CSE 505 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Greetings to CSE 505 Audiobridge Participants--

The information in this FAQ (frequently asked questions) file is intended to 
provide you with basic course information, along with some URLs we have found 
to be helpful along the way.

What should I do first in this course?
Be sure to send me an e-mail message with basic introductory information.
When we begin class, we will be starting with the text, since there is so 
much to cover.

When you are sending e-mail, please submit *plain, vanilla* e-mail as I do
not read e-mail with MIME attachments.

By the way, we will be communicating through email throughout the course.

When can I go to the site lab?
Remember that your site lab assistant will be available *all* sessions, in
the event that you need assistance with your assignments, going
online, searching, etc.

What do I do if I have online programs?
If you are having a computer or technical support problem, you will need to 
contact the people who handle these activities.  Main Help Desk (800-541-6682), ext. 4357 

How do I get my questions about the class answered?
Any questions that relate to the CSE 505 class or course content should be sent to me 
through email.  GTEP staff cannot answer these questions for you.

I don't have an online account.  Can I use my husband's/wife's, 
sister/brother-in-law's, daughter's/son's, etc., account?
Please know that I cannot send information that relates to you, or your
activities as a student, to any email account other than your own.  Please
do not send me a message through someone else's account and expect me to
return a message of significant content to you.  Although I am in no way an
Internet policeperson, I would caution you against doing this since you
never know who might question your use of accounts.  NSU and FIRN frown on
this practice--big time!  Many of our students use free personal accounts
through Hotmail .  

How can I forward my NSU e-mail to another account?
For information on forwarding your NSU e-mail to another e-mail address, follow 
these instructions.

What about using FIRN accounts?
On March 2, 1999, we were notified that "FIRNmail is being retired," and
will be completely deactivated by January 1, 2000.  If you would like to
register for a POPmail account (that requires a high-speed modem), then
follow these directions that were provided by FIRN:

"You can register for POPmail via the dial-up process:
    1)	Dial and connect to a FIRN number
    2)	for username, type netreg (must be lower case)
    3)	for password, type firn (must be lower case)
    4)	read the screen info presented then type netreg again
    5)	select the POPmail account option
    6)	complete the registration information
    7)	PLEASE NOTE: your POPmail username and password will be assigned 
        and given to you online during registration - NOTHING will be 
        postal mailed to you so be sure to write them down.

You can register for POPmail via a direct connect at school or via another 
ISP Internet access:
    1)	telnet to wizard.firn.edu
    2)	read the screen info presented then type netreg
    3)	select the POPmail account option
    4)	complete the registration information
    5)	PLEASE NOTE: your POPmail username and password will be assigned 
        and given to you online during registation - NOTHING will be postal 
        mailed to you so be sure to write them down.

If you have questions, please phone the FIRN Helpdesk at 800/749-3476."

Is there anything special I should do at/before audiobridge?
For the consideration of all participants, turn off any speakerphone feature 
before calling into class.  Although I know this feature is very convenient 
for the student who is using it, speakerphones distort the sound quality for 
the rest of us.  *Data Sheets* It is expected that all students and 
facilitators submit data sheets on the first day of class.  Forms are available online .

How can I help the instructor to speed up answers to my e-mail?
When sending messages to me, please note the course number to which you are 
referring.  I work with many students, facilitators, and lab monitors each 
term, and this notation would certainly help me to speed information 
along to you.

What is the first page for an assignment?
Remember to put a heading or a cover sheet on every assignment that
you submit.  Also, be sure to follow the APA form and style manual for your
assignments.  You can also refer to one of the many online guides for
bibliographic reference, such as Electronic Style - APA.

Do you have an idea of how I can get money for technology in my school?
Potential applicants interested in receiving more information may
send E-mail inquiries to ito_staff1@ed.gov or call 1-800-USA-LEARN
(800-872-5336).  The Challenge Grants for Technology in Education program
office number is 202-708-6001.  Background information, a resource guide,
and the complete application package are also available via the 
Department of Education's World Wide Web site.

