Son of William Brown and Jane Straugham Brown
This typical pioneer
was born in the town of Seneca, Ontario County, State of New York, the third
day of January, 1816. He was the son of William Brown and Jane Straugham
Brown. They were known as thrifty toilers of the soil in the western part of
the State of New York.
The family consisted of four sisters and five brothers, namely: Elizabeth (Reynolds), Thomas, Robert, Hannah (Martin), Jane (Fish), William, John, Franklin, and Sarah Ann, William being the only one to leave for Utah. The chances for education were somewhat limited, but all of the children received the average amount of schooling in reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, and other subjects.
During the time that William was receiving his home training, there were many religious sects which held revivals on every side. This caused the people generally to think upon topics of religious importance. The Browns lived only sixty miles from Palmyra, New York, during the time of the translation of the Book of Mormon. It was by some unknown way that William received literature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and this was followed by visits from Elders in the year 1836 and 1837. These strange occurrences led him to investigate. He obtained a knowledge of the conditions of the foundation of what was afterwards called “Mormonism.” He valued this knowledge, believed the testimony of those who brought it to him, and finally joined the Church. He then followed the organization wherever it went.
In the year 1838, he married Phebe Narcissia Odell, daughter of Jacob and Rebecca Odell, all respected citizens of the same locality. His wife was born at Hartland, Niagara County, State of New York, on July 4th 1822. The couple settled on a part of the old homestead, and bought a tract of land and added to it. William was successful in operating his farm, providing thereby for his family. In 1843 he writes an account as follows:
“State of New York town of Hartland Niagara County.
William and Phebe Brown. Feb. 5, 1843.
I was baptized into the Church of Christ by Elder Archibald Montgomery. I was ordained an Elder March 5, 1843, at the same place, and at this time a branch at Johnsons Creek was organized, I was chozen clerk.
April 6, Myself and wife went to Conference at Batavia (25 Miles south) the snow was very deep. The 10th we arrived at home. In the course of the fore part of the summer there were 32 baptized into the church, in the fall about 20 left for Nauvoo. Oct. 4. I left Niagara went to Buffalo on the Canal. 5th, left Buffalo at 10 o’clock on board the steamer Constitution arrived at Cleveland 6th, arrived at Detroit at 8 o’clock on the eighth, and on the 9th sailed up the Hudson. A very heavy storm came up and drove us back about one hundred miles, on the 11th we came to anchor on the canal shore by the woods. Stayed two days then sailed again on the 14th. We landed to the Man of Three Hands, there stayed one day on account of the stormy weather, then sailed on the 16th and on the 17th landed at Milwaukee, on the 18th landed at Chicago, went by land 125 miles, and on the 23rd got aboard of a steamboat, and on the 25th landed at Nauvoo, in company with Pres. Busenbark and Neal. On the 27th heard Prophet Joseph Smith preach upon the first principles of the Gospel, on the 28th we stayed in Nauvoo, found Brother Neal from Niagara, on the 29th left Nauvoo in company with Pres. Busenbark and Neal for home by land.
Nothing of importance transpired on our journey, we arrived at Detroit in Michigan on the 15th of November a distance of 600 miles, tarried there one day. Here Brother Neal left us and went to visit his cousins about 40 miles from Detroit. Brother Busenbark and myself got aboard of this steamer Bunkerhill on the 17th and on the 19th arrived in Buffalo, took the canal and arrived at home on the 20th Nov. (Oct.) .”
In the spring of 1844 he wrote an account as follows:
“The cause of my visiting Nauvoo at this time was a promise of my father that if I would go to Nauvoo and see the people and country, he would pay my expenses and if I was satisfied he would buy my farm. He being very much opposed to the people of God and supposed there was all manner of iniquity among them, he supposed I would leave them if I went to Nauvoo and seen for myself, but when I came back and still said I would go, he would not do as he agreed. But the following spring he found that I was determined to sell, he then purchased my land.
