Father: Thomas Taylor Mother: Mary Ann Danley
Born: May 26, 1856 near Mt. Airy, Surry County, North Carolina
Baptized by: William Whitehead, August 4, 1870
Confirmed by: Samuel Worsencroft, August 4, 1870
Rebaptized by: Thomas Daniels, September 6, 1877
Reconfirmed by: George Rust, September 6, 1877 at Payson, Utah
Married: Samuel Shelton Howard, December 27, 1877, in the Endowment House,
Salt Lake City, Utah by Daniel H. Wells. Of this marriage are the following:
Samuel Cyrus Howard born: September 28, 1878
Lydia Ann Howard Schulthies born: October 4, 1880
William Henry Howard born: December 2, 1882
Royal Franklin Howard born: February 15, 1885
Arthur Lee Howard born: May 2, 1886
Edward Howard born: October 27, 1889
Amasa Ray Howard born: September 7, 1891
All born at Woods Cross Utah.
By: Sarah Ann Taylor Howard
My parents’ ancestors came from England. I believe them to have been fine people, sturdy, industrious, honest-hearted and religiously inclined. Farmers mostly by occupation. Did not believe in slavery.
On May 26, 1856 I was born in Surry County North Carolina about 5 miles from Mt. Airy. My parents, Thomas Taylor and Mary Ann Danley sent me to school and like other school children I enjoyed my school days. I had 5 brothers and 3 sisters making 9 children in the family. My country home, the name of which is always dear to me, and brings back some of the most pleasant memories in my life, was situated on the east side of the Holly Road. There was a large farm and a good orchard, and plenty of house room. The shade was mostly from fruit trees. There was some ornamental shrubbery and flowering plants around the house. Plenty of wild berries and different kinds of nuts grew in and around the pasture fields. The home influence was wholesome and good. One of the parental characteristics was that of firmness, which naturally sustained obedience from children and resulted in union and love in the family circle. This love one for another formed a strong band which has never been broken.
In March 1869 my father, mother, one sister and 2 brothers joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And on July 9, 1869 started to Utah arriving in Payson City July 31st 1869. Soon after I was chosen one of the officers of the Retrenchment Society (which society meant to retrench from vain fashions) and which was taken up by: The Mutual Improvement society. Attended school and taught some before I was married. On Jan. 9, 1878 I left Payson and moved to Woods Cross, Utah, my married home. Was placed in position of Relief Society teacher. Am now the mother of 6 living children 5 boys and 1 girl. One boy died when a month old. I favored Woman Suffrage and was delegated to the 1st convention held after Utah became a state. After my youngest children were in District school in connection with my oldest children attended the State University for 2 years, going 2 and sometimes 3 days each week for special studies. Much ecclesiastical work was given me, so in addition to my regular housework my time has been well occupied.
On Feb. 21, 1906 I left Salt Lake City on a 30 days excursion to California. It was such a pleasure. I was in company with Sarah Knowlton, Mary Millard and Eugene Clark all from Farmington. Had many side trips, one to Catalina Island, going out in the glass bottomed boats. Also one to Mexico after visiting San Diego.
In company with my husband, Moses W. Taylor, his wife and her sister, had a lovely trip to Yellowstone Park.
Was County Recorder for Davis County for 4 years, fine experience.
August 21st, 1908 in company with David, my son went to England when my son Arthur had completed his mission we all three took a fine tour on the continent, traveling in the principle countries of Europe, spending Christmas in Rome. Returned home Feb. 21, 1909.
In August 1909 in company with our daughter and her husband and 3 children visited my oldest brother in Portland, Oregon on our way to Seattle Fair. Went up to Pocatello and Blackfoot, Idaho on our way to visit relatives and friends. After leaving my brother’s home we all took a delightful ride down the coast line to San Francisco and on to Losangeles and Passadina (this was her spelling) and on to Anaheim, where Henry’s uncle lived. That was the Orange Country, we went in the groves and picked and ate like we would apples in any big orchard. Returned in Sept. all well.
Nov. 23, 1910 went to England on a mission. Enjoyed my experiences very much, returned with my 2 sons, David F. and Amasa R. April 3rd 1912. Visited all parts of England. Went on many excursions and fox hunt etc.
Aug. 11, 1913 started on a visit to my old home in North Carolina. Had one of the grandest times and loveliest visits among my relatives and early friends that could be anticipated. It was thoroughly enjoyable to mingle among my relatives and enjoy the love that was still burning in their warm hearts. Stayed mostly at my brother Frank’s, but saw nearly all my kindred there. On my way there after leaving Niagara I traveled through Canada and The Lake Country, stopping at “Joseph Smith’s Birthplace” and after my visit was completed and I was returning to N.C. we traveled down the coast line through S.C., Georgia and to Jacksonville, Florida and through Ala. And other states going North to Ponca in Omaha where I visited relatives. On this trip I saw the historical places in Church history of Joseph Smith etc. Returned Thursday afternoon Oct. __, 1913. (unreadable)
On July 16, 1914 was made President of South Bountiful Primary Ass’n. and released from Stake aid. Held this position until 9 March 1916. Sept. 18, 1915 was set apart President of South Davis Stake Primary Associations.
