Daughter of Henry Strong and Mary Millesant Parks Parrish
Born 19 Mar. 1878, at East Bountiful, Davis County, Utah
I was the
tenth child of a family of fifteen, ten boys and five girls. My parents were
pioneers of 1852. They first bought ten acres of land in West Bountiful, later
purchased more land in East Bountiful, (they lived about four years in
Woodruff) and built a home where I was born. We then moved back to the old
home in West Bountiful.
My younger days were spent on the farm picking fruit, berries, and vegetables in the summer, and attending the district school in the winter. I did not attend school until I was about eight years old, but I learned to read and write and went in the second grade when I started school. I learned to read and write from a large map that hung on the wall just above the old flour bin. My brother, Henry, taught me, which accounted for geography being my favorite study at school.
When I was about thirteen, my older sister, Alta, married. This made it necessary for me to make my own clothes, and also for my mother and younger sister, Annabel. This I learned to do very well. I also sewed for others in the neighborhood, which helped me to earn money for myself.
I was baptized 2 Sept. 1887, by Joseph Argyle and confirmed 4 Sept. 1887 by Joseph H. Grant. I was secretary of Y.L.M.I.A. with Joan V. Barlow, president. I was also teacher in the West Bountiful Sunday School. I then married Hyrum B. Parkin, and moved to South Bountiful.
There I was called to the office of Y.W.M.I.A. President, 13 Sept. 1914 and served three years.
President of the South Bountiful Primary for over three years.
Religion Class Teacher, and also Religion Class Supervisor for about three years.
Relief Society Teacher for thirty years.
Teacher in the Y.W.M.I.A. Gleaner Class, in 1933 and 1934 with Miss Ethyl Clayton assistant. (received pin) I went with the class to the temple. They were baptized for about 85 names.
Teacher of the Adult and Hobby Class. (received pin).
Member of the Genealogical Ward committee for about eighteen years, also did Temple work.
Vice Captain of the first organization of the Eutaw Camp, of the Daughter of Utah Pioneers, later was Custodian of Relics.
I was chairman of a very successful 24th of July Parade, led by the Bountiful band, through the streets of all Bountiful Wards, and Centerville.
I had charge of and put on many entertainments for the Relief Society, and other Ward organizations, and enjoyed making costumes for many of the young people for parties, plays, character balls, etc.
I also put on many original entertainments in company with Sister Martha Moss in the Bountiful Wards, and also Salt Lake City, Magna. We were called the Relief Society Jesters.
I composed poems and tributes for many different occasions.
My favorite work is in the Temple. I like to sew, and work in the garden and raise beautiful flowers. One year my roses took several prizes at the flower show.
I love to attend church, and have a lot of faith in the Gospel; and the greatest desire of my heart is to see my children and grandchildren faithful and active in the Church.
We, as a family, have been blessed many times in serious sickness by administering through the power of the priesthood, for which I am thankful. It has been a great testimony to us and our children of the goodness of the Lord.
Written by Millesant Parrish Parkin
Parrish Parkin, wife of Hyrum Burtran Parkin, was born 19 Mar. 1878 in East Bountiful, Utah. She was the daughter of Henry Strong and Mary Millesant Parks
Parrish, Pioneers of 1852.
Her parents first settled in West Bountiful. Built a log house (later adobe) with two rooms and later a large summer kitchen on the South. The house faced the East and was on the West side of the street that later divided the East and West Bountiful Wards. Her parents then bought land and built a large two story adobe house in East Bountiful, where Millesant was born. Later the family moved back to the old homestead in West Bountiful where they lived until the father died.