I then made preparations to start for the west, after much persecution and abuse from my Brother Thomas and other’s of my relatives, loseing a good deal of money by vexation lawsuits, we paid all and on the 9th of May 1844, started for Nauvoo. Sister Tilpha starts with us. Brother Busenbark took a load of goods to Lockport for us. Here I would say that the morning my Brother Thomas came down to my house and used all the abuse he was capable of, to get me to quarrel with him, but I said nothing to him when I got into the carriage to start I looked at him in the face and said good-by, his head dropped and his countenance fell, he said not a word.
At one o’clock the same day we got on board of a canal boat and on the 10th at daylight we arrived in Buffalo, at 10 o’clock we got aboard the steamer and sailed at 2 o’clock p.m. At four o’clock we found to our great joy, that there were some Brethern and Sisters on board, on finding them out we found Brother Matthews and family, Bro. Nay, Sister Kesatine King. This was great joy, at times being all alone, then finding them that they were going to Nauvoo”.
It was in the latter part of May that William and his family unloaded at Nauvoo. He bought a house and lot only in time to witness scenes and actions thought to be impossible of any government or set of people upon the earth. Church history relates the difficulties of these times and these good people were among those who passed through all of the trying times had in Nauvoo.
Realizing that the enforced and foreshadowed exodus to the west was near at hand, the people were counseled by their leader, Brigham Young, to bend every effort of energy to complete the sacred Temple, so that all might enjoy the blessings the Prophet had revealed to them before going west. Soon the Temple was completed, and on January 8th, 1846, both William and his wife received their endowments, and were sealed together for time and all eternity on January 27th, 1846.
William Brown followed the movements of the church from this time until he came to Utah, and he writes of this period as follows:
“June 1 1846. We stayed in camp it rained all day. 2d, We stayed in camp, there were many went over the river Pres. Young and many others on their way to the mountains. 3d. We got up our teams early in the morning went over the river and traveled three miles. Bro. Matthews and Coleman concluded to go to the settlement on the Platte River and work and fit themselves out for the mountains. I had brought them thus far. Brother James Kirby then came to drive for me. He went to take Bro. Mathews and Coleman and families on to the settlement. We stayed at camp many teams passed us. 5th, Stayed at camp, 6th, Bro Kirby came back. 7th, We started early in the morning for Council Bluffs on the Missouri River. Traveled every day until we arrived at the main camp. June 21, We arrived at the Bluffs. 22th, I left and went down to Missouri to trade and get provisions, was gone two weeks, found many mobacrates, got all the provisions I needed, returned to the Bluffs, there remained until the first of August. Waiting until there could be 500 men to go in service of the United States after having driven us from our houses and lands. The men were raised and left for Fort Leavenworth.
August 1, 1846, I crossed the Missouri River went to the main camp four miles west of the river. By request of Bro. H.C. Kimbal we left next day and went to the Horn river 18 miles west. From there we worked 7 days on a bridge but did not finish it. We were sent back to camp. The bridge was ten rods long and twelve feet high, buttments built with logs.
I removed 20 miles up the Missouri river and put up for the winter. Aug. 15, Arrived at the main camp in time. Was employed continually herding cattle and cutting hay, until the 21 of Aug. 1846, when we heard that there was a mob on their way up the river. This night we had a Master on. 22th, we had a General Master on. The G. Master and Pres Young organized the men into companies and prepaired the men for to defend ourselves. Pres Young was appointed the Comander-in Chief. Brother A.P. Rockwood his assistant. There were 320 men on the grounds, orders were given by Pres. Young to stop cutting hay. He recommended that a company of 25 men be raised to scour the country and find trail and fording places on the rivers Platte and Elkhorn. 23d. The camp commenced moving down the Missouri river some two miles from the place to build cabins for the winter. Rained all day.
Aug 30th, Arrived at camp at Mt Pisgah (on Grand river) Pottawatomie nation Indian Land. Here the main camp was stationed. Here is a farm making and many of the Brethern will tarry for this season. 31st Sunday the people were called together. Bro. George A. Smith opened with prayer, he then made some remarks in regards to the situation of the church.
From Aug. 23, 1846, to the 15th of Sept. I was building a cabin, and taking care of the cattle, we then sent our cattle all up to the rushes, exception of one cow and two yoke of oxen.
