Daughter of William Brown and Phebe Narcissia Odell Brown
Adelia Ann
Brown was born 3 March 1840 in Hartland, Niagara, New York, to William Brown
and Phebe Narcissia Odell. Her parents were baptized into the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints 5 February 1843. Her father was the only member of
his father’s family to join the Church, much against his parent’s wishes. On
the 9th of May 1844, they with their four children: Mary Jane, born
10 Dec. 1838; Adelia Ann, born 3 March 1840; Cynthia Saloma, born 13 June 1842;
and Moroni, born 29 February 1844, started for Nauvoo where her father
purchased a house and lot, only to see the persecutions of the Saints. On 7
August 1844, Adelia’s brother, Moroni, hardly six months old, died. A little
over a month later, her two-year old younger sister, Cynthia Saloma, died 30
September 1844; however, on 16 October 1845 another baby sister, Naamah, was
Her father and mother had their endowments in the Nauvoo Temple 8 January 1846 and were sealed in that temple 27 January 1846, one of the few couples who were sealed before they left. They left Nauvoo 4 February 1846 and came across the plains with the H.C. Kimball Company, arriving in the Salt Lake Valley 18 September 1847. Adelia was then seven and one-half years old. They lived in the old fort that winter where another brother, William, was born 5 January 1848. He also died when hardly seven months old on 30 July 1848.
In 1849, her father was granted the quarter block at the northwest corner of the intersection at 1st South and 2nd West. Here he quickly built a small log house and then commenced building a better home of adobe—the first house in that part of the city—and they made it beautiful with flowers. Here two more daughters were born: Phebe Narcissia, 6 November 1849 and Rachel Rebecca, 29 February 1852. Adelia’s father also took up a quarter section of land a mile south of the Woods Cross (train) Station, where they raised wheat.
Adelia’s mother died five years after they arrived in Salt Lake, the 29th of February 1852, shortly after the birth of her baby girl, Rachel Rebecca, being only 30 years old, and was buried on the home lot. Adelia was then 12 years old. Adelia moved with her father’s family to Bountiful and there met her future husband, Alexander Henry Stanley, son of Alexander Scoby Stanley and Phylinda Upson. They were married 27 October 1856.
In 1857-1858, her father was called to serve a British mission. When he returned, he found his family, including Adelia and her small baby, Phebe Phylinda, on the Provo Bottoms in a wickiup. Adelia’s husband, Henry, had been called to serve with the militia to help repel Johnston’s Army in Echo Canyon.
Adelia and Henry moved to Richmond, Cache County, then back to Bountiful and later to Parleys Park, Summit County, where Henry was made Bishop of Parleys Park Ward. They had 14 children, including twins. Then Adelia moved to Park City where she lived until her death 27 June 1916.
I remember as a child going to Park City with my parents in our 1916 Studebaker car to visit my great-grandmother Stanley and walking up the steep steps to her home. I remember, too, of her visits to her daughter in South Bountiful, my grandmother, Phebe Parkin.
My great-grandmother, Adelia Ann Brown Stanley, was presented a gold pin at the Utah Semi-Centennial Pioneer Jubilee, held at Liberty Park, 1897. Engraved on the back of this pin is:
Presented by the State of Utah
Adelia A.B. Stanley
Pioneer of 1847
My grandmother Phebe Stanley Parkin, her oldest child, inherited this pin. She left it to her only daughter, Vada Parkin Kast. My Aunt Vada gave this pin to me when she was 86 years old. I will always treasure this wonderful keepsake and handed it down to my only daughter, Celia Schulthies Darnell.
Beatrice Parkin Schulthies
Adelia Ann Brown Stanley - Pin
Adelia Ann Brown Stanley - Back of Pin
Adelia Ann Brown Stanley
Copied from Marjorie Parkin Winegar’s History Notes
Adelia Ann Brown was born 3 March 1840, at Hartland, Niagara County, New York. She was the daughter of William Brown and Phebe Narcissia Odell.
William has been described in his history as a “typical pioneer”, and Phebe Narcissia Odell as a daughter of a highly respected family.
William Brown and Phebe Narcissia Odell began their married life in 1838 on the old Brown homestead in Seneca, Ontario County, New York.
The Brown home was only 60 miles from Palmyra, and during the translation of the Book of Mormon some literature fell into the hands of William. In 1836-37 he was visited by the Elders.
William and his wife were baptized 5 February 1843. This event sealed the destiny of Adelia Ann. Since time began strong men and women of faith and determination have set forth their beliefs and pursued them. They have been named Crusaders and Pioneers, choosing to dedicate themselves to a cause.