Millesant was baptized 2 Sept. 1887 by Joseph Argyle Jr. and confirmed 4 Sept. 1887 by Joseph H. Grant in West Bountiful Ward. She was a teacher in the West Bountiful Sunday School and also Secretary in the Y.L.M.I.A. with Joan Barlow President.
her marriage to Hyrum B. Parkin she moved to South Bountiful where she took
part in many Church activities. She was President of the Primary organization
for about three years. She was called to the office of Y.L.M.I.A as President
13 Sept. 1914 and was set apart by Wm. J. Parkin. She held this position for
about three years. She was a teacher in the Religion Class. She was a member of
the Ward Genealogy Committee and Junior Temple Committee for about fifteen
years. She was a Relief Society member and acted as a district teacher with
Eliza Cahoon for a good many years. (30)
Homes in South Bountiful
She put on many original entertainments and programs in the Ward with the assistance of Sister Martha Moss and others. In fact Sisters Parkin and Moss were called the Relief Society Jesters.
She also wrote many tributes to Pioneers and retiring officers, also poems, songs, dramatizations etc.
The Change
Composed by: Millesant Parrish Parkin
Why call it death, this change that comes in life,
When all emotions cease?
We only go from grief and woe
To one Eternal round of peace—
And happiness, where loved ones dwell.
Why we should fear, I cannot tell.
It is not death to those who filled their lives
With noble acts and deeds;
And sacrificed, that they might give
With love to others wants or needs.
Resisted most temptations,
Kept free from worldly sin,
With no regrets of past,
Or wishes that ‘it might have been.
It is not death to those weary,
Care-worn, tired, sick, and sore;
It’s only hope of sailing out
And landing on a brighter shore
Where things anew re-vigorated
The spirit in that Heavenly state;
And set aflame pent up desires
To journey on forevermore.
This change is death, when we reject in life
Gods great redeeming plan;
And go our way depending only
On the saving power of man.
But if we put our trust in God,
Obey his laws—commandments keep,
When life is through, we will not die,
But only rest awhile, in sleep.
MEMORIAL TO MOTHER (Millesant Parrish Parkin)
(Written by Marjorie P. Winegar, daughter)
You filled a book with precious verse
Endowed to family and friends;
Yet, never has been penned a word
In your behalf, to make amends.
It is too late to tell you now;
You left our realm, and cannot hear.
Endearing words of praise and love
Won’t reach you in that other sphere.
Still, there is left a better way
To glorify and bless your name:
Our way of life—the good we do
Will ever rise in loud acclaim
“Tis then for us to each go forth.
Your children and our children too;
Remembering well from day to day
The things that you would have us do.
To walk steadfastly in the path
Your footsteps made so plain to see;
To keep in trust the truths you taught,
And go our way unfalteringly.
Good deeds are ties that closely bind,
And though we cannot touch your hand,
Each one will keep us in accord;
Somewhere, somehow you’ll understand.
And let your spirit linger near
To guide us as each day goes by;
May we feel your presence here
As if you really hadn’t gone.
Grateful for your patronage,
We stand untied in this prayer;
To all fulfill your utmost wish,
Sometime to come and join you there.
Tribute to Millesant Parrish Parkin
This Tribute was by Lydia Howard Schulthies at the funeral service of Millesant Parrish Parkin
12 July 1948 at the South Bountiful Ward.
In the passing of Daughter Millesant P. Parkin, the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers of Camp Eutaw have sustained a great loss, and wish to pay tribute to her memory. Daughter Parkin was one in a large pioneer family, and she really appreciated her heritage.
It was 20 years ago, on the 21st of February 1928, Daughter Millesant Parkin and Daughter Ida M. Hatch came to our home and asked me to act as Registrar. They had invited or requested the Co. Pres. Erma Rice and her officers to come and organize a camp in South Bountiful.
Daughter Parkin was a promoter of fine things and was one of the first to see the good that could be had in having a camp organization for the eligible women in South Bountiful.
The organization was effected with Ida M. Hatch Captain and Elize M. Bair 1st and Millesant P. Parkin as 2nd Vice Captains. In this and other capacities she served well. One way in particular was a parade planned for Pioneer Day by the Camp, and Daughter Parkin oversaw the affair, every float was her suggestion, and she helped make each one as everything must be done right and not in a careless fashion. This affair will never be forgotten by those who saw the beauty and grandeur of everything.
