I was
born Tuesday, 16 May 1905 at South Bountiful, Davis County, Utah to Hyrum
Burtran Parkin and Millesant Parrish in the old adobe home. Mary A. Tolman
(midwife) delivered me at 4:20 a.m. Blessed 2 July 1905 by Edwin Pace,
baptized 1 June 1913 by Daniel Moss, confirmed 1 June 1913 by William J.
Parkin. This home was built by my Great Great Grandfather William Brown, a
pioneer, arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah 18 September 1847, Ira Eldredge Co. of
50. He was the first Bishop of the South Bountiful Ward. My parents purchased
this home in 1902 along with about 30 acres of land from some of William
Brown’s children. It was here that I lived until the time of my marriage.
Birthplace of
Beatrice Parkin Schulthies
I was the 4th child in a family of 8, having 4 brothers and 3 sisters; namely, (1) Stella Louise – she married William Wesley Winegar. She taught school in West Bountiful before her marriage. Died 30 October 1920 three days after the birth of her first baby, Hyrum Wesley; (2) Burtran Vandel – died 2 April 1901 when only four weeks old because of a valve in his heart failing to close; (3) Winfred Eugene – he had scarlet fever when in the 6th grade, which left him with a kidney disease and was unable to attend school thereafter. He could play the piano very well by ear. He never recovered from this illness and died at the age of 44, September 8, 1947. This was a great trial for my parents; (5) Ruby Alice – married Newell Barlow. They have a family of 7 boys and 1 girl; (6) LaGrande – married Nora Holbrook. He was a bishop in the South Bountiful Ward. They have a family of 3 boys and 1 girl; (7) Marjorie – married Keith Winegar. They have a family of 4 girls and 1 boy; (8) Stanley – married Louise O’Brien. They have a family of 6 boys and 2 girls.
My Mother passed away 9 July 1948 from a heart attack. My Father also died from a heart attack 16 May 1959.
My Mother and baby Louise went with my father to herd sheep one summer, living in a sheep camp and cooking for the herders. In those days catnip was used to make tea to give as a medicine to the children. When baby Vandel died, Louise being hardly 3 years old said, “Why did you let my baby die? Why didn’t you give him some catnip tea?”
I remember
when I was quite small, I had golden ringlets and blue eyes, my sister Ruby had
dark brown hair ringlets and blue eyes. Mother made us each a silk dress for
Easter. Mine was pale blue with a high waist line with lace insertion and
narrow black velvet ribbon strung through. Ruby’s was a pale pink trimmed with
lace and a low waist line.
When I was quite young, we wore high-topped shoes that laced up. It was quite difficult for me to lace them up and would take me a long time, so I wanted Louise to lace them for me, but she wouldn’t do it. I was standing on the bed and had ahold of one of the shoe laces in my shoe. It made me mad because she wouldn’t help me, so I threw my shoe at her and went head first off the bed and broke my arm. They didn’t know whether or not I would have a stiff arm the rest of my life, because it was in the elbow. The doctor asked Mother how she would rather have it if it were stiff, she said not straight down but bent, so it was put in a cast in that position. It healed without being stiff. I feel that Mother was inspired to make the right decision.
Before we had electricity, we used coal oil lamps in the house and coal oil lanterns to see to do the chores outside. Our first telephone hung on the wall and we would turn a little handle, the bell would ring, central would answer and we would tell her the number we wanted. Then she would ring the number for us. The only plumbing we had was a sink in the kitchen with cold water.
Father had a milk route and Mother would go with the horse and wagon to gather the ten gallon cans of milk from the neighbors. One evening in the winter time when the snow was quite deep she told me I could go with her if I would go get the horse that was up in the field. I went and the last thing I remember was being close to the colt. Finally, Mother came after me. She was angry because I was so long and started to scold me, but then she saw that I didn’t know her and she decided that I must have been kicked by the colt in the jaw. She had tied a sweater over my head with the sleeves tied in a knot on the side where I was kicked, so my face wasn’t cut, but was cut and bruised inside my mouth. I got lock jaw. In those days very few lived that had lock jaw. But through my Mother’s faith and careful nursing and being administered to by the Priesthood, I recovered. She fed me with a spoon through the place where I had lost my front teeth, as I couldn’t open my mouth. Finally, it broke and the pus soaked my pillow. From then on, I gradually recovered. My great aunt Lydia Burnham, who was blind, came and told me stories, and oh how I enjoyed her visits.
I was promised a new coat if I would have my tonsils out, the wire slipped and part of one tonsil was left in which caused me a great deal of trouble later. I wanted a banana and they gave it to me. It got stuck in my sore throat, and oh how that hurt. My new coat was a pretty blue one, I really did like it.
