Gmosaic [-a value] [-t tile] [-s size] [-o file] [-d] [-h] [file]
Options :
-a value : Adjust the output intensity by this factor, i.e.
1.2, 0.5 etc.
-d : Debug. If this flag is specified, some
debug type messages will be written to stderr.
-h : Generate usage statement
-o file : Output file. The file will be written in
PGM format. If the output file is not specified
the image will be written to standard out.
-s size : Size of the tile to be used when Gmosaic
generates a tile from the input image. The
value specifies the width of the tile and
should be a small number such as 20 or 22.
-t tile : A PGM format tile image that will be used to
compose the output image. This should be a
fairly small image, i.e. 24x24, 15x15 etc. and
should be "square" or else the output image
will have an incorrect aspect ratio.
File : Input file. The only supported input file
format is PGM in either raw or ASCII format.
If the input file is not specified, the image
will be read from standard input.