Linux Documentation Project news: The LDP is about to start publishing HOWTOs to comp.os.linux.answers as soon as the moderator replies. Since the total volume of HOWTOs in ascii format exceeds 5 MB it is no longer feasible to broadcast all regularly, instead the index will be published regularly and recently updated HOWTOs will be published in full.
HOWTOs are written in SGML which makes conversions to all sorts of formats possible, from plain text to HTML and from single copies to entire books of collections of documents. In addition SGML makes more advanced searching possible, document integration and more. The LDP has not tapped this potential yet but work is underway now. Some long standing bugs in the LinuxDoc tools are also in the process of being fixed.
The LDP has to cater to all links in the chain that connects the authors to the readers and much work is now underway to ease this process and be more user friendly to each part.
There has been a minor controversy over what markup to use, the original LinuxDoc DTD, the newer DocBook DTD or perhaps even XML, which made one contributor sum it up as a haiku:
As usual a large number of new and updated documents has just been uploaded so if your collection is more than 6 months old you are recommended to look for updates. Feedback (LWN) is welcome and the LDP also accepts submissions to the links and resources area. Also a number of documents previously available as plain text or HTML only have now been converted to SGML.
Unfortunately there has been a problem with the link submission system, so if your entries have not yet appeared on the Link section please try again.
The LDP keeps an open project list of planned and completed tasks.