On the 20th Sept. I started with 15 other teams for St Joseph for goods for the church, we were gone from the camp 26 days, after returning to camp, I was engaged in getting wood for myself and the poor, and taking care of our cattle. We had to draw hay five miles, this was my principle employment for the winter.
I would say here, that the Seventies entered into plans to sustain the poor that were in the Quorums. There being no other President of the fifth Quorum in the camp but myself. I had charge of that Quorum, here I had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with liberalities and dispositions. We supplied all the wants of our Quorum and by doing so the poor were fed.
Jan. 1, 1847.
We had great teaching in camp this winter. Hypocrites and thieves began to fear and flee for Missouri. The followers (of the church) did rejoice and were glad to hear the Love of God spoken of, being put in force. The people were warned time and again to serve those resting, and were told if they didn’t they would suffer the penality of the law, the first were whipped for bad conduct in the church. The Saints had quite a time dancing this winter.
About the eighth of Jan. 1847 there was a revelation given relative to organizing for the journey in the spring. There were two divisions arose, one under Pres. Young and the other under Pres. Kimble, I was chosen Captain of ten in Pres. Kimball’s Co. The following was my first report:
Captain- Feb. 12, 1847
The return of the Sixth Ten in Capt. Shadrach Roundy’s Company- It being the Third Co. in the Second Grand Division in H.C. Kimballs Company.
1 William Brown- Age 31, wagons 2, meat 75, yoke oxen 5, groc. 20, flour 250,
Phebe Ann - Age 25, cows 3.
Children - Mary Jane age 8, Adelia Ann age 6, Nama age 1.
2 Samuel Russel - age 33 wagons 3, horses 1, meat 500, yoke oxen 7, cows 2, cash 45.
Esther Russel - age 32 flour 400
Children - Abigail age 25, Helen age 7, Maria age 5, Valasco age 1, Francis 1/4.
3 Isaac Busenbark - age 46, wheat 30, wagons 3, meat 200, yoke oxen 5, groc 230.
Abigail Busenbark-age 34, cows 3, plows 3, hoe 2, cot.
Children – Mary age 17, Henry 15, Harriett 12, Margaret 10, Lucinda 7.
Marcus B. Thorp age 23, teamster 1.
At Winter Quarters, after known as Florence Neb. In 1846-47 consisted of; 538 log houses, inhabited with 3483 souls, 334 who were sick, 75 were widows, 814 wagons, 145 horses, 20 mules, 388 yoke of oxen and 403 cows. The place was divided into 22 wards presided over by Bishops.
Mar 29 1847, a number of the pioneers at winter quarters reported themselves ready to start for the mountains.
April 5, Apostle H.C. Kimbal moved out four miles from winter quarters with six teams, and formed a nucleus to which the company of Pioneers could gather. Apr. 14, Pres. Brigham Young and his Brethren of the Twelve left winter quarters for the Rocky Mountains, they joined the company of Pioneers near the Elkhorn river. Thursday April 16, the pioneer company was organized of 73 wagons, 143 men, 3 women, and 2 children or 148 souls. This company arrived in Salt Lake valley 22-23-24 of July 1847, with Brigham Young Lieutenant General, Stephen Markham- Colonel and 1229 souls 397 wagons and 14 captains.
May 1, 1847, Some time in this month I left winter Quarters with my family consisting of my wife and three little girls namely:- Mary Jane, Adelia Ann, and Nama, and an old lady by the name of Ann Brimhall.
I had two wagons and four yoke of oxen and three cows, and the required amount of bread stuffs, which was 300 pounds to each person. Our bread stuffs were really all corn and wheat without being ground. We had no meat or groceries to speak of. Having lost one fourth of my cattle in Winter Quarters, I left feeling Thankful to my Heavenly Father for the privilege of leaving that land of my nativity, with my family alive, with a little grain in our wagons. We left for a home we know not where, but like Abraham of old we trusted in God. I had two teams and now one to drive only myself, through a new country, new roads, thus we traveled for eleven hundred miles (to be exact 1032).
June 1, 1847. This month we were getting to the Elkhorn river, the place of the rendezvous. We had to raft across it and swim our cattle. On the 20th of this month we left the Elkhorn river to pursue our journey. Parley P. Pratt being our president, Daniel Spencer Capt of hundred and Ira Eldridge Capt of the fifty.
