rem make sure the dump device exists isql -U%1 -P%2 -S%3 -Q"sp_helpdevice" -od:\dbmaint\SQL_devices.out -b find "%4dump" d:\dbmaint\SQL_devices.out if errorlevel 1 set maintenance_status=stop if %maintenance_status%==go goto :device_found echo no dump device found echo Create the device and restart the maintenance process goto :end :device_found rem archive the dumps if not exist d:\MSSQL\backup\%4dump.old goto :no_old del d:\MSSQL\backup\%4dump.old :no_old if not exist d:\MSSQL\backup\%4dump.dat goto :no_dat rename d:\MSSQL\backup\%4dump.dat %4dump.old :no_dat isql -U%1 -P%2 -S%3 -Q"DUMP DATABASE %4 TO %4dump WITH INIT" -od:\dbmaint\%4dump.out :end