Augustin Schambier, notarial act # 465
Notary: Augustin Schambier
Act number: 0465
Act date: 18671013 (YYYYMMDD)
Record type:
Record place: Arthabaska Judicial District, Quebec, Canada
Parties involved: Bartholomew Brown , Martha Thurber
Source: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ), Trois-Rivières
Source: (Image 1453 of 2797)
Source: (Image 1454 of 2797)
Source: (Image of )
Note: No index entry? See (Image 22 of 28, Répertoire chronologique, 1865-1867)
BAnQ Fond: 04T,CN402,S27 (Augustin Schambier)
Key: Printed Text
[page count]
????? <---unreadable text
[page 1]
Renonciation to any rights on a law by Martha Thurber wife of B. Brown in favour of Thurber
No 465
On this thirtheith day of October
in the year of Our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and
sixty seven in the afternoon.
Before me the undersi
gned Notary Public only admin
ter and sworn for that part
of the dominion of Canada
formerly called Lower Canada.
Was present and appeared
Mrs Bartholemeia Br Martha
Thurber wife of Batheeemia
Brown – cultivataor, living
with her said husband in the
township of Ireland County
of Megantic, by her said hus
band to this preesnt only
authorised for the effet of this
The which said Mrs Mar
tha Thurber wife of the said
Barthemia Brown, has, by
this present, renounced and
abandonned in favor of Mr
Jonathan Thurber, bultivator of
the saw bounty to ~all this pre
sent and accepting for his/hers
himself his/hers and xxxx~
to all rights, shares or pretentions
that she has or may have in
(side “abandonned” – with garan
tee of all in xxxxx
ces from
her side
[page 2]
any manner on the just
North East half of the lot
of land number four in the
fifth rang of the Township
of Irelnad, County of Megan-
tic, circumstances and dependen-
The present renounciation is
thus made without condition
exception or reserve and gratiti-
And for thedue excution of
this present the said apprearing
have made election of dimicils
in their actual residences.
For thus ???
Thus done and passed
in the office of Mtre A.
Schambier, Notary, in the
Township of Halifax south,
in the said County, on the
day, month and year first
abouce written, under the
numberber four hundred
and sixty five, and the said
apprearing have signed their
names after duly reading
Seventeen words erased are null.
Two marginal notes appro-
ved are good.
B. Brown Martha Thurber