We traveled two days across prairie and arrived at the Platte river, here brother Homes child died, it had been sick for some time. We traveled about three days up the Platte, where there was some difficulty arose between Pres. John Young, Capt. J.M. Grant and Pres. John Taylor, relative to “who had the right to lead the companies, or whose right it was to preside.” It was decided that the two apostles Parley P. Pratt and John Taylor held the authority to preside over all the companies. Capt. Grant and Gen. John Young made their acknowledgments, and the difficulty was settled.
We pursued our journey up the Platte, through a level country very little timber. We found the bones of a man who had been killed by the Indians, we seen where the Indians had camped the night before, but saw no Indians. We traveled about 300 miles together, 356 wagons. We found it very difficult to travel so consequently we went by the council of Pres. Parley P. Pratt and Taylor.
We broke into fifties, we found it to be much better and more convenient. Capt Eldridges fifty the one I belonged to, in Capt Spencer being in this fifty. We took the lead, we out traveled all the other companies. We had not seen any of them till we come to the last crossing of the Platte. Here we stopped three days to repair wagons and shoe oxen. It was here the fifty that Pres Pratt was in came up. This was about seven hundred miles from winter quarters. Here we left them and saw no more of them that were behind us till they come to the valley.
August, 1847. Some time in this month we met the pioneers on their return to Winter Quarters. The Lord having led them across the trackless plains and through the Mountains, for eleven hundred miles he brought them to the place He had reserved for his people and in the last days, where the House of the Lord should be built in the tops of the Mountains.
It caused great rejoicing in our camp when we met our Brethern who had led the way and found a place where we could rest, for we had traveled nearly two years. President Brigham Young and some of the twelve spoke to us on that evening. George A. Smith gave a description of the valley they had found.
We seen a number of tribes of Indians on our way, namely;-Pawnees, Sioux, Snakes. They were all very peaceable, we traded with them for some ponies and skins. We saw large herds of Buffalo on our route.”
William Brown and his family arrived in Salt Lake Valley on September 22nd, 1847 in Ira Eldridge’s Fifty. He met once again with the Brethern, and rejoiced with them. His first winter in the valley was spent in the old Fort. The next spring, he located in the fifteenth ward, now the corner of First South and Second West Streets, his being the first and only home in that locality for some time. He owned half way to South Temple and west to 3rd West. His first wife (Phebe Narcissia Odell) and three children are buried there. All of this property was disposed of excepting one house and lot, which now belongs to one of his grandchildren.
In the spring of 1848, he went north to what was then called Deseret, later known as Sessions Settlement, and now known as Bountiful, Davis County, Utah. He located a quarter section of land, but did not move there until the year 1850, when he moved his second wife, Elizabeth A. Andrews Coleman Brown.
His first wife, Phebe N. Odell Brown, died March 9th 1852, at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah, nine days after the birth of her youngest child. She was buried on the city lot.
He married shortly after, Rebecca W. Chapin, who occupied the home in Salt Lake City, and who bore him three children in that home. He then moved his third wife to a home he later purchased of Mr. Goudy Hogan, consisting of twenty acres, which is now owned by some of the family.
His fourth wife was Ellen Burnett, she living in the home in Salt Lake City when he moved his third wife, Rebecca, to Bountiful. At the Salt Lake City home, the family by his fourth wife was born. In later years, he moved this family on to his homestead in Bountiful, Utah. This homestead he kept until his death on October 28th, 1892. Part of this land is still in the family.
It was his privilege in Salt Lake City to assist in the building of the Temple, with the use of his oxen. On April 6th, 1853, the corner stones were laid. In his day, he saw the completion of this Temple, and lived to within a year of the dedication. The structure was forty years in building.
An excerpt from a letter written by Jane Brown, mother of William Brown from New York, dated September 15th, 1853, is as follows:
“Dear Son:- I send
you these few lines to let you know we are all well as common. We received two
letters from you, of the eleventh Sept. which we were very thankful, we had not
heard in four years from you. I am sorry your wife is dead. I wrote a number
of times to you, but received no answer, now I know it has not been your
fault. You will write how old the youngest child was when her mother died.
