Name: David Ubico
Employed: MicroStrategy - Carlsbad, California
Address (Optional): 351 CHESTNUT AVE APT 71

CARLSBAD  CA 92008-3156
United States
Cellular Phone (Optional): (760) 458-4575
Work Phone: (760) 710-4548
Fax Number: off dead 
Home Town: Boulder Colorado

Boulder Web CAM

University/College Attended: George Washington University
University of Minnesota
University of Tulsa
Degree(s) Earned: M.S.
Management Information Systems

Political Science

Management Information Systems

Career Experience Prior to MicroStrategy: Alcatel Data Networks, AIIM, Univ of Tulsa, Corporate Travel, Control Data, Minnesota North Stars (now in Dallas), I've worked on our family ranch in Idaho
Professional Title: Configuration Management Engineer
Job Description: It's complicated... It's more than just a Build Master...

*mission control* US MC and producer

configuration management is the sw control / build / install / preacceptance
we extradite the process and not at all meant to be a hinderence :)

- Pacific Technology Center - OLAP Provider - MicroStrategy 7 project (Strauss)
Start Date with MicroStrategy: 1/4/99
Spouse/Significant Other/Children (and details if willing): one female siamese cat - now living in Ft Collins Colorado and who i miss, the only one i can get away with being annoying to
Activities/Hobbies: SCUBA, skiing, bowling?, reading, drawing, writing, fitness and of course rock'n roll.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes Coronitas on the Beach / DisLikes Lite beer

Likes to drink at the Old Dominion Brewery in Ashburn VA Also at the Karl Strauss Breweries in San Diego... click here for a picture with the Master Brewer

Like: creativity, innovation...
understanding, compassion and intelligence, SD

Dislike: kitschness, unquestioned authority...
misunderstanding, people trying to control my life, LA

the 'medium' is not the mes(s)age, the 'audience' is!!!
Major Personal Events: This moment...
and also the other day was a pretty major
Achievements: Growing up with two sisters two years apart from me

being a rock'n roller with my nephews
hanging out with my neice
Most Vivid MicroStrategy Moment: Is yet to come...
i see and
feel it's coming...
Goals/Aspirations: I have retired from bowling / To own a home isolated in the moutains above Boulder or Fort Collins / if i survive y2.002k


"You cannot put a rope around the neck of an idea; you cannot put an idea up against the barrack-square wall and riddle it with bullets; you cannot confine it in the strongest prison cell your slaves could ever build."
-- Sean O'Casey - "Death of Thomas Ashe" (1918)

Two visions of the world remain locked in dispute. The first believes all men are created equal by a loving God who has blessed us with freedom. Abraham Lincoln spoke for us: "No man," he said, "is good enough to govern another without the other's consent."

The second vision believes that religion is opium for the masses. It believes that eternal principles like truth, liberty, and democracy have no meaning beyond the whim of the state. And Lenin spoke for them: "It is true, that liberty is precious," he said, "so precious that it must be rationed."

Well, I'll take Lincoln's version over Lenin's - and so will citizens of the world if they're given free choice.
-- Ronald Reagan

footnote: I visited the Reagan library / museum in Simi Valley, it's very nice.

"Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking; where it is absent, discussion is apt to become worse than useless."
-- Leo Tolstoy - "On Life and Essays on Religion"
Favorites: Being able to live 2 1/2 blocks from the beach, four blocks from the Carlsbad Village, and to work with an ocean view outside the window... And also having everyday being just gorgeous.

I'm a hopeless homer... The Redskins, Capitals, Wizards, Orioles... unless there happens to be a good movie on.

I'm in California now -- Chargers, Padres and the Anahiem Mighty Ducks ??? Sports, the opiate of the people? IT'S MUCH TOO NICE OUT TO WATCH SPORTS!!!

SAABs -- 9-3 Convertable & the non-covertables too

Claude Simon, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Nathalie Sarraute, Aldous Huxley, Krishnamurti

footnote: I also took a tour of the Krishnamurti home in Ojai, California. The place is beautiful and peaceful situated among graceful eucalyptus, cypress, and cedar trees, overlooking the Ojai Valley (famous for apricots).

Reading Now: Hallador Laxness (Indepedent People)

The Doors (1st Album), The Rolling Stones (Ya-Ya's), The Who (Quadrophania), Tom Russell, Jack Logan, Bjork, Sheryl Crow, U2, Black Uhura, Bob Dylan and the Sex Pistols (hey a guilty pleasure)

Reading Now:
A complementary copy of the USA Today

Listening To Now:
-a very good San Diego station to listen to at work.

and sometimes
-because Mozart is proven to stimulate productivity

in the car: Barenaked Ladies (no, the music group), Dead Kennedys, Engima, Weezer, Sinead O'Connor, soon U2

Listening to now: Drugstore -White Magic For Lovers, Cranberries, Tom Petty, George Thorogood, Collective Soul (Dosage), Blonde (No Exit), James Brown's new one (Masters) jAmS, David Bowie (Best of.. 1969/1974), Tom Russell and constituents (The Man From God Knows Where) is the best thing i've heard in a while... Tom Russell is just one of the best lyricist alive today.
Other Thoughts: Imagine My Thoughts: otherwise await until I write them
San Diego:

- without insight the people will perish

"You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything."

Refresh and immerse yourself in the glory that is Fun With Steak.