Notary: Augustin Schambier
      Act number: 2794
        Act date: 18761007 (YYYYMMDD)
     Record type: Marriage Contract
    Record place: Arthabaska Judicial District, Quebec, Canada
Parties involved: Bartholomew Brown, Julia Ann Hall/Barwis
          Source: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ), Trois-Rivières
          Source:  (Image 337 of 2814)
          Source:  (Image 338 of 2814)
          Source:  (Image 339 of 2814)
          Source:  (Image 340 of 2814)
          Source:  (Image 341 of 2814)
       BAnQ Fond: 04T,CN402,S27 (Augustin Schambier)
        See also:

Key:    Printed Text
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        ?????     <---unreadable text

[page 1]

On this day the ninth of the month
of October, in the year of Our Lord
one Thousand eight hundred and
seventy six.
      Before me the undersigned
Notary Public duly admitted and
sworn in and for that part of the 
Dominion of Canada heretofore
called Lower-Canada now cons-
tituting the province of Quebec
residing in the township of South
Halifax, in the district of Artha-
      Where present and appreared
Mr Bartholomew Brown, of the
township of Ireland, said district of
the one part,
      And Mrs Julia Ann Bar-
wis of the same township of Ire-
land, widow of the lare Ira Bailey
Hall, in his life time of the same
township of Ireland, yeoman, the
said lady acting for herself and
in her name, of the other part.
      Which said parties did an
doth hereby stipnlate(?), convenant
and agree in manner and form
following, that is to say,
firstly that they will take and
wed each other as man and wife
so soon as either of them shall re-
quire the same to be done and
their marriage cause to be solem-
mized according to the rites of any
of the established Church of this

[page 2]

secondly, in ???? of the said enter-
ded marriage, by Divine peronission
to be had and solemmized between the
said parties, they did and do hereby
expressly declare ?????? and agree
that no community of property
communante de biens shall ?????
time by reason of the said intended
marriage or on any pretend  ?????-
ner exist or be or subsist notwithstan-
ding the Contume de Paris and all
and every and any other ????????
on Custom of the said province of 
Quebec to the contrary, to ???? all
and every which the said parties
to these presents did and do here-
by renounce and deragate and
expressely declare to be by them
in the premises renounced and
deragated in every respect and re-
main hereafter of no effect whate-
thirdly It is prefectly understood
between the said parties that nie-
ther of them shall be subject to the 
payment of the debts that either 
of them may have contracted
before their marriage but on the
contrary that the same shall be 
liquidated by the said party that
may have contracted them
fourthly That in as much the said
Julia Ann Barwis persists in the self
exercise and sale controle of all her

[page 3]

property, goods, chatels, furnature
and other effects whatsoever, she,
the said Julia Ann Barwis, has
caused a justm true and exact sta-
tement of the whole of the said goods
chatels&furnature to be taken and
which is amaexed to the original of
these presents and signed by the
said parties with us the said Nota-
ry, as well as property moveable
and immoveable, she, the said Julia-
Ann Barwis, doth hereby reserve
and retain the same to herself as
her propres and sas to the property
that she may hereafter acquire mo-
veable or immoveable, either by
succession, donation or other ??ise
she soth hereby reserve the same ex-
clusively to herself, to all ??????
??, the said Bartholomew Brown,
??????? acceeds.
   In order that the said Julia-
Ann Barwis shall or may have 
the sale and entire control and en-
joyment of all her property pre-
sent and future moveable and im-
movable the said Bartholomew
Brown doth hereby give her irre-
vocable full power and authority
to administer the same
      Which several stipumations
convenants and promises, renouncia-
tions and agreements, the said parties
to the presents in the presence
of us said Notary did and do hereby
resiprocally accept, hereby constitu-

[page 4]

ting the bearer their Attornet for the
registration of these presents where-
ever the same shall be requisite or
ought to be registered.
      Thus done and passed in the
township of South Halifax, in the
Office of the undersigned Notary
on the day, month and year first
alone written, under the number
two thousand, seven hundred and
ninety four, and the said parties
have signed their names after duly
reading made according to law.
  One marginal note approved is good.

             Bartholomew Brown
             Julia A. Hall

           A. Schambier

List of Statement of the effects, goods
and chatels belonging to the said
----- Julia-Ann Barwis, made
at the Township of South Halifax,
province of Quebec, Dominion of
Canada, on the ninth day of the 
month of October, in the year of
Our Lord one thousand eight hun-
dred and seventy six.
1rst her close and clothig
2o one horse of red color aged about thir-

[page 5]

teen yearsold, two cow of red color one
other cow of red and white color, two pigs,
twenty five chickens, ??? ???? about
ten tons of hay, about fourty bushels
of oats untrashed, one double stove,
one dining table, six chairs, one bed
and beding, one kettle, one center ta-
ble, one little desk, one chest fo drawers,
one trunk and one looking glass,
the whole valued by the said part-
ties to the sum of two hundred and
twenty nine dollars.
Don in the said township of South
Halifax,, in the Office of the under-
signed Notary, on the day and year
first above written, and signed
by the said parties and the said No-
tary after duly reading made, One
word erased is null.
                  Bartholomew Brown
                  Julia A. Hall

    A. Schambier