****Will you write as often as you can.
You are as near and dear as ever to us. We were afraid you were not living but thank God it is otherwise. God bless you all, our love and respect to all. Bless your children for me.
Direct your letters to Halls Corners.
Jane Brown
It was in 1857-1858 that he served as a missionary to England. On returning, he found his family in the Provo Bottoms out of the way of Johnsons Army, then trying to come to enforce some ill feeling that had risen in Washington, D.C. They were held back until food supplies were low. They camped in the head of Echo Canyon. Every house in Salt Lake City was ready for the torch, and in case they did arrive at Salt Lake City, every house would have gone up in flames before them, thus leaving them to starve with the rest. The country was then known as the “Great Desert.”
William Brown’s report of his mission is as follows:
“Through the tempest and through wreck and rain that seems to be on every hand, you shall be wafted safely to that part of your destination. The spirit of your love of a testimony that all was right.” (part of the blessing before leaving for mission).
My mind was as calm as the summers morning. We took hold of the rope to help the Captain, but it looked nearly to throw the Captain overboard. Just at this time some invisible power seemed to turn the ship around and it glided into the open sea, the Captain came to us and told us, it was a providential escape. Brother Page told him he might thank the Lord that he had Mormons on board. I landed at Liverpool January 12, 1857, received my appointment the same evening to labor in the southern Partrate. I left for Bristol next morning before daylight. My labors were principally among the saints in the counties Somerset, Devon, Dorset and Wiltsshire. I took much pleasure in preaching and traveling, in the Halts, streets and private homes; also by the way we’ve been preaching and traveling for fourteen months. I only baptized fourteen, but rebaptized many of the saints in the South and Wiltsshire Conferences in the time of the reformation.
The power of God attended me in my labors, the sick were healed, the lame made to walk and leap for joy. One case I will mention. A woman fifty years old by the name of Elizabeth Tucker who had not walked for nineteen years without the use of her crutches, as soon as she was baptized walked to the house alone, and after she was confirmed she walked about the house with ease, and said if she was only over the big pond she would walk to Zion. Thus is the goodness of God made manifest to his children through the faith in Him.
I can bear testimony that the Gospel revealed through Joseph Smith the Prophet has brought that same power and blessings enjoyed by the former day Saints. And I do know that the promises of God through his servants are sure and will never fail, inasmuch as those concerned are faithful.
I left Liverpool on the 19th of Feb. 1858 in company with about fifty Elders, who were called home from different parts of the World. We had a good voyage was prospered on my way home where I arrived on the 21st of June, found my family on the Provo Bottoms in a cane wickeup, all well.
I can say I feel thankful to God and his servants for sending me upon this mission, for it has been a school of experience and a testimony to me, and I trust the blessings to many others.”
Your Brother in the Gospel of Christ,
(Signed) William Brown”
On Wednesday, June 20th, 1877, at a special meeting held at Bountiful, Davis County, Utah, that ward was divided into three parts, namely:- East Bountiful, West Bountiful and South Bountiful, with Chester Call, William S. Muir and William Brown Bishops.
On Wednesday, August 3rd, 1887, Bishop William Brown of South Bountiful, Davis County, was arrested on a charge of the United States, and brought to Salt Lake City and placed under bonds.
He spent his later years in South Bountiful, and made it possible for many of his posterity to have financial prosperity. He was an earnest worker in the Church all of his days, serving as Bishop for many years.
The last few words of William Brown are set forth in his Will, which left his properties and money to his children. The will was dated at South Bountiful, April 6th, 1885. An excerpt is as follows:
“Now this is the best I could do under the circumstances. I do hope all will be satisfied, if any feel to murmur they are welcome.
In conclusion, I feel to enjoin upon my wives and children to keep the covenants you have made secret and prepair to follow me. I have had my weaknesses and follies but my faith has never faltered. I can bear my testimony that the Gospel we have embraced is ture. I know that the rest of the righteous will be glorious.