In our back yard we had a swing made with a rope fastened to one of our large trees and a merri-go-round made from an old wagon wheel where we children spent many happy hours. It was a thrill to go after the cows down the lane that was lined with mock orange trees and throwing mock oranges at the cows to make them go faster. At the end of the lane close to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks were hawberry bushes, we liked to eat the berries. We would then open the gate, go across the track and open the other gate, look to see if a train was coming, then hurry the cows across the tracks before a train did come. Sometimes the cows gave us a bad time and we were afraid that a train would surely come before we got them across the tracks. One or two cows did get killed while crossing the tracks. We liked to pick wild violets that were growing next to the tracks. In the summer I would herd the cows to keep them out of the corn, sometimes my sister, Ruby, would go with me. We would make chains and whistles out of dandelions and with the ones that had gone to seed we would tell the time of day, we would blow and then say one o’clock, blow again saying two o’clock, etc. till the seeds were all blown off and the last time we blew was the time of day. We would pick the petals off daisies or sunflowers, saying as we picked off each petal one at a time, one I love, two I love, three I love I say, four I love with all my heart, five I cast away, six he loves, seven she loves, eight they both love, nine he comes, ten he tarries, eleven he courts and twelve they marry, thus telling our own fortunes. We would make dolls out of holly hocks, and also out of the ears of corn. We loved to go down to the pond and pick the nice tender water cress and eat it with salt and Mother’s hot bread and butter.
I helped my Father milk cows, we would carry the milk ten gallon cans from the corral up to the milk house, Father would take hold of one handle of a ten gallon can and I would take ahold of the other handle, we each carried a bucket full of milk in the other hand. I remember milking 15 cows night and morning for a week or two while Father was working away from home. We milked by hand. No one had milking machines in those days. One night while I was milking I had an attack of appendicitis. When the doctor came he said it seemed to be passing over so they didn’t operate. I took American oil for some time and was several weeks getting over it, but I never did have another attack. Another time I was pitching silage out of the silo which was close to being filled to the top. I run the pitchfork right through my foot. After quite a struggle, I finally pulled the pitchfork out and climbed down the ladder and carried the silage into the barn for the cows to eat. My foot was numb, so it didn’t hurt till the feeling came back. I got blood poisoning and couldn’t walk on it for several weeks, but after soaking it faithfully in hot Epson salts water, it finally got well and I was able to help with the milking again. My Father for a time sold milk. I helped put the caps on the bottles after they were filled. I also rinsed the bottles after Walt Bryson, our hired man, had washed them. Father later sold his milk route to Harris Bros.
One of the times we always looked forward to as children was when the threshers came. There was a lot of cooking to be done because there would be a lot of men to feed. Sometimes as many as ten men. Mother always set an attractive table and cooked lots of good food. The men always liked to come to our place to thresh. Mother would give us all a towel in our hands, pull the blinds down and we would shoo out every fly because she didn’t want even one fly to light on the food at the table. After the threshing was done, Mother would empty our straw ticks, wash them and fill them with the nice sweet smelling straw. Oh how good it felt to sleep on those freshly filled ticks. I liked to ride the derrick horse when we were putting up hay, I also helped tramp the hay as the men pitched it on to the hayrack. Father would put a large fork into the hay, the derrick horse would then pull the fork of hay to the top of the hayshed. Then Father would pull the rope to trip the fork so it would fall onto the haystack. Later, when I was a little older, I helped stack the hay as the derrick fork brought it up. I remember Mother would help stack hay, too, when Father was short of help. When the hayshed was full of hay, we children would get to sleep on top of the hay that night. I remember how we liked to watch the stars and tell stories and talk half the night. We had a player piano which we all loved to play. I remember one time Jared Brown came to help Father put up hay. After dinner we would go in the parlor and Jared would play the piano and sing. He could make the piano sound much better than we could. I took piano lessons from Mrs. Twiggs, so I learned to play the piano a little. She would crack me over the hands with a pencil or ruler if I made a mistake. She was an old English lady. She lived in a little old house with many cats that run over her bed and table. She didn’t like anyone to come into her house it was so dirty. When some of her baby chicks died, instead of burying them, she would just lay them on a ledge on her porch. Mrs. Twiggs would eat dinner with us quite often. I remember one day at the dinner table we had some horseradish and Mrs. Twiggs wanted to try some. She took a big mouthful and then jumped up and screamed, “Oh, my Father, Caesar’s Ghost!” We children thought it was quite funny. She always wore about a dozen petticoats and a white blouse and black skirt. No one ever really knew her age, but it was thought that she was well over a hundred years old. At the last, she was put in a rest home, but became quite ill. She then came to our house. Mother gave her a good bath. It frightened her to get in the water. It may have been the first bath she had had for many years. She didn’t live long after that, but Mother was always glad that she was clean when the end came. After her death, they found every check that she had received from the county uncashed. She had lived on the little bit she had earned from giving piano lessons.
We didn’t have a fireplace in our home, but had a mantle or shelf on the wall, one in the dining room and one in the parlor. On Christmas Eve we would hang our stockings under the mantle. How happy we were Christmas to find an orange, a candy animal, some nuts and candy, sometimes a banana and one present in our stocking. One year I got a lavaliere. It was gold and set with a small ruby and a small long-shaped pearl hanging from it and a very fine chain. I really enjoyed wearing my pretty lavaliere. I remember one Christmas I got a new wig for my doll. Mother had saved the combings from her own hair and Ann Brown, a neighbor, had made a doll’s wig. This made me very happy, now I could comb my doll’s hair. We didn’t always have a Christmas tree, but when we did, Mother would decorate it after we children had gone to bed so it would be a surprise next morning. On it were little colored candles that set in little holders which snapped onto the tree limbs.
