Background Images
<BODY BGCOLOR="#rrggbb">
where rrggbb is the hexadecimal representation of the 0-255 spectrum of red, green, and blue. Don't worry if that sounds difficult: Use the BEACH RaT RGB to Hexadecimal Converter or Get Hexed! to do the conversion. You may also use the HYPE Color Specifier or the Colour Selector Page to help you choose an attractive solid background.
Case in point: I used to have this image as the background for the HPCS:
I didn't think there would be a problem, especially since I was using black
text. However, I soon discovered that the page text was indecipherable
on Macs with greyscale or 16.7 million color displays. Although the background
looked fine on all other flavors of Netscape, for some reason it caused
a serious usability problem. So I opted for a solid background color instead.
The moral of the story is that you should extensively test your pages for
compatibility on as many different browsers and computer platforms as possible.
<BODY BGCOLOR="#87CEEB" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#FFF8DC" VLINK="#0000CD" ALINK="FFD700" BACKGROUND="background.gif">
That will first change the browser window color to sky blue then begin loading "background.gif", replacing the sky blue color. If "background.gif" is unavailable, then the sky blue background remains. In either case, the text and link colors will be black, cornsilk, medium blue, and gold, respectively.
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Last Modified: August 16, 1996
/ Eric Sasaki (feedback welcome)
All original content Copyright © 1994-96 Eric Sasaki. All rights reserved.