O could I only know that you all would be true and faithful, my joy would be full, but this I do not know. But I plead with you all to turn from your follies and cleave to Him who is mighty to save, and attend to all the ordinances of the House of the Lord as fast as you have opportunity. If you do not you cannot follow me.
I have been accused of many things that I was not guilty of, but God has known the motive and intention of my heart and has not forsaken me.
Now may the peace and the blessings of the Lord rest down upon you all, and you be prepared to enter into the rest of the righteous.
Your Husband and Father
(Signed) William Brown”
The names of his wives, their dates of birth and dates of death are as follows:
First wife, Phebe N., born July 4th, 1822 died March 9, 1852
Second wife Elizabeth A. born Sept. 10th, 1818 died May 25th 1904
Third wife Rebecca W. born Sept. 25th, 1825 died May 17th, 1891
Fourth wife Ellen born Dec. 25th, 1839 died February 24th, 1922.
He married Elizabeth Andrews Coleman, a friend of his first wife. Rebecca Webster Chapin was a school teacher; and Ellen Burnett, a convert. Elizabeth lived in his first log cabin north of Mrs. Anne Brown’s home. He bought the land where Mrs. Alma Brown now lives from Goudy Hogan for Rebecca, and Ellen lived in the old Hyrum B. Parkin house.
He bought places for all his families and helped in getting starts for some of his children as far as possible.
William Brown died October 28th, 1892, at Bountiful, Davis County, State of Utah, and was buried at that place.
Phillis Short, Grandmother of Wm. Brown (Jane Straugham’s Mother)
William Brown
by: Beatrice Parkin Schulthies
Born 3 January 1816 in Seneca, Ontario, New York to William and Jane Straugham Brown of North Umberland, England. There were four daughters and five sons: Elizabeth Brown Raynolds, Thomas, Robert, Hannah Brown Martin, Jane Brown Fish, William, John, Frankling and Sarah Ann. William was the only one to come to Utah. William married Phoebe Narcissia Odell in 1838. In 1843 he was baptized by Elder Archibald Montgomery, ordained Elder March 5, 1843. Was chosen Clerk of the branch at Johnson’s Creek.
9 May 1844 started for Nauvoo against his folks’ wishes. Late in May they reached Nauvoo and purchased a house and lot. He was a member of the Nauvoo Legion. They left this home on 4 Feb 1846, crossed the Mississippi River to Iowa. 15 Feb 1846 joined President Brigham Young on the Missouri River where the camps of Israel were organized. June 2nd 1846 he saw Brigham Young and many others cross the river on their way to the mountains. June 3rd he, with his company, crossed the river. June 7th they started for Council Bluffs, Iowa, arriving at the main camp June 21. Next day he left on a two-week trip to Missouri for provisions. August 1, 1846 crossed the Missouri River and went to the main camp. Worked seven days on a bridge. Then moved 20 miles up the Missouri River and put up for winter. August 15 arrived at main camp. 30 August arrived at camp at Mt. Pisgah (on Grand River), Pottawatomie Nation, Indiana Land. Here the main camp was stationed. From 23 August 1846 to 16 September he was building a cabin and caring for the cattle.
Sometime in May William Brown, his wife Phoebe Narcissia Odell and his three daughters: Mary Jane, Adelia Ann, and Naoma, left Winter Quarters. They took two wagons, four yoke of oxen, three cows. Arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah 18 or 22 September 1847. Lived in the old fort that winter. The next winter he located on the corner of 1st South and 2nd West. He built the first home in that part of the city [Salt Lake City] in the 15th Ward.
In 1854 he took up a quarter section of land a mile south of Woods Cross station.
In 1857-1858 he went on a British mission. On his return he found his family in Provo bottoms in a wickiup. After the Johnson’s Army trouble was over, he took them back home.
William Brown took up land next to the Kimball Ranch in Parley’s Canyon and his second wife, Elizabeth, lived there in the summer. He took up land in West Layton, Utah. He spread his enterprise into Woodruff for cattle raising. His sheep were herded in Hooper’s Hollow. He was one of the founders of the old Bountiful Livestock Company with Jense Nelson, Pres. and his son, Mahonri, Manager. This thriving concern joined with others to make the Deseret Livestock Company. Served two terms in First Territorial Legislature and County Commissioner for two terms in 1857-58.
