Class DCT
Class DCT
- public class DCT
- extends Object
DCT - A Java implementation of the Discreet Cosine Transform
The discreet cosine transform converts spatial information to "frequency" or
spectral information, with the X and Y axes representing frequencies of the
signal in different dimensions. This allows for "lossy" compression of image
data by determining which information can be thrown away without compromising
the image.
The DCT is used in many compression and transmission codecs, such as JPEG, MPEG
and others. The pixels when transformed are arraged from the most signifigant pixel
to the least signifigant pixel. The DCT functions themselves are lossless.
Pixel loss occurs when the least signifigant pixels are quantitized to 0.
This is NOT a JPEG or JFIF compliant implementation however it could
be with very little extra work. (i.e. A huffman encoding stage needs
to be added.) I am making this source availible in the hopes that
someone will add this functionality to the class, if you do, please
email me! As always, if you have any problems feel free to contact
me. (Or comments, or praise, etc..)
Keep in mind that when compressing color images with this, you will
need to break the image up into it's R G B components and preform
the calculations three times!!
A general algorithim for DCT compression with this class:
1) Create a DCT Object.
2) Set up your program to read pixel information in 8*8 blocks. See example.
3) Run the forwardDCT() on all blocks.
4) Run the quantitizeImage() on all blocks.
5) If you want, send the information to the imageCompressor().
A general algorithim for DCT decompression with this class:
1) Create a DCT Object.
2) Set up the program to convert compressed data in 8*8 blocks. (if compressed)
3) Run the data through dequantitizeImage().
4) Run the data through inverseDCT().
A complete implementation of an image compressor which compares
the quality of the two images is also availible. See the
JEncode/Decode source code. The source code is also availible.
The implementation is also handy for seeing how to break the image
down, read in 8x8 blocks, and reconstruct it. The
sample graphic is handy to have too. (Bad pic of me)
The best way to get ahold of me is through my
homepage. There's
lots of goodies there too.
Note: You need GrafixTools compiled
to use the file. !! GrafixTools is a collection of handy
graphics algos I keep around.
- Version:
- 1.0.1 August 22nd 1996
- 1.0.2 January 5th 2004 - Removed deprecated API, fixed size bug.
- Author:
- Stephen Manley -
- Cosine matrix.
- Image height - must correspond to imageArray bounds - default 200
- Transformed cosine matrix, N*N.
- DCT Block Size - default 8
- Image Quality (0-25) - default 25 (worst image / best compression)
- Quantitization Matrix.
- DCT Result Matrix
- Image width - must correspond to imageArray bounds - default 320
- The ZigZag matrix.
- Constructs a new DCT object.
compressImage(int[], boolean)
This does not huffman code,
it uses a minimal run-length encoding scheme.
decompressImage(int[], boolean)
- This method determines the runs in the input data, decodes it
and then returnss the corrected matrix.
dequantitizeImage(int[][], boolean)
- This method reads in DCT codes dequanitizes them
and places them in the correct location.
- This method preforms a matrix multiplication of the input pixel data matrix
by the transposed cosine matrix and store the result in a temporary
N * N matrix.
- This method is preformed using the reverse of the operations preformed in
the DCT.
quantitizeImage(int[][], boolean)
- This method orders the DCT result matrix into a zigzag pattern and then
quantitizes the data.
public int N
- DCT Block Size - default 8
public int QUALITY
- Image Quality (0-25) - default 25 (worst image / best compression)
public int ROWS
- Image width - must correspond to imageArray bounds - default 320
public int COLS
- Image height - must correspond to imageArray bounds - default 200
public int zigZag[][]
- The ZigZag matrix.
public double c[][]
- Cosine matrix. N * N.
public double cT[][]
- Transformed cosine matrix, N*N.
public int quantum[][]
- Quantitization Matrix.
public int resultDCT[][]
- DCT Result Matrix
public DCT(int QUALITY)
- Constructs a new DCT object. Initializes the cosine transform matrix
these are used when computing the DCT and it's inverse. This also
initializes the run length counters and the ZigZag sequence. Note that
the image quality can be worse than 25 however the image will be
extemely pixelated, usually to a block size of N.
- Parameters:
- QUALITY - The quality of the image (0 best - 25 worst)
public int[][] forwardDCT(char input[][])
- This method preforms a matrix multiplication of the input pixel data matrix
by the transposed cosine matrix and store the result in a temporary
N * N matrix. This N * N matrix is then multiplied by the cosine matrix
and the result is stored in the output matrix.
- Parameters:
- input - The Input Pixel Matrix
- Returns:
- s output The DCT Result Matrix
public int[][] dequantitizeImage(int inputData[][],
boolean zigzag)
- This method reads in DCT codes dequanitizes them
and places them in the correct location. The codes are stored in the
zigzag format so they need to be redirected to a N * N block through
simple table lookup. After dequantitization the data needs to be
run through an inverse DCT.
- Parameters:
- inputData - 8x8 Array of quantitized image data
- zigzag - Boolean switch to enable/disable zigzag path.
- Returns:
- s outputData A N * N array of de-quantitized data
public int[][] quantitizeImage(int inputData[][],
boolean zigzag)
- This method orders the DCT result matrix into a zigzag pattern and then
quantitizes the data. The quantitized value is rounded to the nearest integer.
Pixels which round or divide to zero are the loss associated with
quantitizing the image. These pixels do not display in the AWT. (null)
Long runs of zeros and the small ints produced through this technique
are responsible for the small image sizes. For block sizes < or > 8,
disable the zigzag optimization. If zigzag is disabled on encode it
must be disabled on decode as well.
- Parameters:
- inputData - 8x8 array of DCT image data.
- zigzag - Boolean switch to enable/disable zigzag path.
- Returns:
- s outputData The quantitized output data
public int[] compressImage(int QDCT[],
boolean log)
This does not huffman code,
it uses a minimal run-length encoding scheme. Huffman, Adaptive Huffman
or arithmetic encoding will give much better preformance. The information
accepted is quantitized DCT data. The output array should be
scanned to determine where the end is.
- Parameters:
- image - Quantitized image data.
- Returns:
- s The string representation of the image. (Compressed)
public int[] decompressImage(int DCT[],
boolean log)
- This method determines the runs in the input data, decodes it
and then returnss the corrected matrix. It is used to decode the data
from the compressImage method. Huffman encoding, Adaptive Huffman or
Arithmetic will give much better compression.
- Parameters:
- DCT - Compressed DCT int array (Expands to whole image).
- Returns:
- s The decompressed one dimensional array.
public int[][] inverseDCT(int input[][])
- This method is preformed using the reverse of the operations preformed in
the DCT. This restores a N * N input block to the corresponding output
block with values scaled to 0 to 255 and then stored in the input block
of pixels.
- Parameters:
- input - N * N input block
- Returns:
- s output The pixel array output