Welcome to CTG Information Central
Founded in 1983, Creative Technology Group is a diverse collection of
people ranging from engineers to performing artists to psychotherapists.
We share a love of challenge and a talent for the unusual. We have
developed everything from Corporate Trainings to videogames to novel
Creative Technology Group can be reached at
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The Colorado Association of Psychotherapists (CAP) represents the largest
single group of mental health professionals in this State. It is a
not-for-profit corporation established in 1991. The mission of CAP is to:
1) Preserve and enhance the practice of nonlicensed psychotherapy in
Colorado, and 2) protect the public's right to choose from the widest
variety of traditional and nontraditional approaches to emotional and
psychological healing.
CAP can be reached at:
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CTG offers a variety of training services, ranging from innovative
technical trainings (such as "C for COBOL programmers") to nontechnical
trainings (such as the "Coping Skills for the '90s - and Beyond!" series).
We also offer custom trainings, and help our Corporate clients set up their
in-house training programs. Call Creative Technology Group for more details.
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CTG can provide Software Engineers with a wide variety of backgrounds, from
real-time to GUI. Call us for availability.
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The IACFT was formed to promote the practice of
Content-Free Therapy. They do so by developing and
publishing standards of practice ("protocols"), lobbying, publishing general
information, and coordinating cooperation and referrals among practitioners.
The IACFT can be contacted c/o Creative Technology Group, PO Box 286,
Englewood, CO 80151-0286.
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Content-Free Therapy is the result of two major trends. One is the advent
of structural, minimal-content therapeutic modalities such as Brief
Therapy, NLP, and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. The other is the seemingly
endless expansion of State and Federal "reporting" requirements. Under
the general theory that you can't be expected to report what you don't
know, a group of therapists collected techniques which required little
or no historical information in order to be effective. This includes
such things as the NLP "Fast Phobia/Trauma Process" (which can quickly
cure a phobia without the therapist needing to know what the phobic
trigger is, much less what events created and maintain it).
While operating in Content-Free (/minimal content) mode, psychotherapists
are likely to be somewhat less efficient (but no less effective) than
they would be in their normal mode of operation. Thus you may trade a
somewhat longer therapeutic session for the greater privacy.
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