V-CHIP by Barry Mitchell

[to the tune of East Side, West Side]

(Several Barry Mitchell's dressed in elf costumes)

"This portion brought to you by the V-Chips,
made by those elves in our nation's capitol.

V-Chips, V-Chips, that's the snack for me.
Because it blocks the violence that your kids see on TV.
Tasty and nutritious,  it's the greatest thing yet.
So serve your family V-Chips.. or just shut off your TV set.

[heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee] (simulated elf laughter)

also available in new nacho flavor!

(c)1995 Barry Mitchell Music, All Rights Reserved,  
For private use by consenting adults. 
If rash occurs, induce Okito Toyoda.
Transcript provided by BARRYSONGS@aol.com (a division of TOMALHE - AIR COOL!)