by: Lydia Ann Howard Schulthies
I was
born in South Bountiful, Davis County, Utah, a beautiful little country village
near Salt Lake City, on October 4, 1880. My father, Samuel Shelton Howard, a
son of Joseph and Ann Shelton Howard, was born in England in the year 1854. He
was next to the youngest child in a family of eleven children. My mother was
the daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann Danley Taylor and was born in North Carolina in the year 1856. They have been good living people taking part in politics
in a quiet way but lived their religion in the Church of Jesus Christ very
strictly as they understood it.
My father’s occupation was that of a dairyman. Both of my parents have always been cheerful, kindhearted, loving people and believed strictly in doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Always have I been taught the principles of the Gospel and all virtues pertaining to a good life. My schooling was in South Bountiful and Salt Lake City.
My schooling first started in the old rock school house now owned by Weiser’s and is located just south of Samuel Mills’ home, also just about a half mile north of the Salt Lake-Davis County line. I attended this school for two or three years. This building was also used for Church activities. After this beginning, we next went to the concrete school, that was built just east of Thomas Burtenshaw’s and where the Woods Cross High School now runs. This concrete school was torn down later and a large two-room red brick school erected. However, I went from the concrete school over to the brick school house located across the street south from the South Bountiful Chapel, where I graduated from the eighth grade. I then registered at the University of Utah, which, along with my brother Samuel and my mother, gained two years education in a normal course. After deciding not to be a school teacher, I then took a business course for two years at the L.D.S. Business College, graduation from that school in 1900 or 1901.
After my marriage, on September 24, 1902, I lived in Salt Lake City for four years where two children were born to me. I then moved with my
husband and children to South Bountiful and since resided there. There have
been five more children born to me in South Bountiful, making seven in all.
All are living and are strong and healthy.
My travels have not been very extensive but in the year 1909 with my husband and three children and mother, I went to the World’s Fair at Seattle, Washington; thence along the coast down into California and back home. In the following year, 1910, my husband, three children and myself visited his people in Kansas and Missouri, which we enjoyed very much and I believe did some good in allaying the prejudice existing
against the “Mormons”. I feel that I want to do all the good I can and fill the measure of my creation as God has designed and to raise the standards of morality among our people.
I filled the office of Relief Society teacher in the 26th Ward in Salt Lake City from December 1902 to April 1905 and also taught Sunday School class in the 26th Ward. In South Bountiful Ward I held the following positions:
First Counselor in the Primary Association from 8 August 1912 to 14 July 1914 to Sis. Juliette Wood.
Parent Teacher in Sunday School from 1914 to 1924.
President of the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association in 1915 until several
years later.
In 1919 or 18 was Counselor to Olive Cleverly and Clara Haacke until 1920 when we
all resigned to have more family.
Teacher in the Religion Class for a considerable length of time.
First Assistant to Clara Egan in Relief Society, South Bountiful in 7 May 1922 until
6 June 1926.
President in Relief Society, South Bountiful. Went President 6 June 1926 until
February or May 1928.
President in Orchard Ward Relief Society when Ward was divided 9 April 1938.
Teacher in Relief Society for many years.
Teacher in Theology and Social Science.
Teacher in Teacher-Topic.
Teacher in Sunday School Gospel Doctrine for some time.
Secretary-Treasurer in Bountiful Irrigation Company from 1941 until 1948.
Captain of Camp Eutaw D.U.P. (Daughters of Utah Pioneers).
Captain of Davis County D.U.P.
Captain of North Canyon Camp D.U.P.
by: Lydia Ann Howard Schulthies
Born 4
October 1880, South Bountiful, Utah, at home, mother washing at the time, Mrs.
Simons was the midwife. Had a brother older than me and my parents felt (I
think) that was enough of my sex so had all boys after.
