Also, the table immediately following shows flags affected by instructions. I forgot to add it to the "main" table. An X indicates the instruction modifies the the flag. A zero or one indicates the flag is set or reset when this instruction is executed.
Fairchild F8 instruction set flag status list | ||||
Mnemonic | Flags | |||
C | Z | S | O | |
AS r | X | X | X | X |
ASD r | X | X | X | X |
NS r | 0 | X | X | 0 |
XS r | 0 | X | X | 0 |
DS r | X | X | X | X |
AM | X | X | X | X |
AMD | X | X | X | X |
NM | 0 | X | X | 0 |
OM | 0 | X | X | 0 |
XM | 0 | X | X | 0 |
CM | X | X | X | X |
AI DATA8 | X | X | X | X |
NI DATA8 | 0 | X | X | 0 |
OI DATA8 | 0 | X | X | 0 |
XI DATA8 | 0 | X | X | 0 |
CI DATA8 | X | X | X | X |
ADC | 0 | X | 1 | 0 |
SR 4 | 0 | X | 1 | 0 |
SL 1 | 0 | X | X | 0 |
SL 4 | 0 | X | X | 0 |
COM | 0 | X | X | 0 |
LNK | X | X | X | X |
INC | X | X | X | X |
Fairchild F8 opcode/mnemonic detail | ||||||
Mnemonic | Operand | Machine
cycles |
Operation | Op Code | ||
F8 I/O opcodes | ||||||
INS | P4 | 4 | Input to Accumulator from I/O port | 1010eeee | ||
IN | P8 | 2 | Input to Accumulator from I/O port | 26 | SS | |
OUTS | P4 | 4 | Output to I/O port from Accumulator | 1011eeee | ||
OUT | P8 | 4 | Output to I/O port from Accumulator | 27 | SS | |
F8 Primary memory reference opcodes | ||||||
LM | 2.5 | Load Accumulator via DC0 and auto-increment DC0 | 16 | |||
ST | 2.5 | Store Accumulator via DC0 and auto-increment DC0 | 17 | |||
LR | A,r | 1 | Load the contents of the specified register SR into Accumulator. increment or decrement ISAR if specified by r | 0100aaaa | ||
LR | A,DPCHR | 1 | Load Accumulator with the contents of the specified DPCHR | 000000cc | ||
LR | r,A | 1 | Load the contents of the Accumulator into the specified register. increment or decrement ISAR if specified by r | 0101aaaa | ||
LR | DPCHR,A | 1 | Load contents of Accumulator into the specified DPCHR | 000001cc | ||
LR | H,DC0 | 4 | Load contents of Scratchpad registers 10 and 11 into DC0 | 11 | ||
LR | Q,DC0 | 4 | Load contents of Scratchpad registers 14 and 15 into DC0 | 0E | ||
LR | DC0,H | 4 | Load contents of DC0 into Scratchpad registers 10 and 11 | 10 | ||
LR | DC0,Q | 4 | Load contents of DC0 into Scratchpad registers 14 and 15 | 0F | ||
LR | K,PC1 | 4 | Load contents of Register K into the Stack register | 08 | ||
LR | PC1,K | 4 | Load contents of the Stack register into Register K | 09 | ||
LR | PC0,Q | 4 | Load contents of Register Q into the Program Counter | 0D | ||
PK | 4 | Save contents of the Program Counter in the Stack register, then load the contents of Register Q into the Program Counter | 0C | |||
F8 Secondary memory reference (scratchpad) opcodes | ||||||
AS | r | 1 | Add contents of specified register to contents of Accumulator. increment or decrement ISAR if specified by r | 1100aaaa | ||
ASD | r | 2 | Add as BCD contents of specified register to contents of Accumulator. increment or decrement ISAR if specified by r | 1101aaaa | ||
NS | r | 1 | Logical AND contents of specified register to contents of Accumulator. increment or decrement ISAR if specified by r | 1111aaaa | ||
XS | r | 1 | Logical XOR contents of specified register to contents of Accumulator. increment or decrement ISAR if specified by r | 1110aaaa | ||
DS | r | 1.5 | Decrement (by one) specified register. increment or decrement ISAR if specified by r | 0011aaaa | ||
AM | 2.5 | Add Accumulator contents to the contents of the memory location addressed by DC0. Increment DC0 | 88 | |||
AMD | 2.5 | Decimal (BCD) add Accumulator contents to the contents of the memory location addressed by DC0. Increment DC0 | 89 | |||
NM | 2.5 | Logical AND Accumulator contents with the contents of the memory location addressed by DC0. Increment DC0 | 8A | |||
OM | 2.5 | Logical OR Accumulator contents with the contents of the memory location addressed by DC0. Increment DC0 | 8B | |||