One Easter I received a beautiful Easter basket. It was the first boughten Easter basket I had ever had. It had in it little fluffy yellow chicks, a chocolate rabbit, pretty colored eggs, some artificial flowers and a bow of ribbon tied to the handle, all covered with cellophane. I thought it was the most beautiful Easter basket I had ever seen and was so happy. That afternoon Mother said to me, “Beatrice, wouldn’t you like to go down and visit Ruth and give her your Easter basket?” I was so surprised that Mother wanted me to give away my pretty Easter basket that I loved so much and I didn’t think I could do it. But after thinking about my little friend Ruth Hatch who was confined to her bed with leakage of the heart and unable to play like other little girls. I always liked to go visit her and try to cheer her up. Mother didn’t say any more, just let me decide for myself. After thinking about how happy Ruth would be with my beautiful Easter basket, I decided to do as my Mother had suggested. When I saw the light and happiness in little Ruth’s eyes as I gave her my Easter basket, it made me feel so happy inside that I never even thought about not having an Easter basket of my own. Little Ruth passed away before another Easter came. I was always happy because of the little bit of happiness I had brought into little Ruth’s life. As the years went by, I came to realize the wonderful lesson that my Mother had taught me, “that it is more blessed to give than to receive.”
I started to school when six years in the kindergarten at South Bountiful. Ella James was my teacher. Some of my other teachers were Mrs. Pratt and Mrs. Husband. One year I had a perfect record in attendance. At recess we would play jacks, jump the rope, hop scotch, hide and seek, follow the leader, etc. And sometimes we would make play houses. We would sweep the ground clean with tree limbs, then put rocks all around, use bigger rocks for our table and chairs, then we would eat our lunch there. Some of my girlfriends were: Lucile Musgrave, Lorene Hatch, Mary Moss, Lucile Hatch, Golda Parkin, and others. Most winters the snow got very deep, the drifts sometimes covered the fences. We liked to run on drifts. Sometimes our legs would sink down into the snow and it was a struggle to get out. We could wait till we heard the big school bell ring, then if we run fast, we could get from home to the school on time.
Our first automobile was a 1916 seven passenger Studebaker. I remember we would go to Park City and visit my Great Grandmother Adelia Stanley and some of my great aunts and uncles and cousins. When we got to the half-way house, the engine would be boiling. We would stop and let it cool, fill up with water, and then go in. We usually stayed overnight and came home the next day.
Before we got our Studebaker car, we would go to visit Grandma Parrish in the horse and buggy. We would start early in the morning to drive to Kaysville, have dinner with Grandma, visit for a little while and then drive home so we could get home before dark. Some of the roads were very sandy, sometimes the sand would come up to the horse’s knees and it was hard to pull the buggy. I remember how I enjoyed eating at Grandma’s – tiny new potatoes creamed with tender green peas, the watermelon hearts – how good everything tasted!
The first and only licking that I ever received from my Father, that I can remember, was when he was in a hurry and asked me to go bring the horses up from the pasture. I got as far as the pond and decided I would like a drink of cold flowing well water. I walked on a plank over to the well and had a nice cold drink. Then I couldn’t resist catching some pollywogs and picking wild flowers, forgetting that Father was in a hurry for the horses. When I looked up, Father was coming toward me with the harness in his hands. He was so mad that he whipped me with the lines of the harness. My feelings were hurt more than anything else, but I knew that I well deserved it. Mother was the one that usually corrected us children. We had a willow tree out back of the granary, and whenever any of us children would fight she would send us out for three willows, and then make us hit each other with our willows till we had enough fighting. If we stopped hitting each other, she would hit us with her willow. When we needed to be punished for doing something wrong, she would send us out for a willow and tingle our legs with it. Thus the little willow tree never had a chance to grow very big, because each summer its limbs were used for correcting 7 children.
I remember when my Father would go duck hunting at the Gun Club. Twenty-one ducks was the limit. He nearly always came home with his limit. We would put the tin wash tub in the middle of the kitchen floor and all pick ducks, some would get tired and quit, but I would stay till the last duck was picked. Mother would cook them with dressing and we could have a duck apiece or all we could eat. They were so delicious!
On Papa’s birthday, we would go down to the Gun Club where Papa’s cousins, George and Jessie Parkin, lived and had homemade ice cream. The older Parkin boys would take us children for a ride in the row boats. I liked to go ice skating with my school friends, but after falling down and breaking my nose, it wasn’t so much fun anymore.
In 1918, the year the Armistice was signed after World War I, there was an epidemic of influenza. It was very contagious and a lot of people died from the disease. Louise, Gene and I all had it very bad. Dr. Stocks told it around Bountiful that he wouldn’t give ten cents for all three of Burt Parkin’s oldest children’s lives. We were that sick. Mother patiently nursed us till she was about ready to collapse herself, when her sister Aunt Nell came to help out. Then Bishop Howard and Bro. Charles W. Haacke, his councilor, came and administered to us. Along with the faith and prayers of Mother and her tender care we all three recovered. Bishop Howard went into every home in the ward to administer where there was sickness. They were cautioned to wear masks, it was so contagious, but they never did and they never got the disease, but accomplished a lot of good through administering.
At the end of World War I after the soldiers had returned home, they held a dance in the State Capitol Building. I went with my parents and older sister, Louise. I danced with some of Louise’s boy friends (soldiers).
Grandma Parrish lived with us for awhile. She had diabetes and heart trouble. She had the front upstairs bedroom and was quite ill. Many nights I would hear her groan and get up and rub her back and get her some soda and water to relieve her pain. Although she was ill she was never idle. She would cut out the best parts of our worn out dresses and make a quilt top doing it all by hand. I remember one time when I was in a hurry to get my Saturday’s work done, of taking Grandma’s breakfast up to her and telling her to “eat it now or she wouldn’t get any” of which I am very much ashamed. It hurt her feelings and she didn’t eat any of her breakfast that morning.
