAILURE);", "/*NOTREACHED*/", "??>", 0??>; ??=include ??=include ??=define o stdout ??=define b break;case ??=define s(p)fputs(p,o); ??=define c(p)fputc(p,o); void t(p,f)char*p;??':s("???/?>")b'??(':s("???/?(")b'??)' :s("???/?)")b'??/??/':f&&s("???/?/") s("???/?/")b'??/n':if(f)s("???/?/n") else case'"':if(f)s("???/?/??/"") else default:c(*p)??>??>??>main()??;",0);for(p=a ;*p;p++)t(*p,0);exit(!ferror(o)&& !fclose(o)?EXIT_SUCCESS :EXIT_FAILURE); /*NOTREACHED*/ ??> Author: Dan Hoey Notes: Modified slightly by Joe Miller. This is not only self-printing, it's a palindrome. /**/char q='"',*a="*//**/char q='%c',*a=%c%s%c*/};)b(stup;]d[b=]d-852 [b)--d(elihw;)q,a,q,q,2+a,b(ftnirps{)(niam;031=d tni;]952[b,",b[259]; int d=130;main(){sprintf(b,a+2,q,q,a,q);while(d--)b[258-d]=b[d];puts( b);}/*c%s%c%=a*,'c%'=q rahc/**//*"=a*,'"'=q rahc/**/ Author: Dan Hoey Notes: Another palindrome /**/char q='"',*a="*//**/char q='%c',*a=%c%s%c*/};)b(stup;]d[b=]d-472[b)--d(elihw;)q,a,q,q,2+a,b(ftnirps;)b(stup{)(niam;731=d tni;]572[b,",b[275];int d=137;main(){puts(b);sprintf(b,a+2,q,q,a,q);while(d--)b[274-d]=b[d];puts(b);}/*c%s%c%=a*,'c%'=q rahc/**//*"=a*,'"'=q rahc/**/ Author: Dan Hoey Notes: He likes those palindromes /**/char q='"',*a="*//**/char q='%c',*a=%c%s%c*/};)]d-062[b=]d[b(rahctup)--d(elihw;)q,a,q,q,2+a,b(ftnirps{)(ni am;162=d tni;]162[b,",b[261];int d=261;main(){sprintf(b,a+2,q,q,a,q);while(d--)p utchar(b[d]=b[260-d]);}/*c%s%c%=a*,'c%'=q rahc/**//*"=a*,'"'=q rahc/**/ Author: Dan hoey Note: Last palindromes... /**/main(){char*a=/*/};)q,q,a,q,q,811+a(ftnirp;'"'=q,/**/"/**/main(){char*a=/*/};)q,q,a,q,q,811+a(ftnirp;'c%'=q,/**/c%s%c%/**/,q='c%';printf(a+118,q,q,a,q,q);}/*/=a*rahc{)(niam/**/main(){char*a=/*/};)q,q,a,q,q,811+a(ftnirp;'%c'=q,/**/%c%s%c/**/,q='%c';printf(a+118,q,q,a,q,q);}/*/=a*rahc{)(niam/**/"/**/,q='"';printf(a+118,q,q,a,q,q);}/*/=a*rahc{)(niam/**/ Author: Dan Hoey Note: Prints itself backwards main(){char*a="main(){char*a=c%s%c%,q='c%';printf(a+49,q,q,a,q);};)q,a,q,q,94+a(ftnirp;'%c'=q,%c%s%c=a*rahc{)(niam",q='"';printf(a+49,q,q,a,q);} Author: Dan Hoey Note: Yet another backwards printer main(){char*a="main(){char*a=c%s%c%;printf(a+42,34,a,34);};)43,a,43,24+a(ftnirp;%c%s%c=a*rahc{)(niam";printf(a+42,34,a,34);} Author: smr Notes: This program won the "Worst Abuse of the Rules" award in the 1994 Obfuscated C Code contest. It claims to be the world's shortest self-producing C program. Hey, it's also a palindrome! Some compilers give fatal errors on this one. Pretty short, eh?