She was one who realized the great importance of pioneer work and the good these organizations could accomplish. Let us who are left feel this responsibility of carrying on this great work.
Some people are blessed with more gifts than others—Daughter Parkin was one who had many, and never tired of using them for the benefit of others. She was very good with the sick, never tiring in well doing.
As an entertainer, she was exceptional. The little plays and dittys she composed and acted out in connection with Martha J. Moss and others will never be forgotten by the people of South Bountiful and surrounding wards for the wholesome entertainment they afforded. She was a lover of flowers and all lovely and cultural things. She designed homes, arranged wedding and other parties, decorated cakes and favors.
Her ability as a composer and writer was noteworthy. Many poems and songs were used in meetings and parties. One poem composed for the dedication of the Camp’s log cabin I should like to read here:
Tribute to our Pioneers
By Millesant P. Parkin
The daughters of the Eutaw Camp of the Utah Pioneers
This day assemble in respect to those our hearts hold dear
Who blazed the trail, and builded well, that we might be secure
To worship God and learn the truths of the Gospel message pure.
This little old log cabin though humble it may be,
We’ll cherish as a relic home, filled with sacred memories
Of fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, friends and kindred dear,
Who left their home, and weathered through, to be a pioneer.
Kind Father, wilt Thou bless the pioneers that’s with us yet,
Help us to be good and kind to them, lest we forget,
And may we never falter, in the paths our parents tred.
All honor to those worthy souls who dwell in heaven, with God.
She was ever willing to use these blessed talents that she was so richly endowed, for the benefit of others.
In her church she was always active and at her post. Mit as she was lovingly called, was a devoted wife, mother and friend. Her cheerful disposition won her many friends.
Her family will greatly benefit by the genealogical and research work and family histories she has left them. To her family I would say, May our Heavenly Father ease the pain in your hearts and help you to see the beautiful, full life she has lived.
We are very grateful for her life and the help she has given our camp. We pray our Father in Heaven to help us follow her example, as a guide in our lives—and do it in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
By Lydia Ann Howard Schulthies
Hyrum B. Parkin at Millesant Parrish Parkin’s Funeral
Patriarchal Blessing given February 17th, 1910 by Patriarch Edwin Pace upon the head of Millesant Parkin, daughter of Henry S. Parrish and Mary Millesant P. Parrish, born March 19th, 1878.
Sister Millesant, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I place my hands upon thy head and seal upon thee a father’s blessing even all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Inasmuch as thou hast obeyed the gospel with an honest heart, the Lord is well pleased with thee, and the Lord has given His angels charge concerning thee, and thy name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. And great blessings art in store for thee. And thou art truly a daughter of Abraham, and of Sarah of old, and entitled to all the blessings pertaining to that holy lineage throughout all generations to come. I now seal the same blessings upon thy head, which shall continue with thee and thine forever.
Thou shalt have a numerous posterity after thee which shall be spread abroad and become a great people in the Lord of Zion. Thou shalt have the desires of thy heart in righteousness all the days of thy life, and thy days shall be multiplied according to the desires of thine heart. Thou shalt have joy and comfort, and become a noble instrument in the hands of the Lord, and have great influence among the daughters of Zion.
And I bless you with health and strength and the vigor of life. And if thou wilt cultivate the spirit of faith, thou shalt have power given unto thee to heal the sick even of thine household and no blessing shall be withheld from thee for thy good.
Thou shalt be blessed for thy benevolence, and charity for the poor, and thy name shall always be held in honorable remembrance throughout generations. And no power shall destroy thine integrity or lead thee from the path of righteousness. And the Lord will watch over thee and protect thee, nor hinder thy work in accomplishing good upon the earth. And thou shalt live till thou art satisfied with life. And thou shalt be crowned with the just and become a queen over your posterity in the kingdom of our God. No blessing shall be withheld from thee to make you comfortable and happy in this life. And if thou art faithful, no good thing shall be withheld from thee.
And I seal you up unto Eternal Life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, and enter into your exaltation. These promises I give unto thee, Dear Sister, and I seal them upon thy head in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.