When my sister Louise had typhoid fever, Mother wrung sheets out of Lysol and hung them up at the door of the room Louise was in. She was careful to disinfect the dishes and none of the rest of the family got the disease. Louise also at one time had fellon. The doctor had to cut off the end of her finger and pack it with gauze. When he would change the dressing, it made Louise faint away.
I was chosen to give a reading for the Stake M.I.A. Speech Contest. I recited Hiawatha’s Childhood, and because I went overtime one minute was disqualified. Quale Cannon won. For years afterward people would remark that I should have won the pin. Quale Cannon recited “The Gettysburg Address.”
My oldest sister Louise died from uremic poisoning three days after her first child was born, “Wesley Winegar”. The baby was premature, weighed 4 ½ pounds and lost one pound after birth. It was a caesarean birth. The doctor said the baby didn’t have a chance to live and Louise had only one chance in a hundred. Louise’s husband’s mother died from child birth, and when Sylvia Winegar, a sister-in-law, asked Louise if she wasn’t afraid to have her baby, Louise answered, “No, I can’t think of a nobler way to die.” The baby was kept in the hospital from his birth 27 October 1920 till New Year’s Day. He had pneumonia. Mother brought him home and cared for him till her heart gave out, then she had to get a trained nurse to take over. We would watch him all night, and when we couldn’t see that he was breathing, we would give him a drop of Brandy in a little water and his heart would start beating again. It was May before he was out of danger and on the way to recovery. That year I was asked to represent Davis High at the University of Utah for Speech and read from The Birds Christmas Carol, but because of Wesley’s illness was unable to go. Davis wasn’t represented.
I attended the old South Bountiful School till the sixth grade. Rendell was in the 8th grade and he went to school on Saturdays in the basement. I got permission to take the 8th grade work on Saturdays. K.C. Barlow was the teacher. It was this year that Rendell and I started to send valentines and write notes to each other. The next year I went to the new schoolhouse. I skipped the 7th grade and went into 8th grade. Ralph Hayward was the teacher. Father was janitor and it was my job to sweep and dust. Father took care of the furnace. Rendell went to the L.D.S. Business College that year, but he would come to South Bountiful some nights after school to play ball. I went to Bountiful Junior High in the 9th grade at Bountiful. J.A. Taylor was the principal and my English teacher, Miss Shepherd was my algebra teacher, C.H. Blake was my commercial arithmetic teacher, Coy Hayward – psychology. I rode the Bamberger electric railroad to school. Then one year to Davis High at Kaysville. Sterling Sill was in my Seminary class. George Ensign was the teacher. Gladys Smith was my oral expression teacher, Bertha Williams was my sewing teacher, Elmer Miller was the principal.
Roberts and I were on an assembly program at David High. We were dressed as
Scotch Lassies and danced the Hiland Fling. However, Lizzie didn’t learn the
dance, so I danced alone while she stood by and watched. Our pictures were
taken and put in the year book.
I had enough credits that I could have graduated in one more year, but they told me that I couldn’t graduate anyway, that I would have to go the full two years. However, Ruby Holbrook had the same number of credits as I had and they let her graduate the next year. They probably would have let me graduate, too, but we decided to get married.
Soon after my graduation from Primary, I was chosen to be a Primary teacher assisting Mable Benson. I was assistant secretary in the South Bountiful Sunday School with Joseph Miller as secretary. Later, I was made secretary. This position I held till the time of my marriage. I was presented with a book, “The Greatest Thing in the World” by Drummond for perfect attendance at Sunday School during the year 1921 and signed by Supt. C.M. Egan, E.R. Haacke and R.H. Hayward, with my name engraved on the cover. I still have that book.
When my brother Eugene had scarlet fever, all of us children were sent over to my Grandmother Parkin’s, “Grannie”, we children called her, to stay while he was quarantined. He was very, very sick and it left him with a kidney disease. He was taken to the hospital for an operation. Dr. Middleton and Dr. Alan performed the operation. The caps from both kidneys were removed. This was the second operation of this kind that had been performed at that time. The other case died. Gene was never well after that, had convulsions and Brights disease. In 1924 he went to the Salt Lake Temple and had his endowments. He never married and was in the hospital at Provo, Utah for a number of years before his death at the age of 44 years. His was a very sad life.
One Sunday afternoon when Rendell came over to see me, I was home alone with my youngest sister, Marjorie, who was asleep. Rendell wanted me to go for a little ride with him, so we left Marjorie asleep for just a little while, thinking that she would be alright and sleep till we got back. When we returned from our ride, we couldn’t find Marjorie and were really scared. Then Lizzy Atkinson, a neighbor, brought her home. She had awakened and had come out of the house crying because no one was in the house and Lizzy took her home. Mother had Ann Brown make a carpet for our dining room out of rags. We put fresh straw under it, making it nice to walk on. It was pretty too.
