The Linux Documentation Project Generator

Version 0.3 2005-03-13
Welcome to the LDP Generator. By following through this form you will be able to generate an up-to-date snapshot of the LDP works, customised to your particular needs. The files downloaded will be structured in a hierarchy or directories as defined by the LDP Filesystem Standard .
For more information and help, please check with The Linux Documentation Project homepages or email the author of this form.

Language selection

English   Dutch German Japanese Portugese Other

Note: it is recommended to select English, no matter other language selections made since a major body of the LDP archives are in English, as are the majority of auxilliary documents.
Note 2: in some cases a few documents are available in languages such as Castellano. To include these languages tick off checkbox Other .

Default Settings

If you wish you can set your default output formats and compression type here, saving  you from having to select your prefered type for every document category below. Note that pressing any of the following default buttons here will overwrite any prior changes you may have done for Guides, HOWTOs etc below.

Output Format

Note that there is no problems in selecting multiple formats other than enlarging the amounts of data received.


HTML is the most common format and readable both in graphical browsers as well as text-only browsers such as Lynx
Plain Text

Plain text is readable with any text reader. Images are not available in this format

PDF is a document format for paper output and viewers such as Acrobat Reader and GhostScript. Note that it is page sized
PostScript is a page description format primarily intended for paper output but also readable using GhostScript.

This format is for reading documents on your Palm pilot or compatible.

This is the format used when writing documents and is not useful for most readers.


For practical reasons only one compression format (including none ) can be selected here


No compression leaves files immediately readable at the cost of extra storage requirements

Zip compression is reasonable in effectivity and popular on many platforms

gzip is reasonable in effectivity and popular on unix compatible platforms

bzip2 is a powerful compressor but less common though freely available


The following makes quick selection of contents possible by selecting a specific profile. Only one profile can be selected here.

Select entire archive

Select only contents created by the LDP

Deselect everything, useful for making very small selections

After making your settings here it is of course still possible to make further adjustments to selections below.

Paper Settings

Some formats such as PDF and PostScript are rendered for specific page types and that this must be set appropriately for the text to fit properly. There are three types available:
A4 is the ISO standard paper format most commonly used in the world
letter is shorter but wider than A4 and is commonly used in North America
universal has the height of letter and width of A4 making it workable on either sized paper at the cost of more pages per document

Copyright Selection

Documents use several copyright statements. This can be selected for:
No selection
No selection, all kinds of copyrights will be included
Gnu Free Distribution License
CCSA Creative Commons Share Alike 1.0, Attribution Share Alike 2.0
Licenses accepted by The Linux Documentation Project

Types of LDP Documents to Include


These are a selection of Frequently Asked Questions regarding Linux.
Formats: HTML  Plain Text PalmDoc
Compression: none zip gzip bzip2

Note that FAQs are created in plain text.


Guides are larger documents, typically over 100 pages printed paper pages. These give in-depth introductions to major topics such as installation, system administration, networking and more.
Formats: HTML  Plain Text PDF PostScript PalmDoc   SGML/XML
Compression: none zip gzip bzip2


HOWTOs are more focussed documents that deal with a specific topic, typically including introduction to the topic at hand, background information, a step-by-step guide to solve a particular problem, a short FAQ and trouble shooting guide and external references. The HOWTOs form the main body of the LDP works.
Formats: HTML  Plain Text PDF PostScript PalmDoc   SGML/XML
Compression: none zip gzip bzip2

HOWTOs rendered into HTML can be split into one file per section (normal) or single large files. While a single file per HOWTO is convenient for searching purposes, they can in some cases be inconveniently large, beyond 100 printed pages and more than 100 KB each.
HTML Split: chapter level spits no split


This is a relatively new class of documents and as the name suggests, gives introductions to various topics
Formats: HTML  Plain Text PDF PostScript PalmDoc   SGML/XML
Compression: none zip gzip bzip2

man Pages

These are the man page collections that is common to all Linux installations. No man pages for specific applications are included here.
Formats: HTML  Plain Text PDF PostScript PalmDoc   roff
Compression: none zip gzip bzip2

Note that man pages are created in roff rather than SGML/XML

Other Documents Kept with the LDP

LDP Resources

This is a collection of authoring guides and some tools, mainly of interest to LDP contributors.

Linux Focus

An archive of the Linux Focus eZine.

Linux Gazette

An archive of the Linux Gazette eZine.

Linux Weekly News

An archive of the Linux Weekly News webzine.

Jargon File

A collection of computer terms and expression, collected by Eric Raymond (ESR)


A snapshot of the LDP Wikipedia project.

[add more sections here]

Non LDP Documents

There is a number of free documents not made by the LDP that is very useful as references.


These are a selection of Frequently Asked Questions with answers from Usenet News, not to be confused by the FAQs from the LDP above.
Formats: HTML  Plain Text PalmDoc
Compression: none zip gzip bzip2

Note that FAQs are created in plain text.


Request for Comments are documents created by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and is important in matters relating to networking and advanced technical humor.
Formats: HTML  Plain Text PDF PostScript PalmDoc   roff
Compression: none zip gzip bzip2

Note that RFCs are created in roff rather than SGML/XML


Technical R (?) are documents created by  World Wide Web Concortium (W3C) and is important in matters relating to web applications and related topics.
Formats: HTML  Plain Text PDF PostScript PalmDoc   roff
Compression: none zip gzip bzip2

Note that TRs are created in roff rather than SGML/XML

[add more sections here]


When your selection is complete it is time to decide how you want the complete collection sent to you.

Zip compression is reasonable in effectivity and popular on many platforms
Tar is a non-compressing archiver, useful if the contents is already compressed. If the content parts are not compressed the archive could become huge.
Tgz is an abbreviation for a gzip compressed tar archive. Compressing an archive of compressed files tends not to further reduce size
Tbz is like tgz but the compressor used is bzip2.


Your selections should now be complete. Press the button below to start downloading.

If you wish you can here include a short message to the LDP: