Bill Greenwood intro : "Barry Mitchell has been working on some new promos for the Beatles Extravaganza, just in case you haven't had enough hype. So first he's gonna show you what he's produced, then he'll sing our credits. Right here on A-BARRY-C!"

Voice of Brett Holey : "World News Now Promos take 1..."

[Clapperboard: "Beatles Anthology
Barry Mitchell
Take 1
director Brett Holey]
"I saw the news today, Oh, Boy! It's World News Now on A-BEATLE-C."

"John, Paul George and Squeezo! That's the Beatles Polka!"

"At World News Now, it's always a Hard Night's Day, on A-BEATLE-C!"

[*] "We don't do Beatles hype. We do news on A-BUDGET-C!

"Here comes the sun... That means it's time for World News This Morning on A-BEATLE-C!

"From Liverpool to liver spots, follow the Beatles Anthology on ABC."

"It Wasn't Yoko, Sheila Kast broke up the Beatles."

"Bill Greenwood, you are the fifth Beatle!"

"Antoinio Mora, you are the fifth Osmond Brother!"

[Chaotic laughter in the studio]

(c)1995 Barry Mitchell Music, All Rights Reserved. For private use by consenting adults. Play it backward to discover the secret messages. Transcript provided by [* I can't tell's a secret.] and you might just hear these at