My first Sunday School was down at the rock school house near the county line between Davis and Salt Lake Counties. My brother Sam and I rode with old Bro. Abel Alexander in his buggy and horse every Sunday. Then when old enough for day school, I went to the same rock school building. One day while at school, there was snow on the ground and I was pulling Sarah Luker on a sled and Bro. Samuel Mills’ wagon was close by and I didn’t turn the sleigh soon enough and Sarah struck the tire, a steel band around the wheel on the wagon, and she broke one front tooth across in half, for which I was so sorry, and I never forgot this mishap. Some of the families that came to this rock school were Mills, Luker, Tomilison, Winegar (both John and Thomas), Stanley, Knighton, Stacey, Burns, McDuff. My brother Sam and I rode with our father in the milk wagon as he went every day to Salt Lake City.
My next school was a one-room concrete building across from Thomas C. Burtenshaw and his father, John. In both these schools, the heating system was a large pot-bellied stove in the center of the room. Those pupils close to the stove melted, while those on the outside walls were freezing. I stayed in this building until I reached the 7th grade, Alfred J. Ridges was our teacher. Then he moved over to a two-roomed red brick school in South Bountiful. From there, brother Sam and I graduated as we didn’t have high schools then. Then our mother, Sam, and myself went to the University of Utah when it was situated where the West High School now stands. We drove a horse and buggy to school and put them in Mr. Dermius’ yard and stable while we were in school. At the end of two years there, my brother was called on a mission to Great Britain. My mother left school also. I decided I didn’t care for the normal course so I left the University of Utah, took my credits and went to the L.D.S. Business College and graduated from the bookkeeping and shorthand courses in two years. This was in 1900. I took a job in insurance office of a Mr. Cameron, but only worked a few months, as my mother was elected the first lady recorder of Davis County, and my job was to care for the home and family of six children, Father and Mother, washing, ironing, canning, also picking fruit, and washing milk cans for our dairy, no little job.
In 1902 my Father was called on a mission and he felt that I should get married before he left, so 24 September 1902, I was married in the Salt Lake Temple to Henry F. Schulthies.
Lydia Ann Howard Schulthies
Father: Samuel S. Howard Mother: Sarah Ann Taylor
Born: 4 October 1880, Woods Cross Utah
Blessed: 6 January 1881 by her Grandfather, Joseph Howard
Baptized: 16 June 1889 by Samuel S. Howard
Confirmed: 16 June 1889 by Samuel S. Howard
Married: Henry Frederick Schulthies, 24 September 1902 in the Salt Lake Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Of this marriage are the following:
Rendell Howard Schulthies born 20 October 1903 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Lydia Lucile Schulthies born 11 December 1905 in Salt Lake City Utah.
Henry Cleon Schulthies born 23 October 1908 at South Bountiful, Utah.
Dale Howard Schulthies born 24 August 1911 at South Bountiful, Utah.
Ray Howard Schulthies born 3 October 1914 at South Bountiful, Utah.
Elva Vivian Schulthies born 19 October 1917 at South Bountiful, Utah.
Avon Howard Schulthies born 3 May 1920 at South Bountiful, Utah.
Four Generations
Samuel Shelton Howard, Lydia Ann Howard
Rendell Howard Schulthies holding Rendell Frederick Schulthies
Some of the events and history of Lydia A. Howard Schulthies’ life.
January 1954 time I began to write.
The Howard Family.
My father, Samuel S. Howard, came to Utah from England in October 1864 with his parents at the age of eight years. His early life was not an easy one as they didn’t have the necessities of life. He herded cows all over this southern part of Bountiful down as far as the Jordan River without shoes to protect his feet. His schooling was very meager, perhaps three months in a year during the coldest weather, was all that he could have. His mother died on the plains but his father married, after two years, a woman by the name of Caroline Woodall, who lost her husband while crossing the plains. She took good care of the family with the meager income that they were able to get.
This Joseph Howard family went first to William Muir’s farm in West Bountiful for six years. Then moved upon the bench land where Mr. Stenvel, fur dealer in Salt Lake City, later purchased and is now owned by a riding company. It was a very beautiful place as I knew it in childhood. Then, as time passed, my father and a brother, John, made their homes down on Howard Street. My father, Samuel S., went to Payson, Utah one weekend with Aunt Betsey Jane Howard, and at Provo (when the train stopped) a school teacher, Sarah A. Taylor, got on and my father was introduced to her. This was the beginning of their courtship and marriage, which took place on 27 December 1877 in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City. Their first home was a two-roomed concrete house that Samuel and John built. Samuel worked for a Mr. William Cooper for $20 a month running a dairy wagon, while Sarah watered and cared for vegetable garden and drove a team of horses and heavy wagon to Salt Lake City 20th Ward bench and sold her produce. Later Samuel started up a dairy outfit of his own, which he called Bountiful Dairy and this was in operation for 40 or more years. This home of two rooms was added to as the family increased until there were eleven rooms and porches all around the sides of it. A nephew, Ross Howard, lives there now.
To this union, seven children were born: Samuel Cyrus, Franklin (he died when one month old), Arthur L. next, then David Edward and Amasa R. Howard. Our parents were hard working and thrifty people. Very devout in their religious beliefs. We children grew up under this environment. When David was about three months, he got pneumonia and later brain fever and was a very sick child for a long time. My father had sold some land that he earlier had homesteaded on the bottom flats to a Mr. Allen for $30,000, receiving $10,000 down payment of which he paid $1,000 tithing. Then he bought a fine two-horse carriage and we took many rides for David’s sake, as my father had retired and we had plenty of time.
The Taylor Family.
The Taylor family came from North Carolina in July 1869. Just two months late to be called pioneers, but really knew of a great many of the experiences and hardships of pioneer life. The railroad was built as far as Ogden when they came. Although the train moved very slow, she says, men on the train could get off and go shoot a buffalo on the plains, then come back and board the train. They came from Ogden by teams and wagons, slept on the steps of the Bountiful Tabernacle, and went to Payson and were living there when my father went down to visit and met mother at Provo as she boarded the train to go home for the weekend.
As a girl I attended a school down at the old Mills’ home near the county line. It was a rock building now owned by the Weiser family. The next school was a concrete one-room building located where the road crosses the Bamberger tracks by Thomas C. Burtenshaw home. All grades were there in one room. We had several instructors, but in the 5th and 6th grades, a Mr. Alfred J. Ridges was our teacher. Then a two-room brick building with cloak rooms was built over north across the street from the South Bountiful Chapel and the 7th and 8th grades were held there. We rode our bicycles when weather would permit. One day, I was carrying the lunch basket, as we took turns in this task, and my bike got into a rut in the road and the lunch basket caught against my knee and threw me with the basket to the ground and my brothers Sam and Will surely scared [or scorned] me. This incident was in front of Edward Porter home. Then it was owned by William or Bill Moss, the manager of the Deseret Livestock Company. After graduating from this school, my brother Sam, mother, and I drove a little buggy and horse to Salt Lake City to the University of Utah, then located on 2nd West where the West Side High School is now. Left our horse in a little barn across the street from the school owned by Mr. Dermius. We attended this school for two years. Then my brother went on a mission in 1900, so I changed my school to two years in the L.D.S. Business College then held in the Templeton Building. The school occupied the top floors. Bryant S. Henckley was the Principle. A Mr. Miller was in charge of the bookkeeping department and Milton Ross, father of Mrs. Maron Parker, was the penmanship teacher. If he could see this writing, he would surely think he failed as far as I am concerned.
I rode in the milk wagon of my father to go to Business College and got my feet so cold, I suffered chill blains all winter long. Still, I am thankful for my meager education.
We had a small steam train we called the Dummy that ran up through the county owned and operated by Simon Bamberger. Later this line was electrified and served the people of this part until 1952, when buses took the passengers and the freight alone was carried over the rails. We didn’t ride very often on the Dummy, as we were short of money but it was fine for others. When we got in better circumstances we appreciated this service. There was built a two-room school where the one-room concrete building was across from T. C. Burtenshaws and auxillary meetings held.
Now in 1902 I married Henry F. Schulthies and seven fine children came to us, and are all living and married with nice families. At this writing, we have 36 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. Henry was a very hard-working, fine husband and father. He came to Utah from Kansas in 1900. He was ill and the Rock Island Railroad sent him to Colorado Springs for his health. Then he came West and was never sorry. We made many trips back to his people, but none of them ever seemed interested in our religion except John, his brother who died in 1941 in Colorado. He never married. Henry was the last one of his family to die. This came 10 October 1951 at home in Bountiful, Utah. Henry worked for several firms and was always liked for doing his work well. The last job was at Z.C.M.I. where he worked 20 years. Then diabetes kept him from work for 12 years. During this time, he had his eyes operated on. Later he lost his left leg at the knee. Other leg at or near the hip. He suffered a lot but never gave up, but carried his can and shovel around on our small place getting out weeds, etc. up until three weeks before his demise. He was a High Priest in the Val Verda Ward, a faithful member of the Church and a devoted father and husband. We lived in the 26th Ward, Salt Lake City four years, then moved to Bountiful and our home is still in Bountiful.
As a girl, I held some positions in the Auxillary org. Coun. to Mr. J. Carless in Y.L.M.I.A. Secretary in Primary and Religion classes. Then when I was married I taught a Sunday School class in 26th Ward four years. When I moved back to Bountiful (1906), I was counselor to Juliet Wood in the M.I.A. work. I could go better in the evening as Henry would care for our children. Our meetings, all but Sacrament, were held in a two-roomed brick school building across from T.C. Burtenshaw home, where the one-room concrete building had stood. So it wasn’t far for me to go. I was Relief Society teacher for a long time. I was counselor to Sis. Clara Hatch Egan and Sis. Sarah Parkin Hatch was the other counselor. Then I was made President of the Relief Society when Sis. Clara Egan became ill. This all took place when my brother in South Bountiful, Samuel C. Howard, was Bishop in South Bountiful Ward. When the Ward was divided, I was President of the first Relief Society in Orchard Ward. This was in March 1938 with Bishop Lorus Manwaring.
I was Class Leader in Gospel Doctrine class for a long time in South and in Orchard Wards. I was Registrar in D.U.P. (Daughters of Utah Pioneers) of South Bountiful when it was first organized in 1928, and later was Captain of Camp Eutaw. Then was County President D.U.P. for two years with a fine board of co-workers. I moved from Camp Eutaw to North Canyon Camp as it was closer and I became Captain of this Camp for two years. I am still enjoying the meetings and am very thankful to have the Pioneer heritage that I have. I was counselor to Olive E. Cleverly and Clara Haacke in Primary in South Bountiful. All these privileges were very happy experiences for me. Later on, I was Secretary of Primary work to Naomi Salter, Olive Cleverly and Blanch Moss in South Bountiful. After Orchard Ward became too large and the Presiding Authority deemed it wise to divide the Ward, in 1950 Val Verda Ward was organized with Bishop W. Rollins, Sterling Tanner and Merwin Fairbanks counselors. I have acted as Social Science Leader in Orchard Ward and still in Val Verda Ward Relief Societies. Worked as Relief Society Visiting Teacher for many years in three wards. I hope people in later years won’t think I held all the positions, but they may think the Church was short of material. The barbeque was brought into existence in the Orchard Ward. The first one was held up at Wilford Woods. And we did very well financially. A barn dance and eats at $1.00 a plate and over a $1,000 was cleared. This was a good beginning for the new Orchard Ward Chapel building fund. I was Secretary for about 10 years to Bountiful Irrigation Company, a stock company organized in 1890 into a water company.
My thoughts go back to the time there was nothing but “fillere”, a small grass with pink flowers and rabbit brush all over these parts from our home south to County line. I used to ride a sorrel ringboned horse and herd my father’s cows all over this stretch of country during the summer. Then Mr. Howatt came and purchased south of 7200 and east of the O.S.L. tracks for a nominal sum and two of his sons-in-law went to the Ag. College at Logan and learned Horticulture. They planted fruit trees on the ground south of 7200 and east of the Highway 91 and our oldest boy Rendell, and brother Cleon helped irrigate the trees and Rendell also was chauffer for Mr. Howatt. Such a change has taken place in this section. For 20 or more years, we were under the bond of Bonneville Water District and could neither pay [buy] (as it was too high) or sell so the country stayed pretty well the same for a long time, but now there are fine homes all over this part of the country.
[Lydia Ann Howard Schulthies died 6 April 1969 at her home in Bountiful, Davis, Utah. She was buried in the Bountiful Memorial Cemetery 10 April 1969.]
[Patterned after a popular TV Show called “This is your Life”
Born 4 October 1880 on Howard Street, the daughter of Samuel S. Howard and Sarah Ann Taylor.
The day that Lydia was born was a very eventful one for the family because, although she was the second child in the family, she was the first girl and the only girl in this family of seven. She says of her childhood, “they were happy days in spite of the fact that she was spoiled by having to wait on her five living brothers.” Her father was a dairyman, so she helped milk cows, tramped hay, rode a horse herding the cows, and enjoyed the beauties of nature by being close to nature.
In the evenings, the family would read and discuss the scriptures or play games. Her father played tiddleywinks, checkers, and dominoes with the neighbor children as well as the family while her mother cored and peeled apples, popped corn and made molasses candy, the likes of which has never been equaled. They had a large home with a large kitchen and they held many parties and large gatherings here. Her brothers, father, and mother had their missionary friends and converts come to stay, and sometimes even live with them until they could get work and a place to live. Often, they would have as many as fifty people to serve at one meal.
Lydia attended the earliest school in the county and graduated from the 8th grade. At this time in the county, they had a very difficult examination before a student could graduate. And students from the whole county gathered at the courthouse in Farmington where the teachers that excelled in each subject gave tests that really made the brilliant students scratch their heads. To put it in Lydia’s words, Lydia and her brother Sam completed “two of the hardest days I’ve ever had.”
After finishing school in the county, Lydia, her mother, and her brother Sam drove their horse and buggy each day and attended the University of Utah (Deseret) then located where West High School now is. After two years of the normal course, Lydia decided that she didn’t want to be a school teacher, so in 1900, when Sam went on a mission and her mother left school, she transferred her credits to the L.D.S. Business College, which was held on the top floors of the Templeton Building. While attending the Business College, she would ride the milk wagon from her home to the foot of Center Street in Salt Lake, and then walk over the hill and down Main Street to South Temple. During the winter months, her feet would be so cold by the time she reached Center, that she could feel nothing, and she would be so glad to get out of the wagon and walk to get some circulation and warmth back to them. Then, after reaching the school, her feet would warm up and naturally would start to itch. In thinking about those days, Lydia remembers how she used to sit on the bookkeeping stools and rub her feet until they were raw.
Two years of business college and then graduation. That was a day to remember. There were beautiful white dresses, bouquets of flowers, and the thrill of receiving the diplomas and the congratulations of many friends. Five girls had a group called the Happy Five and there were five boys known as the Handsome Five. What good times they had, and graduation meant they all went different ways.
Lydia met handsome Henry Schulthies when he went to work at the Brick Yards which her father owned. He had worked for the railroad in Missouri and because of ill health had come West. Not being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and showing an interest in the young ladies of the community, he was criticized. The fathers of the area felt their daughters were in danger. With so many workers coming from all parts of the country, they warned Lydia and her folks to have nothing to do with these men, especially Henry. The Lord works in a mysterious way, and after the Gospel had been taught to this young man, he was baptized, and he and Lydia were married 24 September 1902 in the Salt Lake Temple. A temple marriage was Lydia’s goal right from the start because as a girl she had watched the temple rise to completion, and it was very dear to her heart.
After marriage, they lived in Salt Lake City for four years. They had a cow that was given to them by her father and Lydia milked the cow and sold the milk to their German neighbors, while Henry worked 12 hours a day. They saved for the day when they would have their own home, so in 1906 they bought a tract of land in South Bountiful known now as 7025 South. The house needed lots of work, so Henry and Lydia came out late at night and worked into the wee hours of the morning to get floors in, doors and window frames hung, and paint and paper where it was needed. It was a happy time when they could enjoy the home with their two children: Rendell and Lucile. Two years later, Lucile had trouble with one of her eyes. The doctor said the eye had to be taken out. Lydia felt so very sad and with a prayer in her heart decided, with her mother, that they should talk to those holding the Priesthood before such a drastic step should be decided on. As they were walking along the sidewalk by Z.C.M.I., President Joseph F. Smith, President of the Church at that time, was walking along with his head bowed. But when he came even with them, he raised his head and walked directly over to them. He asked what the trouble was with the little girl’s eye. When they explained, he said, “that won’t be necessary, go to this other doctor, and he will take care of this eye.” They did and the eye was saved. It has always been a source of joy and happiness and added to the testimony that Lydia has of the wonderfulness of the Gospel.