I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the last days from Heaven to Joseph Smith, and my life’s work has been to help mankind to understand the principles of salvation and to make the world better by having lived in it. From childhood I have desired to do good to all. Home and my own family have had my first attention and all my children are men and women of God, with love for truth and righteousness, desiring to be true Latter-day saints. Every one of them has helped to make my life sweeter and better. I still desire to be faithful and do all I can in the church that was established by our Heavenly Father through Joseph Smith the Latter-day prophet, April 6, 1830.
My life has been most influenced by my early home training and the gospel which has taught me to live for others and do good to all. Sarah A. Howard
Sarah Ann Taylor Howard was born May 26, 1856, near Mount Airy, Surry County, North Carolina, a daughter of Thomas Taylor and Mary Ann Danley Taylor. The house in which she was born consisted of two rooms. Later a new home was built where more convenience and comfort was had. The new abode was frame, neatly built and joined to the old by a roof made of clap board and hewed logs. A neatly kept walk connected both houses and led to the public thoroughfare known as Hollow Road. On the east side of the walk stood a mulberry tree. On the west side and between the house and Hollow Road, was a wonderful, large spreading oak, under which Thomas Taylor read much, chiefly the Bible. Around and under these two trees were many happenings. Happy memories, thoughts of sadness and mixed reminiscences, all are connected with the mulberry and the oak. Later on, one evening a very vivid thunder and lightning storm swept the country, splitting and killing the oak tree and the heat damaged greatly the mulberry.
Taylor Family Farmers
The Taylor family consisted of father, mother, and nine children: five boys and four girls, namely, Permelia Jane, Martha Ellen, Isaac Lee, Eli Franklin, Maria Catherine, David Rufus, Zachariah Shedrich, Sarah Ann, and Jedediah Taylor. The family worked hard on the small farm, which practically had to support and maintain the household and expense. The soil was poor, four bushels of grain to the acre was considered a good yield. Tobacco, cotton, buckwheat, and flax also were grown, not so much for commercial purposes but for the immediate use of the family. A few sheep were kept for the wool which was made into clothing. Spinning and weaving and making the clothing used by the entire family, besides cooking and housekeeping, were the duties of the women folk. Bees gave honey, chickens and geese contributed eggs and meat, which also helped. One of Sarah’s little chores was to drive the geese down to the pond, a short distance from the house, in the mornings and bring them back and securely lock them up in the evenings. She also hoed in the field, picked up potatoes, and assisted generally for no one was idle on the Taylor farm.
Father Was a Bible Student
Thomas Taylor was a very religious man by nature, a great Bible student, Methodist by religion, and rigid and firm in his decisions and discipline. He believed in education and allowed the children to attend little log huts where very meager instruction was given. Jedediah M. Grant, as a traveling Elder for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, passed through the country about 1845, and held a meeting in the vicinity of the Taylor farm. Thomas Taylor was greatly interested and pondered much over what he heard. Many years later, Henry G. Boyl, of Payson, Utah and Howard Coray, of Provo, Utah, came as house-to-house Elders. Many evenings were spent talking over religious problems and Thomas Taylor and his wife drank deeply of the Gospel message. Later, these Elders were replaced by David M. Stewart, of Ogden, Utah and Warren N. Dusenbury, of Provo. In February 1869, Thomas Taylor, his wife and three of the older children were baptized in an open stream where the ice had to be cut, and were added members to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Four members of the family never did join.
Family Migrates to Utah
On the 9th of July of the same year, all those who had joined the Church, plus the two youngest who had not yet been baptized, including Sarah, left for Utah, making arrangements for their son and brother, Frank, to have the farm. Although young, Sarah was deeply moved in her feelings about leaving the home dear to her heart, very quietly she ascended a narrow stairway, leading to a small room above, in the south end of the building and in front of a tiny window, poured out her soul in prayer.
The trip to Utah was commenced by their leaving at one o’clock for Mt. Airy, five miles away. Here at the Camp Grounds that evening a memorable serenade was given them and their company, numbering over one hundred, by the darkies. The old-time melodies and plantation songs were given to the accompaniment of guitars and mandolins as only the colored folks can sing them.
They journeyed by team to Withville, Virginia, the nearest railway station, which took three days. Continued by train to Norfolk, Virginia, and from there took the boat to New York City, because of cheaper fare. Upon landing with a great number of other emigrants, they went to a large hall. One the way there, were showered with dish water and rotten eggs, the news having spread they were “Mormons.”
