Home page of Deborah Davis
Welcome to my home page!
I've collected some of my favorite links here, including some related to my work as a technical writer, some related to my hobbies, and some I've found helpful as the mother of an autistic son. If you are interested in my professional activities, please see the home page of my company, Davis Technical Communications.
If you find this page useful, offensive, or just worth commenting on, please contact me at: dadavis@nyx.cs.du.edu
Information about Davis Technical Communications
My six-year-old technical writing firm produces a wide variety of instructional and marketing materials for technology companies. For a complete list of services, see my company Web page. For information on my professional qualifications, see my resume.

Who says technical writers have no sense of humor?
A good manual may not be poetry, but it can inspire it. Here's the proof:
What if Dr. Seuss Wrote Technical Documentation?
The Typo -- A Poem for Writers

My experiences (so far!) with raising our son, Adam, who is six and mildly autistic. Adam currently attends a private preschool with "typical" children. I've included a brief history of our experiences and some links to autism resources on the Net.
Some of my favorite links:
Space links
NASA Photo Gallery
Galileo Probe Mission Updates
Space Movie Archive
Science Fiction Links
Star Trek: Points of Interest
The Sci-Fi Page, with links to other fun places.
The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
The X-Files Creative Archive
Fan stuff, from the worst to the surprisingly accomplished. Yes, I've been known to contribute.
Other interesting stuff:
The Figure Skating Page Biographies, photos, definitions, and the skating frogs!
Xerox PARC Map Viewer: I like maps; if you like them too, you'll like this.
The Amazing Fish Cam! A camera aimed at a fish tank. Silly but fun.
Black Star 60th Anniversary Retrospective An interesting archive of news photos
The El-Cheapo Web Page This page has links to many resources for building your own page, including bullets, backgrounds and design advice.
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