Augustin Schambier, notarial act #6882
Notary: Augustin Schambier
Act number: 6882
Act date: 1887111? (YYYYMMDD)
Record type:
Record place: Arthabaska Judicial District, Quebec, Canada
Parties involved: Charles Brown , Joseph Nugent
Source: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ), Trois-Rivières
Source: (Image 654 of 2816)
Source: (Image 654 of 2816)
Source: (Image 18 of 21, index)
Source: (Image of )
BAnQ Fond: 04T,CN402,S27 (Augustin Schambier)
Key: Printed Text
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No 6882
Expd, inst
November in the the year
eight hundred and eighty seven
Before me the undersigned Notry Public duly admitted and sworn
in and for that part of the Dominion of Canada, now constituting the Province
of Quebec, resigin in the parish of St. Ferdinand d'Halifax, in the District of
Was present and appreared Mr. Charles Brown, far
mer of the Township of Ireland.
who delared himself to be justly indebted and to owe to Mr. Joseph
Nuent, farmer of the parish of St. Ferdi-
nand d'Halifax
to this present and accepting for himself, his heirs and assigns, the sum of
one hundred dollars
for due value received by the said debtor from the
said creditor, which said sumof one hundred dollars
the said debtor bind and obliges himself, his heirs and assigns to reimburse to
the said creditor or order in three years from this
together with the interest at the rate of ten per centum per annum, to
be computed from this date
and payable yearly
And for securing the payment of the said sum of one hundred
with the said interest, the said debtor has affected, engaged and mortgaged in
favor of the said creditor the just undivided seven
tenths in the north - west half of the
lot of land number four in the fifth
range of the said Township of Ireland,
being now the lot number two hun-
dred and sixty eight of the official
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Cadastre and book of reference ....
said Township of Ireland with the
buildings thereon, circumstances and
And for the execution of these presents the said parties have made election
of their domiciles in their actual residences, where &c.
DONE AND PASSED in the said parish of of St. Ferdinand d'Halifax, in the
office of the undersigned Notary, on the day and year first above written, under
the number six thousand eight hundred and
eighty two,
And the said parties have signed their
names after duly reading made ac-
cording to law.
Charles Brown
J Nu gent
A. Schambier