From New York the journey continued over the Bay to New Jersey where they boarded an emigrant train for Ogden, Utah, the terminus then of the Union Pacific Railway. It was a very slow and tedious journey, with not a change of cars. So slowly did they travel that crossing the plains, when herds of buffalo appeared, many of the emigrants jumped off the train while moving, chased and shot at the animals, then came back and boarded the moving train. Upon their arrival at Ogden, they camped for three days, awaiting the twenty-nine wagons and teams sent by the Bishop of Payson, in which were loaded the emigrants and their belongings. Three days were required to make the journey to Payson, camping each night on the way. Camped first night at Bountiful, Mary Ann Danley Taylor, Sarah and Jedediah slept on the porch of the Bountiful Tabernacle. Arriving at Payson, July 31st, 1869, the Company stayed at Union Hall until homes were found. The Taylor family moved out before night to the Orawell Simons house. This was their abode until the purchase of the Daniel Stark place, located across the road. After a few years, this place was sold back to Mr. Stark and the family moved to a five-acre lot in what was called “The Poorman’s Field.”
Sarah Baptized
Sarah was baptized when fourteen years of age. She was interested in everything educational and was permitted by her parents to attend school, such as was possible, and also to hear lectures on various subjects. She laid the foundation for her later intellectual life. Having a father rigid in discipline, but a mother of Angelic qualities, who sort of balanced affairs. Sarah grew and expanded. She helped in the home cutting and drying peaches, sat at the loom weaving carpets, assisted in cooking and also, when needed, helped on the farm. Later she taught school, chumming with a friend, named Jane Daniels.
Marries and Settles in Woods Cross
She met and married Samuel S. Howard, December 27, 1877, in the Endowment House, at Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells. On January 13, 1878, they journeyed to Woods Cross and began their married life in two rooms. Here, for two or three years, Sarah taught school at the urgent request of the school trustees, benches were made by John S. Howard. Additions to the house were made first to the south and later to the east of the former two rooms. All the children were born and one died, Royal Franklin, in the same room, the north one of the original two. This has been the home of Sarah Ann Taylor Howard continuously for 51 years. Her life has been a monument of strength and courage. As a helpmate to her husband, she has served long and well. At first, some homesteading was done, market gardening followed. She accompanied her husband, harnessing and driving a double team, to Salt Lake City, where green vegetables, butter, and eggs were sold. She did this long after her first baby was born, taking him along with her. Later, she did sewing and much was added to the family finance by this source. In fact, her first sewing machine kept the family for a time.
Active in the Church
She first became actively engaged in Church affairs by being a Relief Society teacher. Later, when L. John Nuttall, under proper authority, legalized the Relief Society as property owners, Sarah was sustained as first President. She held the office for two terms of four years each, making eight years. She was then released from this position to fill the office of Davis County Recorder. She was elected in 1900 and served two terms, making four years. A great distinction was this, as she was the first lady to hold such a position. Also, she was the first President of the South Bountiful Primary, Number 2, when it was first organized in the old concrete school house, in 1885. Accepted a position as Stake Aid to Aurelia S. Rogers, founder of the primary work throughout the Church. This position she held for about eight years, until the division of the Davis Stake when she was sustained as Stake President of the Primary of the South Davis Stake, August 30, 1915. This position she held until September 29, 1919, four years and one month. In addition, she filled the second term of President of South Bountiful Number 2 Primary, for about three years, while she held the Stake position. Was a teacher in the South Bountiful Sunday School, Number 2, in the First Intermediate, second intermediate but the majority of the time in the Theological Department. After serving many, many years she was released in 1926. Also was the first Religion Class teacher.
Sarah Fills Two Missions
On the 30th of August, 1908, made a visit to England and toured the Continent, returning in February, 1909. Filled a mission to England, leaving Nov. 23, 1910, returned with her sons, David and Amasa, April 3, 1912. Later, filled a second mission to California, San Francisco Conference, leaving November 19, 1919, returning November 5, 1920.
Active in Woman’s Sufferage
She was active in Woman’s Suffrage Movement for many years, aided in 1896, in getting the Plank of Suffrage in the Utah State Constitution. Made the nomination of Brigham H. Roberts for United States Congress in state convention held in Ogden. Attended the State University, taking extension work for two years. Was a director of the Women’s Coop from the time of its organization until its closing. Also a Director and Secretary and Treasurer for the Bountiful Live Stock Company, from the time of its organization.
Visited North Carolina in August, 1914, returning by way of historic Church places, being absent three months. Made a trip in 1909 to the Pacific Northwest during the Seattle Exposition, returning by way of Anaheim, California. Her life has also been spent in the service of others in washings and annointings to the sick, temple work, baptisms, and endowments, and genealogical work.
A wonderful life, filled to overflowing with activity and love, love for her fellowman, realizing in doing it for God’s children, she was doing it for Him.
Died at her home in South Bountiful, Utah, October 20,
Buried October 23, 1933 in Bountiful Cemetery.