My brother LaGrande learned to milk cows when five years old. A Primary Halloween party was held in West Bountiful. Mother dressed me up as Little Lord Fauntleroy and I took the prize. When I was in grade school for awhile they held religion class for the young people after school once a week. Mother was one of the teachers for awhile. When I was a Primary teacher, I helped Mable Benson put on a patriotic drill at the 4th of July celebration. We had 14 girls in our class. They were dressed in red, white, and blue costumes and each carried an American flag. I took a picture of the girls. Their names are: Hazel Musgrave, Orlean Parkin, Afton Benson, Nell Moss, Stella Cleverly, Hannah Atkinson, Maxine Cahoom, Elinor Page, Ruby Parkin, Leah Hatch, Sarah Cleverly, Lillian Musgrave, Afton Howard, and Florence Yeider Marshall. Starting at the left side top row. I went swimming at Lagoon with the Primary officers and teachers. I have a picture of this outing.
I recited poems in between the acts of plays put on by the Y.L.M.I.A. Once I dressed like a boy and recited “My Name’s Tommy”. On those days girls had to be 14 years old to become a Bee Hive girl. Each girl chose a name and a symbol and know their meaning. I chose Felicia for my name, meaning “happiness” and Lily of the Valley for my symbol meaning purity and happiness. Our uniforms were very full pleated bloomers, navy blue, a white middy blouse and a red tie. Our colors were brown, light blue and gold. We could earn cells in 7 different fields to paste in our books. The fields were religion, home, health, domestic art, out of doors, business and public service. I still have my Bee Hive book, 1919.
I finished this history of my childhood 30 June 1980.
Beatrice Parkin Schulthies
Blessed: 2 July 1905 by Edwin Pace
Baptized: 1 June 1913 by Daniel Moss
Confirmed: 1 June 1913 by Wm. J. Parkin
Died: 31 January 1998
Buried: Bountiful City Cemetery
By: Joanne Hoagland Schulthies
This grand matriarch is known well to all.
A life so full there is much to recall.
All of one’s joys and also the sorrows,
All of one’s yesterdays, but looking to tomorrow.
She has a great story for us to hear.
Born the fourth child, so sweet and alive
In a pioneer home, May 16, 1905.
Her parents well-known with a heritage strong,
Millesant Parrish and Hyrum Parkin were glad she came along,
To add to their family with roots embedded deep,
A line of royal heritage, a proud name to keep.
Made of adobe brick was the house of her birth
In South Bountiful, a foundation deep in the earth.
It stood strong and remained there for quite a long time;
Just a few years ago appropriately torn down for a Church on line.
With dimples, blue eyes and a cheerful smile,
She was pleasant to be around all of the while.
As a young girl she learned to work hard
Helping care for the family, home and yard.
One day while working and helping out
A horse kicked her face, oy, what a shout!
She developed tetanus and dreadful lockjaw,
A sight to see and attention to draw.
School had started and for this eager girl
Her education in life had begun with a whirl!
She met Rendell Schulthies when they both were young;
As a matter-of-fact, in grade school their love had begun.
Milking cows was an unasked for chore,
Without Rendell’s knowledge, that was for sure.
She hurried to get the day’s work done
With a fast clean-up before Rendell would come.
They casually dated until one day
They tied the knot in a most proper way.
So on a cold January day in 1922,
They began married life after the “I do’s.”
Then shortly after, their first son was born.
Rendell Frederick, a proud father’s name to adorn.
Then came Norman, Hal, Byron and Karl,
And lastly, Celia, to top it all.
Raising five sons can be quite a chore
With cleaning, cooking, farming and trips to the store.
But all the boys grew up to be good men,
Including three bishops among all of them.
Now the eldest is on a mission with his sweet wife,
The others productive and having great lives.
The youngest, Karl a bishop this day,
All strong church leaders in every way.
Her sweet daughter, Celia, her pride and joy—
Is always there to comfort, listen and buoy.
For this supportive mother who was always there,
To this day, her children show they care.
And not only a mother, but grandmother, and great
With equal 37 grandkids and 37 great.
She remembers all in word and deed
For families are important—this is her creed.
She supports every grandchild whatever they do,
She writes to each missionary and sends money, too.
When one of her grandkids gets a new daughter or son
She’s first to be there to join in the fun.
Among her many hobbies we’re happy to tell
She’s the family genealogist and does very well.
She caters the sweet tooth with yummies she makes
Carmel turtles, and scrumptious cakes that she bakes.
Ceramics became a fun part of her life,
With gifts to all made from her with delight.
Friends she has many, both old and new
And traveled the Holy Land with a few.
Life was going fine, who could ask for more?
When a car accident changed her life in 1984.
It set her back for a while, but as we all know
Nothing keeps her down as her stamina shows.
With the love of her children she recovered soon,
Even celebrated her 80th with the familiar birthday tune.
Her family returned all the support she had shown,
Now it was their turn to give the love that had grown.
A tribute to Beatrice Parkin Schulthies,
For one of God’s daughter’s—a truly great life.
With gratitude and thanks for all that you do,
Be assured that your family and friends all love you.
Children: Celia, Karl, Byron, Hal, Fred with mother Beatrice Parkin Schulthies
By: Beatrice Parkin Schulthies
I was born 16 May 1905 at 2:00 a.m. in the old adobe home in South Bountiful. Mary A. Tolman, a mid-wife, delivered me. I was the fourth child born to Hyrum Burtran and Millesant Parrish Parkin. My brothers and sisters are, namely: Stella Louise, Burtran Vandell, Winfred Eugene, Ruby Alice, LaGrande, Marjorie, Stanley. Vandell died when just a few weeks old as the valve in his heart didn’t close.