June 20, 1877 the ward was divided and William Brown was made Bishop of the South Bountiful Ward. He served till his death which was 15 years.
Wives and Children of William Brown
First wife—Phoebe Narcissia Odell. Born 4 July 1822, died 29 Feb 1852. Children: Moroni Brown, died in Nauvoo, IL; Salmia Brown, died in Nauvoo, IL; Mary Jane Brown Pace; Adelia Ann Brown Stanley; Naomi Hawk; Phoebe Ann Hatch; Rachel Brown.
Second wife—Elizabeth Coleman. Born 10 September 1818, died 25 May 1904. Children: Hannah Pauline Atkinson; Charoletta Louise Call; Matilda Elizabeth Muir; William Andrew Brown.
Third wife—Rebecca Webster Chapin. Born 25 September 1825, died 17 May 1891.
Fourth wife—Ellen Burnett. Born 25 Dec 1839, died 24 Feb 1922.
William Brown died 28 Oct 1892 at Bountiful, Utah.
Bountiful 1st. Transfer of Titles of Property 1855-187? B 1 Hist. Page 95
(Copied at Bountiful Tabernacle basement June 13, 1962)
Be it known by these present that I, William Brown of North Kanyon Ward in the county of Davis and Territory of Utah, for and in consideration of the good will which I have to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints give and convey unto Brigham Young, Trustee in trust for said church, his Successors in office and assigns all my claim to and ownership of the following Described property to wit:
Lot one (1) Block twenty six (26) North Mill Creek plat Davis County containing Seventy acres—with House and other Improvements. Value--$1400. $1400
One Span Horses Value one Hundred & Seventy five Dollars— 175
Five cows Value $150—three Steers Value $120— 270
Two Heifers value $40—four Calves $40— 80
Two Sucking calves $8—pigs and chickens value $14 22
Farming tool value including wagons & C. value $100— 100
Household goods & wearing appearal value $100— 100
Sum total of the above two thousand one Hundred & forty Seven $2147
together with all the rights, privileges, and appurtenances there unto Belonging or appertaining ‘ also Covenant and agree that I am the lawful claimant and owner of Said property and will warrant and forever Defend the Same, unto the Said trustee in trust his Successors in office and assigns against the Claims of my heirs or any person whomsoever.
Dated this 25th Day of April A.D. 1856
William Brown
Ira S. Hatch
Orin Hatch
William Brown, Sr. & Jane Straugham Brown Headstone, Ontario Co., New York
William Brown Patriarchal Blessing
The following Patriarchal Blessing was taken from Book 3, page 203, in the office of the Church Historian, 47 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah:
Patriarchal Blessing of William Brown, Son of William and Jane Brown. Born in the town of Seneca, Ontario County and State of New York, 3 Jan. 1816.
Brother William, I lay my hands upon your head in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, and by the authority given by commandment and the investments of the Priesthood, I place and seal a blessing upon you to come to pass in future, and in consonants with your lineage and the rights of the Priesthoods, is your blessing verily, for behold, you are of the seed and lineage and Tribe of Napthali. Therefore, in this lineage is your blessing to spring up, and the lineage of your inheritance, according to the prophetic visions shown and spoken by your Fathers, as touching inheritance, the blessings of the grace and the seal of the everlasting covenants, which knowledge in its fullness is here after to be revealed. Therefore because of the integrity of your heart in the days of your youth, you have received this reward. And shall receive the blessings of the Priesthood, which is sacred to the memory to be perpetuated in your posterity, from generation to generation. And you shall be blessed in the fields and in the flocks and in the herds, in your house and in your habitations, and shall go forth and come forth and receive prosperity, and bear testimony and come up unto the anointing, to be numbered with the called and chosen, to have your name written in the Archives and Chronicles of your brethren, registered to be perpetuated to be had in honorable remembrance until the latest generation, with days and years to be multiplied upon your head if your faith fail not to continue. Even unto three score years and ten. These blessings I seal upon your head. Even So, Amen.
Given by Hyrum Smith at Nauvoo Ills. Oct. 15th 1843. H. Corey Clerk.