Nyx Usage & Validation Agreement IMPORTANT! Read "How to get validated" before completing this form. Please print clearly! Mail completed form to: Nyx Net, P.O. Box 16143, Golden, CO 80402. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your temporary password mailed to you rather than having it e-mailed. 1. Type of account (Anon, Regular,Both) or existing Nyx Login:___________ 2. Name: ____________________________________________ 3. Date: __________ 4. Home address: ________________________________________________________ City:________________ State/Country:________ Zip/Postal code:_________ 5. Home/cell phone: ____________________ Work phone: __________________ 6. Employer/School ______________________________________________________ 7. Job title (or class/grade level if school): __________________________ 8. Your non-Nyx email address (to receive password): ____________________ 9. Revalidation "password" (See "How to Validate"):_____________________ I understand and agree that: - I am personally liable for all use of my Nyx account; - I will comply with the Terms of Service as posted on Nyx; - I will not engage in any illegal or legally questionable activities via Nyx, including hacking/cracking, transmitting/storing pirated / unlicensed copyrighted material (e.g., software, images, audio, books, etc.), harassing other users (local or remote), etc. - I will not engage in any activity that places undue load on Nyx, and understand that limits of any kind may be imposed without notice; - I will limit my use of the Internet from Nyx to the services that Nyx offers and not add my own without approval from the system administrator; - I will observe Netiquette when sending any messages from Nyx; - I will cease any given use of Nyx upon request by a Nyx admininstrator; - Nyx is not a guaranteed service; it may disappear at any time; I will NOT hold Nyx Net liable for any damages I incur through the use or lack of use of Nyx. 10. Your Signature: ___________________________ 11. Age: [ ]18+ [ ]Under 18: Signature of Parent or Guardian: _______________ Select Validation method (MUST do EXACTLY per instructions): [ ] Donation: Amount $_________ Check (payable to "Nyx Net") from US bank [ ] Notarized below AND photocopy of valid photo ID attached Subscribed and sworn to before me by _____________________ on ___________ County/State: _____________ __________________________ Notary Public Commission expires: _________ (seal)