XM | 2.5 | Logical XOR Accumulator contents with the contents of the memory location addressed by DC0. Increment DC0 | 8C | |||
CM | 2.5 | Subtract the contents of Accumulator from contents of memory location addressed by DC0. Only the status flags are affected. Increment DC0. | 8D | |||
F8 Immediate opcodes | ||||||
LISU | DATA3 | 1 | Load immediate into the upper 3 bits of ISAR | 01100ddd | ||
LISL | DATA3 | 1 | Load immediate into the lower 3 bits of ISAR | 01101ddd | ||
DCI | ADDR | 6 | Load immediate data into the DC0 | 2A | QQQQ | |
LIS | DATA4 | 1 | Load immediate data into the lower four bits of Accumulator and clear upper four Accumulator bits | 0111dddd | ||
LI | DATA8 | 2.5 | Load immediate data into Accumulator | 20 | YY | |
AI | DATA8 | 2.5 | Add immediate to Accumulator | 24 | YY | |
NI | DATA8 | 2.5 | Logical AND immediate to Accumulator | 21 | YY | |
OI | DATA8 | 2.5 | Logical OR immediate to Accumulator | 22 | YY | |
XI | DATA8 | 2.5 | Logical XOR immediate to Accumulator | 23 | YY | |
CI | DATA8 | 2.5 | Compare Immediate. subtract Accumulator contents from immediate data. Only the status flags are affected. | 25 | YY | |
F8 jump opcodes | ||||||
PI | ADDR | 6.5 | Save Program Counter in Stack register. Load immediate address into Program Counter | 28 | QQQQ | |
BR | DISP | 3.5 | Add immediate displacement to contents of Program Counter | 90 | RR | |
JMP | ADDR | 5.5 | Load immediate address into Program Counter. Load high order byte of address into Accumulator | 29 | QQQQ | |
F8 conditional branch opcode | ||||||
BT | DATA3,DISP | 3 | 3.5 | Logical OR 3 immediate bits with current TMASK. If any bit=0, add displacement to PC0 | 10000ddd | RR |
BF | DATA4,DISP | 3 | 3.5 | If 4 immediate bits=FMASK, add displacement to PC0 | 1001dddd | RR |
BP | DISP | 3 | 3.5 | Branch relative if sign bit = 1. | 81 | RR |
BC | DISP | 3 | 3.5 | Branch relative if carry bit = 1. | 82 | RR |
BZ | DISP | 3 | 3.5 | Branch relative if zero bit = 1. | 84 | RR |
BM | DISP | 3 | 3.5 | Branch relative if sign bit = 0. | 91 | RR |
BNC | DISP | 3 | 3.5 | Branch relative if carry bit = 0. | 92 | RR |
BNZ | DISP | 3 | 3.5 | Branch relative if zero bit = 0. | 94 | RR |
BNO | DISP | 3 | 3.5 | Branch relative if overflow bit = 0. | 98 | RR |
BR7 | DISP | 3 | 3.5 | Branch relative if three low bits of ISAR not = 111. | 8F | RR |
F8 register to register move opcodes | ||||||
XDC | 2 | Exchange the contents of DC0 and DC1 | 2C | |||
LR | A,IS | 1 | Load the contents of ISAR into the Accumulator | 0A | ||
LR | IS,A | 1 | Load the contents of the Accumulator into ISAR | 0B | ||
POP | 2 | Load contents of stack register into the Program Counter | 1C | |||
F8 register to register operate opcode | ||||||
ADC | 2.5 | Add contents of DC0 to Accumulator, which is treated as a signed binary number. Store the result in DC0 | 8E | |||
F8 register operate opcode | ||||||
SR | 1 | 1 | Accumulator shift right. most significant bit is 0 | 12 | ||
SR | 4 | 1 | Accumulator shift right by 4 bits. most significant 4 bits = 0000 | 14 | ||
SL | 1 | 1 | Accumulator shift left. least significant bit is 0 | 13 | ||
SL | 4 | 1 | Accumulator shift left by 4 bits. least significant 4 bits = 0000 | 15 | ||
COM | 1 | Complement Accumulator contents. | 18 | |||
LNK | 1 | Add the carry to the contents of Accumulator. | 19 | |||
INC | 1 | Increment the contents of Accumulator. | 1F | |||
CLR | 1 | Clear the contents of Accumulator. | 70 | |||
F8 interrupt opcodes | ||||||
DI | 2 | Set interrupt enable bit in the Status register, W = 0 | 1A | |||
EI | 2 | Set interrupt enable bit in the Status register, W = 1 | 1B | |||
F8 status register opcodes | ||||||
LR | W,J | 2 | Move the contents of Scratchpad register 9 into the status register W. | 1D | ||
LR | J,W | 1 | Move the contents of status register W into the Scratchpad register 9. | 1E | ||
F8 misc opcode | ||||||
NOP | 1 | No Operation - A.K.A cycle waster | 2B |
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