How long does it take to get assignments back?
I do my best to return assignments to you as soon as possible.  To speed up
this process, submit your assignments directly to me (P.O. Box 273404, Boca
Raton, FL  33427) and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the
return of the assignment.  Obviously, physical turnaround takes a bit
of time, not to mention the time that it will take me to evaluate what has
been submitted.  Nevertheless, I will try to proceed rapidly. Please be sure
to keep a copy of all messages that pertain to grades.

Are there any good listservs that I should monitor during this course?
Students have expressed interest in LABMGR (for those who monitor labs and
keep things running smoothly) and Blue Web'n (a favorite of mine that lists
new and useful websites for teachers).

Do you have any recommendations for online articles?

Do you know where I can get free magazines on technology?

Are there any tricks to finding out about library resources for distance learning students at NSU?
Libraries Having Formal Agreements with Nova Southeastern University

The following libraries have formal agreements with NSU stating that NSU students have use of the library and, sometimes for a fee, NSU students are eligible for a library card. According to the Directory of Selected Academic Libraries Near Off-Campus Program Sites, a document issued by NSU's Office of Resource Information for External Programs, "NSU programs usually will reimburse a student for one library card at an appropriate institution. However, some programs set limits of $50.00 or $100.00 per student" (p. iii). According to this document, GTEP students are eligible for services in the following sites (listed in order, as listed in the Directory): Florida - Daytona Beach Area 1. Stetson University - DeLand, Florida ($35/$100) 2. University of Florida - Gainesville, Florida (No fee stated) 3. University of Central Florida - Orlando, Florida ($60) 4. Rollins College - Winter Park, Florida ($50) 5. Bethune-Cookman College - Daytona Beach, Florida (No fee stated) - Fort Myers Area 1. Eckerd College - St. Petersburg, Florida ($30) 2. New College of the University of South Florida - Sarasota ($50) 3. University of South Florida - Tampa, Florida ($50) 4. University of Tampa - Tampa, Florida ($20) - Gainesville Area 1. University of North Florida - Jacksonville, Florida (No fee stated) 2. Jacksonville University - Jacksonville, Florida (No fee stated) 3. University of Florida - Gainesville, Florida (No fee stated) 4. Stetson University - DeLand, Florida ($35/$100) . - Melbourne Area 1. Florida Institute of Technology - Melbourne, Florida ($50) 2. University of Central Florida - Orlando, Florida ($60) - Orlando Area 1. University of Central Florida - Orlando, Florida ($60) 2. Stetson University - DeLand, Florida ($35/$100) 3. Orlando College - Orlando, Florida (No fee stated) 4. Rollins College - Winter Park, Florida ($50) - Sarasota Area 1. University of Tampa - Tampa, Florida ($20) 2. University of South Florida - Tampa, Florida ($50) - Tampa Area 1. University of South Florida - Tampa, Florida ($50) 2. Eckerd College - St. Petersburg, Florida ($30) 3. University of Tampa - Tampa, Florida ($20) - West Palm Beach Area 1. Florida Atlantic University - Boca Raton, Florida (No fee through SEFLIN Card Privileges) 2. Palm Beach Atlantic College - West Palm Beach, Florida (No fee stated) Nevada - Las Vegas 1. University of Nevada - Las Vegas, Nevada (No fee stated) If there is *No fee stated*, you must usually provide some proof of residency, picture ID, driver's license, local library card, etc., and then fill out a form. The fee is usually charged for borrowing privileges and other services, such as interlibrary loan. For reimbursement, send a copy of your receipt and a written request to Mr. Tim Shields at the North Miami Beach GTEP Site. Are there any other library resources for South Florida Students? SEFLIN SERVICES FOR STUDENTS IN BROWARD, DADE, and PALM BEACH Let's imagine a situation where you cannot find the library materials that you wish to use at the NSU Einstein Library. What are your alternatives? You could request interlibrary loan services, or you can use the services of another library, such as your public library. But, you still have other options! Did you know that if you are a student, faculty member, or professional staff member of NSU that you are eligible for user privileges at the following libraries that are members of SEFLIN (Southeast Florida Library Network)? Which libraries are included in SEFLIN? Broward Community College (North and South Regional Campuses) Florida Atlantic University (Boca and Palm Beach Gardens Campuses) Florida International University (North Miami and University Park Campuses) International Fine Arts College Lynn University Miami-Dade Community College (All campuses) Northwood University Palm Beach Atlantic College Palm Beach Community College (Central Campus) St. Thomas University (Main Campus) Trinity College at Miami What do you need to do to use library services of SEFLIN member libraries? 