IT'S MY PARTY - (another Perotnoid song) by Barry Mitchell

Intro: Kevin Newman punching away on his calculator... "Let's see now, 890,000 signatures in 30 days... that's 29,666.666 to infinity per day... divided by 24 hours... divided by 60 minutes in an hour...which means that... Ross Perot is going to need 42 signatures on his petition to register his 3rd party in California, uh, during the time it takes to Barry Mitchell to sing this..."

[scene: Barry in big floppy almost Perot size ears, accompanied by a pair of flooz... uh... attractively dressed female "volunteers"]

It's my party and I'll try if I want to,
Try if I want to, Try if I want to,
You would try to if you want something new.

Hello, America! Hey, look who's back!
[backup singers] Hey, look who's back!
To win your mind and your heart.
I've got the same old ideas, and a bunch of new charts!

It's my party and I'll try if I want to,
Try if I want to, Try if I want to,
I once ran too, 'til the day I withdrew. 

Now Clinton and Gingrich just walked through the door.
[backup singers] (walked through the door.)
But I won't tell them a thing.
They'll hear my latest surprise when they watch Larry King.

It's my party so, apply if you want to!
Apply if you want to! apply if you want to!
It's sad but true, No I'm not Frank Purdue.

Hey America, why buy the cow when you can 
be the grain of sand that irritates the oyster?
That's one of my "down-home" sayings. Ha Ha Ha!!
You know you can't close the barn door after the 
donkey escapes with the carrot and the stick. Ha Ha!
Aren't I cute? You gotta love me! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

If they do a remake of Gilligan's Isle. 
[backup singers]Gilligan's Isle! 
I'll be the the rich Mister Howell
'Til then I'll play politics... maybe anoint Colin Powell!

It's my party, I can buy if I want to,
Buy if I want to! Buy if I want to!
I'm rich that's true, but I don't have a clue!

[spoken while the chorus continues in the background]
Okay America. Okay Everyone. Now, we've got to get on the ball 
and we've got to get out the ballot! Ha Ha Ha!
Great slogan, isn't it? Made it up myself! Call my 800 number! 
We've got to get on the ballot in all those states. Girls, give them some
Got money? We'll get some later, Call us! Ha Ha Ha! United We Stand! Ha Ha
Independence Party! Don't you love me? Ha Ha Ha Ha!

(c)1995 Barry Mitchell Music, All Rights Reserved, For private use by consenting adults. Buffalo Dust. Transcript provided by (a division of TOMALHE - AIR COOL!)
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