I have heard mother tell of how she would go with my father in the sheep camp to cook for the herders. One time they lived in the sheep camp for six months, taking baby Louise along. She told of when their darling baby boy died and little Louise saying, “What did you let me baby die for? Why didn’t you give him some catnip tea?” Catnip tea was what they used at that time for babies when they had colic.
My father purchased his Great Grandfather Bishop William Brown’s (first Bishop of South Bountiful) home and farm of about 50 acres in 1902. Previous to this, he had built a three-room, red brick house on a piece of land his father gave him. When he bought the farm, he sold this house to his brother, Archie L. Parkin.
I loved the old home. We had beautiful roses, lilacs, perennial poppies, sweet peas, and other beautiful flowers. I remember the pink, climbing roses on the fence at the north and the red, climbing roses over the arch of the sidewalk, the big locust tree out front, and the moss roses along the east fence. Mother enjoyed growing flowers and one time took the prize at a flower show.
We had a swing and a merry-go-round made out of a wagon wheel in our backyard, and a little willow tree where mother would make us go get her three willows when we children would fight. She would give us each a willow and make us hit each other. She would hit us with a willow if we stopped hitting each other. She would keep this up till we had enough fighting. The little tree didn’t grow very big because it took so many willows each summer to punish we children.
We had a granary that we loved to play in. After the grain was threshed, it was fun to play in the bins of wheat barefooted.
I remember tromping hay and riding the derrick horse to stack it. Riding and guiding the horse while a cousin, Harvard Foreman, cultivated the corn, and many times herding the cows to keep them out of the corn. I would make chains and whistles out of dandelions and dolls out of corn while herding the cows.
We gathered milk in 10-gallon cans from the neighbors, separated the milk and sold cream and milk after bottling the milk and capping it. Walt Bryson worked for us. He would wash the bottles with a steam bottle washer and I would rinse them and put them in the cases. I wore a rubber apron, but still would get wet. One day, my mother told me if I would go get the horse I could go with her to gather the milk. We gathered the milk in a cart pulled by a horse. It was a cold day, so mother tied a sweater over my head tying the sleeves of the sweater under my chin. I went up in the field to get the horses and was gone a long time. Mother was angry because I was so long and came after me. She found me wandering around in the field. When she got closer to me she could see something was wrong. The last I remember I was close to the colt. So they figured the colt must have kicked me in the jaw as my mouth was bleeding. The sweater, tied around my head, must have protected me some. I got lockjaw and was very sick for some time. The doctors didn’t know anything about shots for lockjaw then and most everyone died if they got lockjaw. My jaws were set and all I could eat was a little broth that they were able to give me because I had lost my two front teeth. I was really sick but was administered to and the next morning my pillow was wet from the pus running out of my mouth. From then on, I started getting better, but was in bed for some time. Great Aunt Lydia Burnham came to sit with me and tell me stories. I remember she was blind and oh how I enjoyed the stories she told.
William Wesley Winegar, Jr. married my sister, Stella Louise Parkin, daughter of Hyrum Burtran Parkin and Millesant Parrish, in the Salt Lake Temple June 25, 1919. They lived in West Bountiful. I visited her quite often and she sometimes asked me to milk their cow, because Bill didn’t like to. When she got pregnant with Wesley, she was so sick, couldn’t hold anything down and got so weak we had to feed her. Bill’s mother died when his sister, Alice, was born and when Sylvia Winegar asked Louise if she wasn’t afraid to have her baby, she replied, “No, I can’t think of a more noble way to die.”
When Louise was eight months, she went into convulsions. I remember that night Mother was uneasy and she wanted to go over to see Louise, but Papa didn’t get home from a meeting till quite late. She was going to walk, as she wanted to see Louise so bad. But Papa talked her out of it. Before morning they called and said they were taking Louise to the hospital. They performed a caesarean operation. The doctor said Louise only had one chance in a hundred to live and the baby didn’t have a chance at all. When the baby was born, they laid him in Louise’s arms and told her she had a darling baby boy and asked if she could see him. She shook her head; she was blind, but regained consciousnesses for that short time. The third day, she passed away, 30 Oct 1920. Wesley weighed only 4 ½ lbs. but went down to 4 lbs. They kept him in the hospital till New Year’s Day. He got pneumonia and Mother brought him home. She was afraid he would die if she left him there any longer. He was so sick we had to watch him every minute, day and night. I stayed up with him many nights to relieve mother. When we couldn’t see him breathing, we would give him a drop of brandy in a little water and he would start breathing again. We had to get mother’s milk for him because nothing else would agree. Mother’s heart gave out and we had to get a trained nurse to help. Wesley had pneumonia till May before he was over it. Mother kept Wesley till he was five years old when Bill married again and took Wesley to Idaho. This nearly killed Mother. She wrote many poems about how she felt about her darling little boy being taken away and how she missed him.
By: Beatrice Parkin Schulthies
« Beatrice Parkin Schulthies in 1984
I married Rendell Howard Schulthies when 16 ½ years old—he being 18. We first lived in the two south rooms of my Grandmother Phebe Parkin’s home. All of her grandchildren lovingly called her “Grannie.” There was no plumbing in the house, only a water tap outside and the outside toilet was quite a distance from the house. I used Grannie’s old wooden washer run by hand by pushing the handle back and forth and a wringer turned by hand also. It was handy for me to go to Grannie for advice when I needed it. At first, we paid $10 per month. Later, when we purchased some furniture of our own, we paid $12.