Later on, their home was blessed with five more children: Cleon in 1908, Dale in 1911, Ray in 1914, Elva in 1917, and Avon in 1920 making five boys and two girls. They planted trees and flowers and made their tract of land like a Garden of Eden. Then in 1921, they sold their home and built their new home where they lived to see all their family married and leave home.
Once more they were alone, and Henry’s health was failing. He kept the urge to live and so suffered long, but Lydia stayed by his side until 1951 when he died leaving her the job of looking after their many grandchildren and great grandchildren. There are now 40 grandchildren and 41 great grandchildren.
Her life has been full of faith promoting experiences which she likes to relate to the youth of the Church every chance she gets. A family gathering will very often develop into a discussion of Church principles, with Lydia an authority on most points since she is so well versed in the Gospel. She has studied and taught all her life, and because she has put the things she has learned into practice she has no trouble remembering them.
In spite of a life kept busy with the work of raising a family of seven children, she has always found the time to accept any assignment given her in the Church or in the community, and there has never been a time when she didn’t hold some position in the Church. Teaching, guiding, and leading has been her life’s work, and she has fulfilled it well.
A skit of the life of Lydia Ann Howard Schulthies presented by the Orchard II Ward M.I.A. on May 22, 1959.
Have you ever thought as you walked life’s path
Of the secrets a keyhole could hold
Of the people you’ve known and their kindness shown
As their lives before you unfold?
Let’s look for a moment inside of the heart
Of Lydia Schulthies so true,
A life to be proud of – an example to all.
She’s respected and loved through and through.
As we turn the key of her years gone by
Her playmate comes into view,
A cousin, Maude, dear to her heart
Brings memories we want to renew.
(Song: “I Don’t Want to Play in Your Yard”) Forsberg girls age 7 & 8 yrs
As Lydia and Maude grew older
To Howard Street, Henry and Gene
In a rented Surry drove from Salt Lake
To court the two girls in their teens.
(Song: “Surrey with the Fringe on Top”) Vern Rogers, Pat Powell, Ray Christiansen and Lavon Wright
To choose was a problem for Lydia so fair,
But Henry, with his winning way,
Was the one she was sealed to and promised to love
In the temple on their wedding day.
(Song: “I Love You Truly”) Bro. & Sis. Waltzer, bride and groom
When a blessed event was expected
She hated to be alone
So she kept her husband and mid-wife waiting:
Two weeks they were sitting at home.
The minute she sent them from her
The baby decided to come:
So before the doctor could get there,
She had Rendell, a 12-pound son.
(Song: “Braham’s Lullaby”) Marva Cleverly with a rocking chair and doll
Her jobs in the Church have been many,
She’s worked for the Lord all her years:
M.I.A., Sunday School and Primary,
Relief Society and Daughter of Pioneers.
Seven children she is blessed with
Plus 40 grandchildren dear,
And 41 great grandchildren add to her joys
Making pleasant the twilight years.
(Song: “That Wonderful (Grand) Mother of Ours”) by her grandchildren
The sayings of this noble lady
Are famous and most wide-spread;
She quotes from the Prophets so wisely:
‘Rise early from thy bed!
To keep the Sabbath Day Holy
Has been her goal all her life,
“Don’t push the ox in the mire on Saturday
So on Sunday you’ll avoid toil and strife.”
“Endure to the end”, says this lady,
So let’s put into our lives
The goodness and kindness and virtue
Of valiant Lydia Schulthies!
(Family group pictures taken by Carl Buchanan – presentation of a rose bush made by Bishop Harding.)