This is the story of a child who was born to these responsibilities. These happenings were taken from her father’s history, but we should try to see them through the eyes of three year old Adelia Ann, a child pioneer. It was her fate to share with her elders the hardships, and persecutions and also the blessings of the Gospel.
She was too young to understand the reproofs and bitter words of her father’s family and the abuse lashed upon them for embracing a new religion.
William’s father offered to pay his expenses to go to Nauvoo and see the people and the country. He was sure that the iniquity he supposed William would find there would turn him from the church. If William still was determined to join the Saints, his father agreed to purchase his land.
While in Nauvoo, William heard the Prophet Joseph Smith preach upon the first principles of the Gospel and came home with renewed determination to join the Saints.
On the 9th of May 1844, after an extremely trying farewell with his brother Thomas, William and his family left for Nauvoo. They went by canal boat and arrived in Buffalo the next day. To their great joy they found on board Brother Matthews and family, Brother May, Sister Kesatine King, also going to Nauvoo.
Late in May, Adelia Ann, now four years old, and her family reached Nauvoo and there her father purchased a house and lot. They were immediately subjected to persecutions from without and apostates from within the church. Her father William wrote in his journal, “The woe and grief of the stricken Saints were beyond description.”
The Brown family experienced added personal sorrows during their stay in Nauvoo. Moroni, their fourth child, only six months old, died on 7 August 1844(?). His older sister was soon to follow. Cynthia Saloma, who was two years of age, died on 30 Sept. 1844. These were two eventful years in the lives of the Browns while at Nauvoo, but through the persecution and heartaches, life went on. A fifth child, Naamah, was born here on 16 October 1845.
While in Nauvoo, Adelia Ann’s parents received their endowments on 8 January 1846 and were sealed soon after on 27 January 1846. The family were soon preparing to leave their home during this time.
They fitted out two wagons with food, clothing and household goods. On 4 February 1846, they crossed the Mississippi River to Iowa, and on 15 February 1846, they joined President Brigham Young on the Missouri River where the Camps of Israel were organized.
They remained here until June 2, 1846, and saw President Brigham Young and many others cross the river on their way to the mountains. On 3 June Adelia Ann with her family crossed the river and traveled the first three miles on their journey West. The Matthews and Coleman families had accompanied them thus far but here they decided to go to the settlement on the Platte River and fit themselves for the trip to the mountains. James Kirby, who was William’s driver, took the two families to the settlement and then returned and started with the Brown’s to Council Bluffs on the 7th of June. They traveled every day and arrived at the main camp 21 June.
The next day, William had to leave his family for two weeks to make a trip to Missouri for provisions. While enroute, he met many mobocrats.
On June 26, 1846, the call came for volunteers to join the Mormon Battalion. William offered his services but since he was all equipped for the journey to the Rockies he was not accepted. He fitted out a young man with horse, saddle, and clothing. Later, when this young man was released from the Mormon Battalion, he came to live with the Brown family in Bountiful.
In August, under the direction of President Young, the camp moved up the Missouri River, built cabins, and prepared to remain there for the winter. They had been threatened by mobs. William had the task of building a cabin, getting wood for his family and the poor and taking care of his cattle.
In William’s diary is found an interesting account:
“Jan. 1, 1847.
We had great teaching in camp this winter. Hypocrites and thieves began to fear and flee for Missouri. The followers (of the church) did rejoice and were glad to hear the Love of God spoken of, being put in force. The people were warned time and again to serve those resting, and were told if they didn’t they would suffer the penality of the law, the first were whipped for bad conduct in the church. The Saints had quite a time dancing this winter.”
Sometime in May, William Brown, with his wife, Phoebe Narcissus Odell Brown, his three daughters, Mary Jane, Adelia Ann, and Naama and an old lady by the name of Ann Brimhall left winter Quarters for their trek across unknown country. They took with them two wagons, four yoke of oxen, three cows, and the required amount of breadstuffs which was three hundred pounds per person. Having lost one fourth of their cattle in Winter Quarters they were glad to be leaving that land alive.
For three hundred miles, 556 wagons traveled together, but it was slow and difficult, so they broke into fifties. The Eldredge 50 took the lead and out traveled them all. At the last crossing of the Platte River the company stopped for three days to repair the wagons and shoe oxen. Here President Platt’s Company came up. This was 700 miles from Winter Quarters. The Eldredge Company left them there and didn’t see them again until they came to the Valley.
William Brown found the skeleton of a man killed by the Indians, also a fire where the Indians had camped the night before, but met no hostilities at their hands. He tells of helping to bury Brother Home’s child on the prairie.