Grannie had beautiful flowers in her garden of every kind. It was here that our first baby was born, Rendell Frederick. (Dr. Hunter, was $35.) My girlfriend, Lucile Musgrave, tatted a bonnet for him. All of our babies wore it and I still have the bonnet.
My little brother, Stanley, four or five years old, would come to see me. He would pinch baby Fred to make him cry and then run. One time my little sister, Marjorie, knocked on our door. Rendell said, “Come in if your nose is clean.” It made Marjorie (eight years old) mad and she run back into Grannie’s and told her that she would never come to our place again. We lived here till Fred was about 1 ½ years old. We got our first car, a Model T Ford, when Fred was a tiny baby and took our first trip in it to Richfield, Utah. Rendell’s parents went with us. Fred was about 1 ½ years old when we moved to a house owned by Amasa Howard known as the “old Carlos place” in South Bountiful, Utah. It was located just across the street from Rendell’s Uncle Amasa Howard’s home. Here we paid $15 a month rent. There was no water in the house, just a sink without any water. We had to draw water out of the well with buckets and pack it across the street. I remember we still had the coal stove. I remember canning 100 quarts of tomatoes in one day. Chopped the wood, picked the tomatoes and carried the water across the street, but it took me from early morning till midnight to accomplish this with no help. I also canned all kinds of fruit, chili sauce and pickles.
Our second child, Norman Howard, was born in this house. Grandma Howard came over and stayed with me while Rendell went for my Mother and his. Dr. Hunter was the doctor. Both were there to help Dr. Hunter. Cost $35.00. I remember Grandma Howard’s sweet potato pie that tasted so good. Also her molasses candy.
My first trip on the train was to Denver, Colorado. Rendell had a railroad pass and we left Fred and Norman with his parents. We both got homesick and were happy to get home to the children, although we enjoyed the sights in Denver.
When I was seven months pregnant with Hal, I had the smallpox. I was up to Rendell’s folks place. I was very sick and come nearly having Hal prematurely. Rendell’s mother was the first to have smallpox. Fred and Norman had very light cases, also Lucile’s children. Rendell and Jack Stahle had them really bad. Jack still has the scars it left him with.
Hal was born at Rendell’s parents’ home in South Bountiful, Utah. Dr. Hunter delivered him. We lived in the “old Carlos home” about five years and then moved to the Salter home about a mile north on the same street. Here we had water in the house, but no bathroom. We still had to bathe in a big, round galvanized wash tub. We only lived here about three months.
We then moved to West Bountiful and purchased the old brick home above the Union Pacific tracks, from Alfred Holbrook. Here it was that the rest of our children: Byron, Karl and Celia were born.
We grew onions and vegetables and rented a small piece of ground across the road from John Stahle. Later we bought five acres below the Denver & Rio Grande (D.&R.G.) tracks on the same street and grew asparagus and other vegetables. We also rented other land and grew sugar beets. Rendell worked for the D.&R.G.W. Railroad as a crane operator as well as growing vegetables.
I taught Primary in West Bountiful Ward and also was secretary of the Relief Society with Vida Argyle as president. I was also a visiting teacher with Wandrella Eggett.
In September 1932 we had a wonderful trip by train, having railroad passes worth about $1000, and was gone a month, leaving Fred, Norman, Hal and Byron with our parents. Some of the highlights of this trip were: New York City; Miami, Florida; Key West; etc. We went by rail across the water from Miami to Key West.
14 September 1934 we again took a wonderful trip, with Warren and Katherine Beynon, to the World’s Fair at Chicago. We visited Independence, Missouri, saw the Temple site and the unfinished reorganized Church auditorium. Visited Rendell’s cousin, Huber, in Brookfield, Missouri. Visited Nauvoo, Illinois. Saw the island where Joseph Smith went to pray before giving himself up. Was then covered with water. Saw Carthage Jail. Went through the Midget City at the Fair in Chicago. Some of the highlights of the Fair were: Midget City; Enchanted Island for Children; Candy House; went downtown to the busiest corner in the world to shop. Visited the Kirtland Temple; Niagara Falls; Sacred Grove; Hill Cumorah; Boston, Mass.; Royaltine, Vermont, where we saw the Joseph Smith Memorial Cottage, Monument and Farm. Warren and Katherine Beynon left for Washington D.C., arriving home ahead of us. We stayed overnight in the cottage. Saw New York City, Coney Island, etc. Visited Rendell’s cousin, Dr. Willie Huber, in Newark, New Jersey. Visited my cousin, Oweeda and Roland Wooten in Washington D.C. Saw Washington’s home at Mt. Vernon. Saw the World Series at St. Louis, Missouri. ___________ St. Louis Cardinals and Detroit Tigers, Paul Dean pitched for the Cardinals. The Cardinals won. Visited Rendell’s Aunt Lizzie Schulthies, Helen, Genevieve and Jr. at Leavenworth, Kansas. Visited Rendell’s Aunt Tillie and many of his cousins in Atchison. Went to the top of the capitol building in Topeka, Kansas. Visited Rendell’s Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary at LaMar, Colorado and Uncle John at Holly, Colorado. Arrived back home October 14 after having a wonderful time.
