System Dynamics

System Guidelines
- Everything
is connected to everything else
- You
can never do just one thing
- There
is no “away”
There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch
- Nature
knows best
- It ain’t
what you don’t know that hurts you; it’s what DO you know that ain’t so
- “Obvious
solutions” do more harm than good
- Look
for high leverage points
- Nothing
grows forever
- Don’t
fight positive feedback; support negative feedback instead
- Don’t
try to control the players, just change the rules
- Don’t
make rules that can’t be enforced
- There
are no simple solutions
- Good
intentions are not enough
- High
morality depends on accurate prophecy
- If you
can’t make people self-sufficient, you aid does more harm than good
- There
are no final answers
- Every
solution creates new problems
- Loose
systems are often better
- Don’t
be fooled by system cycles
- Remember
the Golden Mean
- Beware
the empty compromise
- Don’t
be a boiled frog
- Watch
out for thresholds
- Competition
is often cooperation in disguise
- Bad
boundaries make bad governments
- Beware
the Tragedy of the Commons
- Foresight
always wins in the long run
Contact Information
E-mail address
Web address
Disclaimer: This document in no way represents NYX Net
Public Access UNIX.
All opinions are mine and mine alone.
Last revised: may ‘02