How to Backup and
Recover Enterprise Manager Server Registrations and Custom Query
Analyzer Settings by
Bill Wunder
Each time I see the "Your
Password will expire in 14 days..." message when I log on to my
laptop the hair on the back of my neck raises just a bit. Over
time I've made enough adjustments that things aren't as bumpy on
the day I finally hit the "Yes" and change my password.
It used to be that I could expect
one or all of three or four kinds of problems that would slow me
down within minutes of seeing the "Your password has been
changed" message box.
The most painful would be the
case where I had a Terminal Services session open to a SQL
Server server and my account would get locked out as the
Terminal Services Session would try to negotiate on the domain
using my old password. The fix for this one would be to humbly
ask the kind intelligent and good looking network folks to hunt
down my Terminal Services session in Terminal Services Manager
and Reset the offending session(s) then re-enable my logon
account or - on those rare occasions when I knew why I had left
the session open and I didn't want to loose that work - I might
beg them to just change my account back to using the old
The most obscure problem would be
that I had a zombie Citrix session created at some time since
the last password change or last reboot of a server in the
Citrix farm - which ever was more recent - that would cause much
the same problem. In this case I didn't seem to have much luck
with asking them to track down offending connection and would
always need to roll back to the old password to keep going. I
learned to solve this problem by avoiding Citrix. Certainly not
what the network guys wanted, but an imperative for me since I
do so much work remotely. No doubt some day we'll get some of
our wrinkles ironed out with Citrix and they will force me to
get back to it...
The most insipid problem would be
that I had forgotten to update the passwords in the Developer
Edition SQL Server service and SQL Agent service running on my
laptop that were configured using my domain account. As with a
Terminal Server Session or Citrix session, the result would be
a domain account lockout in short order. Over time I learned I
could solve this problem by using the domain accounts that I run
my other SQL Servers under for the service accounts on my
laptop. The password policy is not enforced for service accounts
in my shop so I don't have to mess with password changes for
these accounts
Now each and every one of the
above workarounds ought to raise the rankles on any serious
corporate security officer or administrator. I guess to some
extent there is the justification that a DBA has a unique role
in the organization and as a result there are some security
issues that while enforceable for the general user community are
valid to relax a bit for the DBA. In reality, If I simply did a
better job of following up on Terminal Services and Citrix
sessions at the time they are disconnected and paid attention to
the SQL Server service accounts on my desktop at password change
time all these problems are avoidable. If push came to shove I'd
have to conceded to the security people that these are
shortcomings in my procedures rather than deficiencies in the
security model or the Windows Operating systems.
The most annoying problem,
though, is legitimately beyond my control. Once I have change my
password I loose all the customizations for my Enterprise
Manager and Query Analyzer that are stored in the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry hive. AARGH! In particular, I loose
the registered servers in Enterprise Manager and the Options and
Shortcuts in Query Analyzer. (See my article "What's
Hot in Your Query Analyzer?"
for more on Query Analyzer shortcuts.) Seems that with a new
password I get a new token and somehow the HKEY_CURRENT_USER
hive is associated to that token and not with my domain user
account per se. Now that is a Windows bug to me, but as
with so many other things than I have no control over, I tend to
take the path of finding a way around the problem rather than
helplessly waiting for someone to come to my rescue. (OK, OK, I
do a little moaning and groaning, but in the end my aim is
making my life better and eventually I regain that focus most of
the time.)
To solve this problem I have
exported the registry keys that contain the custom configuration
values I want to persist after the password change. Then all I
need to do is "Import Registry File..." in regedt32 on my WINXP
laptop to replace the now empty keys just after a password
change and I'm all set. Much faster, easier and more accurate
than re-registering 40 SQL Servers in Enterprise Manager or
trying to remember what I had in my Shortcuts and all my options
tweaks in Query Analyzer. I don't have to do this every time the
password changes, though the more the actual settings drift from
the data I have saved in the export files, the less productive
is this procedure. Even so, in my experience having six month
old export data to restore is better than having to manually
re-create my SQL client space.
Exporting registry keys is a
snap. From the "Start/Run..." command prompt just type
regedit to bring up the registry editor and navigate to the
SQL Server/80/Tools/Client
From that level the three
keys you want to export are:
SQL Query
Analyzer/Customize/Shortcuts (or export one level up at
"Customize" if you also have configured external tools)
SQL Query
SQLEW/Registered Servers
X/SQL Server Group (Don't you wonder how they decided on
the acronym SQLEW for Enterprise Manager?)
To export a key, click once on
the key to give it the focus and the select the "Export Registry
File..." Registry menu option as shown in the screenshot.

Importing registry keys is every bit as easy. Again simply place
the focus on the key you want to replace only this time select
the "Import Registry File..." Registry menu option.
As an added bonus, you can use
the exported registry keys to transfer preferred client tool
configurations to other machines. The only really confusing part
is that in Windows XP and Windows 2003 you can run regedt32
or regedit and get the same utility while in Windows 2000
regedt32 will give you the older multi-window based
editor that won't let you import the save keys. When importing -
or exporting for that matter - from a Windows 2000 machine be
sure to specify the regedit utility at the command
And if that's not enough - in the
Ginsu knife tradition - as a second added bonus if you make use
of alias in your Client Configuration Utility you can use this
same process on the the Registry key that stored alias:
to preserve and/or move all your
alias names. Note that this one is a server wide setting so use
caution that you don't over write other settings during a
restore. Hint: When you select the Key if the right pane is
blank there is nothing currently stored at that key.
I hope it's clear that back up
and restore of SQL Client tool custom configuration registry
keys is a fast, easy, and effective way to keep from having to
manually apply those customizations every time you change your
password or begin using the client tools on a new machine.
I should point out that all the
keys we're talking about here don't appear to be part of SQL
Server 2005. The good news is that the customizations as well as
the ability to import and export may be integrated into the
tools rather than stored in Windows Registry hives. That could
even mean that the problems with disappearing configuration when
you change your password won't follow you into the SQL Server
2005 world. That would be terrific!
Bill |