In 1935 we went to Los Angeles, California and visited my Aunt Vada and Mangus Kast. They took us to the Rose Parade. Were unable to get tickets to the games.
In 1940 we took Fred and Norman to the Golden Gate International Exposition at San Francisco. In 1942 we took Hal and Byron to Boston to see Rendell’s youngest brother, Avon. He was stationed there with the Army. We also went to New York City and other cities.
In 1943 Norman, then only 18, was drafted into the Army and sent overseas with only about six weeks training. In 1944, before his 18th birthday, Hal joined the Coast Guards.
We sold the old home in 1944 and moved to a rented house owned by Phyliss Hatch in West Bountiful, and lived here six months. We built our new brick home on the corner in West Bountiful, moving into the basement before the roof was shingled. We moved upstairs for Christmas 1947. In April 1947, we moved to Fruitland, Idaho where we had purchased an 80-acre farm. We grew sugar beets, corn, hay and beans. We also had milk cows. Rendell drove to Nampa to work as a Fireman on the U.P. (Union Pacific) Railroad, as well as running the farm.
I was Relief Society visiting teacher with Sarah Van Leuven in the New Plymouth Ward. We lived here five years, moving to Nampa, Idaho on a 40-acre farm in 1952. Here, I taught 1st Year Beehives in the M.I.A. for one year in Nampa 2nd Ward. Then was set apart by Jack Morley, Stake Y.M.M.I.A. President as Stake Gatherer Beekeeper in August 1956 which position I still hold. [Her dau. believes she held this position until about 1961] Leva Newland is Y.L.M.I.A. President. I am a Relief Society visiting teacher with Agnes Bice. Other teaching partners were Hannah Castagneto, Lucile Hennis and Margaret Willyerd.
April 1958 our youngest son, Karl, was called on a mission to the Northern States. This made me very happy because it had been one of the greatest desires of my heart to have our sons fulfill missions. Our son, Byron, having been called to fulfill a mission on two different occasions and the draft board refusing to release him each time. This was a great disappointment to me. Karl entered the Mission Home 14 April 1958, after having his Testimonial in the West Bountiful Ward on Easter Sunday 6 April, as he was attending B.Y.U. and living with his brother, Norman, at the time he was called. Rendell and I, Karl’s Grandmother Schulthies and brother, Byron, went through the temple with Karl when he received his endowments. We were also present, as was Karl’s sister, Celia, and his brother, Norman’s wife, Lona, when he was set apart for his mission by Spencer W. Kimball. We also attended the testimony meeting, prior to his departure, all of which were very wonderful experiences, for which I am very grateful. We received many very wonderful and inspiring letters from Karl while he was on his mission, relating some of the wonderful experiences he had while serving the Lord.
April 1960, daughter Celia and I went by train to Mason City, Iowa to meet Karl when he was released from his mission. Rendell couldn’t go because he had to replant sugar beets because of the frost. This was a great disappointment to all of us as we had planned for two years of this trip. Our son, Byron, and his wife, JoAnn, left Salt Lake by train and we all met Karl at Mason City. We drove a Chevrolet car back for a used car dealer. We visited Independence, Missouri; Liberty Jail; Adam-OnDi-Omon; Rendell’s cousins, Helen and Genevieve, and Aunt Lizzie in Leavenworth, Kansas; Nauvoo and Carthage. We had many very interesting discussions on the Gospel while traveling home together, coming home by way of Grand Junction, Colorado, where all our family were together again. Rendell having come to Colorado to meet us. We enjoyed family dinners at Fred and Donna’s in Grand Junction, Colorado, at Norman and Lona’s at Loma, Colorado and at Hal and Claudeen’s home at Fruita, Colorado.
Another wonderful experience in my life was when we went with our missionary son, Karl, to be married in the Salt Lake Temple and every one of his brothers and their wives went through with him. In the sealing room, after Karl and Ruby were married, little Shauna, an adopted child, was sealed to her parents, Hal and Claudeen. After which we all went to eat together at a restaurant.
My favorite hymns are: “Oh, My Father” by Bishop Mottishaw and “Sometime We’ll Understand” and “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked.”
My favorite poem, “The Change” written by my mother, Millesant Parrish Parkin.
The Change
Why call it death, this change that comes in life,
When all emotions cease?
We only go from grief and woe
To one Eternal round of peace—
And happiness, where loved ones dwell.
Why we should fear, I cannot tell.
It is not death to those who filled their lives
With noble acts and deeds;
And sacrificed, that they might give
With love to others wants or needs.
Resisted most temptations,
Kept free from worldly sin,
With no regrets of past,
Or wishes that it might have been.
It is not death to those weary,
Care-worn, tired, sick, and sore;
It’s only hope of sailing out
And landing on a brighter shore.
Where things anew re-vigorate
The spirit in the Heavenly state;
And set aflame pent up desires
To journey on forevermore.
This change is death, when we reject in life
God’s great redeeming plan;
And go our way depending only
On the saving power of man.
But if we put our trust in God,
Obey His laws—commandments keep,
When life is through, we will not die,
But only rest awhile, in sleep.
[Beatrice Parkin Schulthies passed away at her home at 380 North 800 West at 7:45 a.m. 31 January 1998. She was buried 3 February 1998 in the Bountiful City Cemetery beside her husband, Rendell Howard Schulthies.]
Celia Schulthies Darnell at Parents Headstone