Adelia Ann arrived with her family in Salt Lake City 18 Sept. 1847 and was now 7 years old. They lived at the old Fort that winter. The next winter the family located on the corner of first South and Second West. Her father built the first house in that part of the city (the 15th Ward). She was baptized here in March 1848 by her father.
For the next few years Adelia Ann and her family took part in the early enterprises in Salt Lake City. Her father hauled stones for the Temple and helped lay them. He made their home beautiful with flowers.
In 1851 Adelia Ann moved with her family to Woods Cross where her father had taken up a quarter section of land a mile south of the station. They farmed this land, raising abundant crops of wheat.
On Feb. 29, 1852 the eighth child, Rachel Rebecca, was born and the following day, 1 March 1852 the mother, Phebe Narcissus Odell, passed away. Adelia Ann was only 12 years old and much of the family care must have fallen on her shoulders for the next four years before her marriage. She had been sustained through her tender years by stalwart parents who were true to the Gospel and played a part in building up the church and community. He father William served a two-year mission to England and was the first bishop of South Bountiful.
It was here that Adelia Ann met Alexander Henry Stanley. He settled in Bountiful in October 1852 with his parents, Alexander Scoby and Philinda Upson Stanley.
Adelia was 16 when she and Henry were married 27 October 1856 at Bountiful by John Stoker.
The following year, 1857, Henry was called to Echo Canyon to help repel Johnston’s Army.
Their first child, Phebe Phylinda was born 1 March 1858 at South Bountiful and here they made their home.
They were endowed and sealed shortly after on 20 Sept. 1861 before their third child was born.
When the Henry Stanley family arrived in South Bountiful in 1852 they began the dairy industry. They pastured their 25 milk cows on the island in the bend of the Jordan River about three miles west of the present South Bountiful ward chapel. Later the lake water covered the pasture and the family abandoned their holdings. Henry’s father, Alexander Scoby, died in 1854, two years before Henry was married.
Phebe Phylinda, their oldest daughter, stated that when she was a young girl the family lived on the site of Quinn Hatch’s home. She related many interesting happenings there of early pioneer days. The Indians were a threat to the family’s well being. Often they would come to the homes when the men were away in the fields and demand food. The children were frightened and the women felt compelled to give them their meager food supplies to keep their families from harm and of course that encouraged the Indians to come back for more food. One day an Indian came to the Stanley home when the mother Adelia Ann was bottling fruit. He saw the bottles lined up on the table and immediately commanded her to give them to him. Adelia Ann was a woman of fortitude and did not intend to part with her precious fruit. She picked up the hottest bottle and pushed it into his bare hands. He dropped the bottle and turned from their door shaking his burned hands and yelling as he ran.
Early pioneer life was filled with many hardships for Adelia Ann. Eleven children were born to her during the years they lived in South Bountiful. Their births must have been very difficult for her daughter Phebe told that a certain midwife refused to attend the birth of her own child when she learned that Adelia was her mother. She could not successfully nurse her babies and they were always hungry and fretful. She would tie some sugar in a cloth and dip it into milk or cream and let the babies suck on it.
There were times when their living was meager. Hyrum Burtran Parkin, a grandson, has stated that at one time his grandfather, Henry Stanley owned a good part of the land in South Bountiful but he made some unwise trades and depleted his holdings.
In 1876 they moved to Parley’s Park, Summit County, where they engaged in dairying. Two more children were born to them while they resided here.
Henry was made Bishop of Parley’s Park Ward and presided as long as he remained there. He was very zealous in his church work. An account written by his grandson, George B. Stanley states that a plan was suggested to Henry by a high authority of the church for the pooling of cattle and he put all he had into the venture. Failure followed and the family lost everything.
Adelia Ann was disgusted with her husband for his overzealousness, as she thought, and from that time on there was very little harmony between them.
The family moved to Logan in 1883 and back to Wanship in Summit Co. in 1884 (83?) where their last child Alfred was born. Fourteen children, six boys and eight girls, had been born to this couple.
Shortly after the birth of the last child the couple were divorced. Henry went to Lewiston, Cache Co. He sent his family provisions for some time.
Adelia Ann moved with her children to Park City and spent the remainder of her life there. They still made their livelihood from making butter and cheese.
Adelia did not take any active part in church affairs and her children followed her example. However, she remained a member of the church until her death.
She died 29 June 1916 in Park City and was buried at Park City.
For more information on Adelia Ann Brown Stanley, wife of Alexander Henry Stanley,
see Alexander Henry Stanley and Adelia Ann Brown Stanely’s History.