1. Get a student identification card made at the NSU Registrar's Office. (Call for business hours.) 2. Go to the NSU's Einstein Library in the Parker Building and request a SEFLIN card. 3. Take the SEFLIN card, NSU identification card, and driver's license to the library circulation desk of the college/university at which you wish to use library services. (You may wish to use the services of several libraries and you will need to apply for services at each separate library.) 4. You will be given a library card for that particular university which you will have to present each time you borrow materials. 5. All privileges are determined by the lending library. 6. Review the rules of SEFLIN and know your responsibilities. NOTE: You will probably have to fill out forms for each library from which you request a card, but you will need only ONE SEFLIN card, regardless of how many different library cards you apply for.) Additionally, in addition to the sites listed above, faculty members are able to use the following libraries: Barry University Broward Community College (Central Campus) Palm Beach Community College (Belle Glade and Eissey Campuses) University of Miami (Richter Library) Enjoy this great service that NSU provides for you! And don't forget that many of these universities provide web-page library information. Search before you go! Are there any online Internet newsletters and sources that I should monitor? Do you have any materials that are useful for CSE and ETEC students that would help them to become familiar with professional resources? Sometimes, I don't think I'm getting all the information I need for online computing, local information, or NSU program information. Do you have any other ideas on things that I should check that would help me with the program? I am always looking for lesson plan ideas. Do you have any special sources? Lesson Plan Sources and Links One of our assignments is on Web pages. Do you have any suggestions for creating Web pages, especially at NSU? If you have chosen to set up an actual Web page for your Online Field Trip, you might find the following file to be helpful. If you create a Web page at a site other than NSU, be sure to check with that site's support service desk for information on how to set up your Web page there. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HOW DO I CREATE A WEB PAGE IN MY ACCOUNT? 1) The first step is to type cd and press Enter. Then type mkdir public_html and press Enter. This will create a directory called public_html in your home directory. You will create and store all of your HTML files, graphics, etc for your web page in this directory. 2) Type cd public_html and press Enter. 3) Type pico index.html and press Enter. This file is your opening page for your web page. 4) Now we need to change the permissions on all of the files and directories. The command to change the permissions is chmod ### filename or directory. The ### will be replaced with either 755 or 644, depending on the file type. If the item is a graphic file or a directory, you will want to use 755. If it is a text file or html file, you will want to use 644. For example, if you want to change all of your html files to 644, you would type chmod 644 *.html and press Enter. You will also, need to change you Home directory and public_html directory to be 755. You can do this by typing chmod 755 $HOME and chmod 755 $HOME/public_html. 5) Now to access your web page, you would need to go to the following URL or address, http://www.machine.nova.edu/~login Where machine is the system that houses your account (fcae, sbe, hpd, so on..) and login is your login name. Note: Your account has a limited size and will not be increased just to make a better web page. Other NSU sites that offer Web page helps are: http://www.nova.edu/factrain http://www.scis.nova.edu/NSS/Help/webpage.html
If you have further questions, please contact Jan Yates. This FAQ is copyrighted by Jan M. Yates, 1999. All rights reserved.