I have the following eBay auctions on the go:
AH Third Reich (1976) GD, PU, BKB $10 - 2nd edition of the classic strategic game of WWII in Europe. - for 2 to 6 players, very complex. Quarterly turns. Abstract naval and air rules, primarily land unit and production oriented. Play centres around the astute use of BRPs (Basic Resource Points) for offensives, new unit production and lending to allies. - campaign game covers Fall 1939 and progresses to Summer 1945 - there are also three shorter scenarios: Fall 1939-Summer 1942; Spring 1942-Winter 1944 and Spring 1944-conquering of Germany. - includes photocopy of "Correct Third Reich", 3 pages of official clarifications of common problem areas from General V15#2. Written by a third party but approved by Avalon Hill. - see the cover of this game for sale. - some box wear and scuffing, particularly on bottom. Components in better condition. Spearhead bodyguard Overlord (1994) GD,UP,BOX $12 - Spearhead's debut title by noted designer John Prados. - an unusual game depicting the intelligence battle leading up to D-Day ending two months after the invasion. - 300 counters, 36 cards, one full-size 22"x34" colour map. Turns are one month with a map scale of 1" = 45 miles. - similar scope as TSR's Twilight War but increased complexity and a more wargame-like presentation. - hidden and dummy units, partisans, intelligence cards and chits. - not for the counter-basher but those who enjoy the cat-and-mouse intelligence and disinformation game. - game is unpunched and unplayed but box side has a split. VG The Korean War (1986)PP,BKB $45 - two map operational-level game of the first year of the Korean conflict. One of the few full-size games on the topic. Medium complexity. - a Joe Balkoski design. The core of the system is an alternating expenditure of Operations points each turn similar to that of another Balkoski game for VG (Civil War). - six scenarios, five one-mappers and an Advanced Scenario using both the South and North maps. One month turns, 7.5 miles per hex, units are mostly divisional with breakdown to regiments possible. Has air & armor assets as well. - 18% unpunched. Verified complete. All counters checked against manifest and are all present including blanks! Also includes AH catalog, order form and original 10-sided die. DG S&T #105 Ruweisat Ridge (1985) VG,PU,ZIP $10 - the First Battle of El Alamein, July 1942. - 100 counters, 16" x 22" full-colour map. 18 turns. 24 hour turns, each map hex is 1.5 miles. - system uses HQs and Formation Activation rolls to determine if units are able to conduct actions each turn. - victory is determined by a comparison of victory points garnered for occupying geographical objectives and eliminating enemy units. Extra VPs are available for occupying the Coast Road within six hexes of the opposing side's friendly mapedge. - magazine includes interesting articles on: * 6 page historical article of the fighting around El Alamein in 1942. By game author Douglas Niles. * Road to Vicksburg strategy, clarifications and new scenario. * reviews of Sixth Fleet, End of the Iron Dream and others - countermix is verified complete and game is in Good condition. Fire & Movement #57 (Aug/Sep 1988) GD,MAG $3.00 - 72 page collection of gaming articles and reviews - features: * CoA's Le Bataille De Espagnol-Talavera (7 pages); with a 2 page response by designer Ed Wimble * MB's Shogun (4 pages); reviewed by John Prados * SSI's Shiloh: Grant's Trial in the West (4 pages) * WEG's Soldiers (3 pages) * Omega's Eastern Front Solitaire (2 single-page reviews and a 2 page response by designer Don Alexander * SSI's B-24 (2 pages) * WEG's Chickamauga (2 pages) - player's notes (Great section!!) for AH's Britannia, AH's ASL Hedgerow Hell, S&T# 112 Patton Goes to War, SSG's Battles in Normandy reviewed by Ben Knight, GDW's Great Patriotic War XTR Command #1 Blitzkrieg '41 (1989) EX, UP, ZIP $40 - premier issue of Ty Bomba's Command magazine - features the game Blitzkrieg '41, the first year of the Russo-German War. Game shares a common system with the earlier The Tigers Are Burning in S&T #118 and the following Sunrise of Victory in Command #2. - 1 full-size map, 200 counters, 45 miles/hex, units are German Corps (4 steps) and Russian Armies (2 steps), variable turn lengths (2-3 weeks in summer, months otherwise). - simple, low-complexity game. Very abstract supply. Unless a German Sudden Death Victory occurs (capture of Moscow before Turn 6), the game is decided on VP awarded for the usual geographical objectives and destruction of opposing units. - includes a photocopy of the game errata (less than 1 page). - magazine is interesting, much less polished than later issues. Several anecdotal articles. It is interesting to see how Command has evolved from a Ty Bomba vehicle to something a little more sophisticated. It's been six months since the last issue so let's hope the end of the line has not been reached! Articles include: * Ty Bomba's supporting article for the game on the initial period of the attack (11 pages). * an examination of the Russo-Polish War of 1920 (10 pages). * James Werbaneth briefly looks at the air elements of the Condor Legion in Spain, 1936 (2 pages). - complete, in collectable condition if you don't want to play the game and/or think Command has breathed its last.
Waddingtons 4000 A.D. (1972) GD,PU,BOX $15 - classic diceless space strategy game for 2 to 4 players. The objective is to capture your opponent's Home World system. - unique movement system where fleets enter hyperspace and do not have to presdesignate their arrival point. Any given system the correct distance travelled may be the arrival system. The larger fleet completely eliminates a smaller fleet. - Canadian version with French and English rules. Mounted mapboard still solid. - complete with all booklets and game components. Some box wear.
AH Image (1979) GD,BKB $8 - family game - points are scored for constructing chains of related facts about historical personages. - earlier release of this game. Good quality cards. - light box wear, components in Very Good condition and barely used. Golden Race to Riches (1989) VG, BOX $8 - family game of playing the stock market. - quick-playing, only 30 turns, about 1 hour from start to finish. - unique Money Wheel provides tremendous variations in commodity prices for wide-open play. Wheel spins interact with cards played from player's hands to generate income. - box has some scuffing and a tape removal mark. Components complete and in Very Good condition, I suspect the game has not been played.
1) All prices are in $US. Payment by money order or Paypal recommended for fastest shipment. 2) Buyer pays postage and will be calculated on a case-by-case basis. 3) I reserve the right to withdraw or otherwise refuse to sell any particular item. 4) Abbreviations: MT = Mint EX= Excellent VG= Very Good GD= Good FR= FairBKB= Bookcase Box MAG= Magazine FTB= Flat Box ZIP= Ziploc bag UP= Unpunched PP= Partly Punched PU= Punched
Please email epass@nyx.net with comments and corrections.